
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
29 Chs

Three Months Later (edited)

After collecting the winnings from the lottery, Roran became increasingly busy. He convinced Shane to quit his job at the Sheriffs Department with him, and build their own company. The company would be a large scale construction company. After that he began to head hunt people from the series. The first he found was Michonne Hawthorne. She was currently working as a lawyer and had just lost custody of her son during a divorce. Roran hired her as his lawyer. He convinced her to quit the firm she worked for and work exclusively for him. He purchased a one of a kind battle ready hardened steel katana for her. He said it was to commemorate their new partnership. Michonne wondered how Rick knew she loved practicing with swords.

The first thing Roran had Michonne do after hiring her, was to purchase a large amount of land. The land was about 45 minutes outside of Atlanta. It was actually near the quarry for the survivors camp in the TV series. He also gave her a list of names, and job titles of people he wanted to be in his compound. Roran told her to reach out to anyone she found or fit the job description. He would hire and pay them top dollar.

Roran then bought a construction company to build a huge compound for him on the land he purchased. He surrounded the whole compound with a massive wall. It was 25ft tall and was 8ft thick. The whole thing took longer then the compound did when being built, and Roran had to hire five companies to get it done in the time frame he wanted.

When all was said and done it could house over a thousand people. Roran was going to let all the people he hired and their families live there. The A.I. had told him he would need this amount of people to begin taking over the city.

The compound would have several large apartment complexes for housing. It would have four large warehouses for storing materials. He hired a company to build a state of the art hydroponics farm. The plants would be placed into a big fish tank. The fish inside would live off of the plants. The plants would live off of the fish. Roran hired five to people to work there on it full time. He also built large stables for horses and another barn separate for cattle. He purchased all kinds of livestock to live on the property. He had dug several wells for water, and had set the whole compound to run off of solar and wind power. For this Roran had hired close too 50 engineers to keep them up and running. His compound would be completely of the grid.

Roran also had a huge server room built. Under the instruction of the A.I. he had created a copy of the system and had it uploaded. The A.I. then began to monitor all the news it could and try and locate anything or anyone that would be helpful.

Roran had also given it the job to locate the Dixon brothers. Merle and Daryl would be incredibly useful once the outbreak occurred.

He also had an armory built, it could house a massive amount of weapons and ammunition. He had given Shane the job of stocking the armory with the best money could buy. He also wanted to purchase a Bradley armored personnel carrier.

"Rick why do we need all this weaponry, are you planning on overthrowing the government?" (Shane)

Roran had thought about how he would answer this question if he was asked.

"No, not planning over taking over the government. At least not for now. Honestly after Lori died I realized how fragile life is. I have wanted to be prepared for anything. I have just never had the money or time to do it. But now I can literally prepare for anything. I know this may be overdoing it, but I want to be prepared for my son." (Roran)

"Alright, I understand. I am going to be gone for a bit trying to get all this. I will call you if I need anything." (Shane)

After Shane left, Roran decided it was time to try and recruit another person from the series. He needed a full time Veterinarian for all of his livestock. Roran picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello sir, my name is Rick Grimes, and I was inquiring if I can meet with you about a business proposal. Yes sir, I am in need of a full time veterinarian that would come with a large staff. I had heard that you are very respected and had a large family that could help. I am willing to hire all of you and anyone you suggest. Absolutely sir I can meet with you today. I already have the address to your farm Dr. Greene. I can be there around an hour from now. Great I will see you then." (Roran)

About an hour later Roran arrived at the Greene farm. The house was an older plantation style home that was painted white, and had slate grey shingles. It had three large red bricked fire place chimney stacks coming out of it. There was an old wooden barn over off in a field. It looked old and in need of some serious repairs.

At the house walking out the front door to greet Roran, was an older gentleman. He was about 6ft tall and had a pure white hair. He had on a white button up shirt and black pants, with black suspenders.

Roran walked up to the front porch and greeted the man.

"You must be Dr. Greene. I am Rick Grimes pleasure to meet you. You have a beautiful place here." (Roran)

"Its nice to meet you too, and thank you. The farm has been in the family for years. Taken a lot of hard work and love, but its ours." (Hershel)

While the two men were introducing themselves to each other. A group of people walked out of the house. There was five girls and three boys. All eight of them were Hershel's children.

