
After life and Goddess of Death

Alex stood in a white expanse of space that stretched endlessly.

All around him thousands of orbs varying in color surrounded him wandering aimlessly, with more popping in every second.

[Pic here]

This was Alex's newest creation, the afterlife. 

Previously there wasn't anything after death, only non-existence. Hell, souls didn't even exist before he created them a few minutes ago!

It was quite depressing.

So he created souls and the afterlife after thinking about how'd they work.

Souls would come in all kinds of flavors. Blue for the average person, red for those who let anger control their lives, scarlet for those who have done heinous crimes like non-consensual murder, orange for those whose greed has negatively affected others' lives, etc.

Yes, he had said previously who was he to judge what was right and wrong, and you'd be right to say he was a hypocrite. However, it was either this or there is no afterlife at all, simply non-existence, something many, if not all people wanted to avoid.  

But, moving on the afterlife was the interesting part though. 

While it wouldn't qualify as "heaven"  it worked just fine as life after death. 

Once a person dies their soul, depending on their color, would go to one of three places.

The first was "The bad place" which acted like a kinda hell. It had no physical form due to its nature of changing itself to fit an appropriate punishment for souls which had done horrendous things such as, commit war crimes, being an unjust serial killer, and more. Souls in the bad place would be forced to relive the scenes of their crimes as their victims, though that wasn't all of it. 

Souls experiencing this punishment would have their emotions and empathy level increased exponentially along with the pain or grief of the victim being nearly one-hundred times more potent for the punished.

Afterward, the soul would be wiped clean of any memories, leaving only imprints from their past lives, before being put back into the reincarnation cycle. The only exception would be If the soul had any bad habits, vices, or unhealthy obsessions ( that weren't dangerous to others). Those would be carried onto their next life. 

Next was " The in-between", the place where Alex currently stood. It was essentially Limbo, filled with souls that didn't make a negative or positive impact on others that lasted. 

 Souls who find themselves here are given a choice of a single boon they can have in their next life. These boons can be as simple as being above average in strength or as large as being given a genius-level IQ. Though the bigger the boon the larger the flaw that will be randomly allocated. 

Finally was "The Good place". The Good place would be a personal heaven suited to each individual person's needs. The souls here have a choice of either going back into the reincarnation cycle or staying in the good place for a life of luxury. If they choose to go back into the reincarnation cycle, not only do they get a boon without a flaw, but they get to keep any boons they've gotten from previous cycles.

Overall it was a nice system for the afterlife. Were there flaws and loopholes which could be exploited? Yes, but it was meant to be that way. 

It would add some interesting events to the universe.

Looking around Alex wondered why his afterlife felt so incomplete.

It's almost as if…

" Ah! That's what I was missing." Alex said as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly two things happened at once.

One, the afterlife that was previously mostly empty became instantaneously filled with souls.  These were the souls of those who had died in the past. From Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler all their souls existed here. 

Secondly, a pink-haired woman wearing a gothic dress wielding a scythe appeared behind Alex.

[Pic here]

Smiling Alex turned around to see the woman looking around in curiosity.

Technically she never existed before now, the only memories she has aren't truly memories but more like guidelines. Such as how to talk, eat (if she wanted to), walk, and most importantly the basics of how to use her powers. 

Why only the basics? 

Well, truth be told Alex wanted companionship, whether that be familial, friendships or something more didn't really matter to him. Teaching the pink-haired woman everything instead of simply throwing her into the position of guardian of the afterlife would give him a chance at that. He didn't want to be lonely at the top.

Could he have simply given his family such roles?  Of course, he could have, but he won't. Alex knew very well that his family would rather be players than game developers. 

'Or in D&D terms, a roleplayer rather than a GM.' Alex thought fondly to himself as he remembered all the good times they've had playing dungeons and dragons.

Snapping himself out of it Alex looked at the woman in front of him and realized he hadn't thought of a name for her. 

Thankfully she was still distracted by the various souls floating around her, most likely using her ability to see the souls' history to get a gist of what the universe was like.  

A few minutes later Alex thought up a name.

"Mori." Said Alex, snapping the woman's attention to him.

"Huh?" asked the now named Mori, her voice a pleasant yet tomboyish. 

"Your name shall be Mori Calliope. You are this universe's grim reaper, it's Goddess of death. Your Job when I finish your training will be to manage the realm of souls in which we currently reside, and make sure that the laws I implement regarding death are enforced." Said Alex, his voice gentle yet stern, emphasizing the "Importance" of her job. 

Truthfully he could have just automated everything, but where's the fun in that?

Mori just stayed silent as she listened to her creator's words.

" Later I will create your opposite, a Goddess of life who will manage the creation of all life and its subsequent reincarnation. But that is for later. For now, you are to accompany me as I manage the universe. Understood?" Continued Alex.

After a while, a grin stretched over Mori's face.

" Got it, boss." 

"Good." Alex replied with a more casual tone.

Now all that was left was to create some more aliens, create a couple of dimensions connected to this universe, and a whole lot more. 

' Now one said creating a D&D campaign was easy.' Thought Alex with a chuckle as he teleported himself and Mori to their next destination.


Can you guess who's gonna be the Goddess of life?

I'm sure most of you can.

Now don't be afraid to leave a comment about what characters you'd like to see in the story!

See you next time!

P.S: I don't know how many people caught it but Alex is slowly changing the way he sees the universe and the things in it.

Hey, y'all here's a chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Except update mores often for a while.

ForThe_Lolzscreators' thoughts