
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · Urban
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18 Chs


Aina regularly received private messages from her classmates and colleagues however, this particular message made her heart skip the moment she saw the name of the sender. She actually found it odd that she reacted this way since she didn't know the person and the name or handle wasn't familiar either.

"Hi. I'm Sarge. We were at the orientation earlier. I got your details from Dr. Valdes. She said you have the papers that we need to read?"

"Hello. Yes, I'll send the file right away." Aina replied. Somehow relieved that it wasn't some weird or spam-like message.

"Got it, thanks! By the way, your real name isn't ainatavegetable, right?" Sarge replied after a few minutes.

"Aina" Aina replied. She was actually thinking what name Dr. Naomi Valdes, her friend and colleague, gave this 'stranger'. Besides, why was he asking about her handle so casually like they've known each other for a long time. Aina was curious but not offended.

"Hello again, Aina. I'm Sarge." Sarge said, followed by a smiling and waving emoji.

"Hello Sarge. So, do you plan to work for a military hospital?"

"No. I signed up for pediatrics. How about you?"

"Emergency medicine"

"Isn't it stressful?"

"It's exciting!"

Aina and Sarge were soon messaging each other on a regular basis. "...can I call?" Sarge typed. He wanted to confirm if she was the same girl he saw at the orientation over a week ago. With hands shaking, he almost hesitantly hit the enter key.

Aina's heart skipped when she saw Sarge's message. She tried to recall if any doctor in the event had a name near or similar to 'Sarge'. She looked at her keyboard to check if the "A" and "E" keys were close to each other. "It's not very close...besides, why would he misspell his own name?"

Nervously she typed, "OK", and hesitantly hit the enter key. She held her breath and waited. A few seconds later, her laptop rang, and an incoming call icon appeared. She nervously clicked on the little green answer button. When a picture appeared, a smiling, bedimpled guy appeared on the opposite screen. He was fair-skinned with a neat appearance, and he exuded a certain charm and friendliness.

"Hi!" Sarge waved.

"Hello" Aina shyly smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.

After a short introduction and some review of what they had been chatting about just before the call, they began discussing about their training. Soon, it became routine for them to exchange messages or call each other up if they needed help one way or the other. Shortly after that, their exchange became more casual and non-work related.


Sarge started greeting Aina every day. She would reply with a greeting and they'd have a quick exchange of their day's schedule or activities. During the day, they'd also randomly check up on each other, and at night, Sarge would remind Aina to take time to rest and recharge.

"What do you think it means?" Aina asked Naomi. They were seated outside the hospital cafeteria while on their break.

"Has he said anything?"

Aina shook her head.

"Have you asked?"

"Seriously? Like, how? Uhm, what's all this?"

"Well...oh, and how do you respond?"

"Like any decent person would. I say 'good morning' and wish him a good day. He does that too..."


"And what?"

"Just good morning and have a nice day? I'm sure there's more..." Naomi teased.

Aina and Sarge have actually started doing things 'together' virtually. Aside from reading, studying, and reviewing notes, they watched a movie together and discussed about it afterwards; they had meals together; once, they even napped together after a long review.

"Which one is he?" Naomi asked when she noticed Aina looking at a group of scrubs-wearing residents walk past.

Aina shook her head. She was nervous but at the same time, excited at the thought of being able to see Sarge in the flesh. Naomi just smiled and sipped her drink. She was happy for her friend.


"...when will our schedules match so that we can actually do these things physically?" Sarge asked a few days before they first 'met'.

Their work schedules were very hectic since they were still newly hired. There were some days when a quick message or video greet connected them but this didn't spoil their rapport.


"Are you okay?" Sarge asked. He was worried after Aina's last message didn't 'feel' like her usual messages. "Don't forget to eat something before your next shift. Drink some water whenever you can." Sarge reminded Aina on the morning before he saw her at the cafeteria.