"Let me introduce you to my children. The five girls are Lacey, Maggie, Beth, Rachel, and Susie. My sons are Arnold, Billy, and Shawn. Children this is Mr. Grimes." (Hershel)

Roran knew she was attractive from the TV series, but he felt himself instantly drawn to Maggie.

"Rick is fine. Its nice to meet you all. I am assuming your father told you why I am here? If you all don't mind I have a business proposal for you." (Roran)

Why don't we all go inside and have this conversation in the parlor.(Hershel)

Inside the house Roran saw a memorial with two women pictures on it. He presumed it was Hershel's deceased wives Josephine and Annette. Roran made no mention of it though.

"So what kind of business would involve our whole family?" (Maggie)

"I have purchased a large plot of land. On which I am building a large compound. It will have a large amount of horses, cattle, and various other livestock. I want your father and your family to take care of them, as well as hire and manage any workers we may need to help out with their care and well being." (Roran)

"Why us though? I know of at least four other veterinarians that are just as capable or more so then me. And one of them comes with a huge staff." (Hershel)

"Truthfully it is because you guys are a family. To me family is everything, and I believe you will work better as a team. Also I have asked around and you are incredibly honest Hershel. So that is why I chose you." (Roran)

"What will the salary be?" (Shawn)

Shawn is Hershel's oldest son, and was also one of the first to be killed and turned into a zombie.

"I am willing to pay your family a million dollars a year. Also I am willing to pay upfront for the first year. You will each have to sign a contract of course." (Roran)

Everyone in the room was shocked and stared intensely at Roran.

Hershel scanned the room and looked at his family each one was smiling and shook their head at him.

Well I guess we have a deal. Hershel said as he stretched his hand out.

Roran took his hand and replied great. I will have my lawyer stop by first thing in the morning to go over all the paperwork and you all can start next week.

"Sir may I ask how did you make your money?" (Beth)

The rest of the family looked at Roran.

"You would never believe it but I won the powerball about three months ago. I walked away with a little over 400 million dollars". (Roran said while laughing)

Roran arrived back at the compound and went into the server room to go over planning with the A.I.

"Sir, after three months we have spent nearly 150 million dollars most of which was spent on infrastructure for the compound. Over the next few day we will have shipments of dry goods and toiletries arriving. There should be enough to last 1500 people two years if rationed correctly." (A.I.)

"That is fantastic. Once that is completed begin to order the large scale machinery we had discussed." (Roran)

"Clear sir, also I am requesting authorization to being to order several industrial sized 3D printers." (A.I.)

"What are you intending on building?" (Roran)

"Sir, I believe that after the outbreak begins, one of the most important resources we will need will be a production line. Also I am currently able to access satellite feeds, but if for some reason we lose them. It would be beneficial to have a high powered drone squadron. I could take control and scout the city and patrol our area." (A.I.)

"Permission granted. Is there anything else you need to report?" (Roran)

"Yes I have located some of the people you were requesting me to locate. I have located both of the Dixon brothers. I also located Glenn Rhee. As we have seen from the TV series, all of these people have proven to be highly effective at surviving after the outbreak." (A.I.)

"Where are each of them located?" (Roran)

"Sir, Glenn Rhee is currently in Atlanta working as a pizza deliveryman. Daryl Dixon is in southern Georgia, he is currently unemployed. Merle Dixon is currently incarcerated at the Fulton County Jail. "(A.I.)

"Understood. Begin getting Merle out of prison. If Michonne can't get him out legally then hack their system, and send the paperwork for early release. Let me know the date and time and I will pick him up. Send me the addresses for Glenn and Daryl. I will go meet them over the next few days." (Roran)

So another chapter down. I do not have these written out in advance. I have a general outline in my head for the area I want the story to go. I know how it ends, and I know about where i want it to be in the middle.

I am writing this on my days off. I am usually off every other friday saturday and sunday. Anyways thanks for reading and remember to give me advise. Also I am thinking of setting up a Discord for this let me know if you guys would follow.

endlesscreators' thoughts