
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · TV
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Glenn (edited)

Roran woke up the next day feeling excited. Out of the Characters in the graphic novel and the show Glenn was one of his favorites. The A.I. had told Roran that Glenn had responded to their E-mail, and that he was willing to meet for what he thought was a job interview. Roran had set their interview up over dinner. The would meet up and eat at the Sun Dial. It is a High end restaurant that had a 360 degree view of the area.

Roran arrived at the Sun Dial, and as he was parking his car he saw Glenn in a suit looking very nervous. Roran held back and let Glenn go up first. After about five minutes Roran went up as well. He met Glenn at the bar.

"Hello Mr. Rhee nice to meet you I am Rick Grimes." (Roran)

"Mr. Grimes nice to meet you as well." Glenn said as he shook Roran's hand and bowed slightly.

"You can call me Rick." (Roran)

"Then you can just call me Glenn. So Rick how did you find me? I don't ever remember applying to your company. I doubt you know anyone that I know. I am just confused as to why you even want to hire me." (Glenn)

"The answer as to how I found out about you is not that hard to explain. I spend a lot of money on looking into people who have the potential to be someone great. People that are not using their full potential. In a sense I use a computer to find people I think would be a good fit for what I'm planning." (Roran)

"If you don't mind me asking what are you planning?" (Glenn)

"I plan on making you my personal assistant for now. To answer the question you're asking though. I plan on surviving anything that comes my way, and for that I need skilled people. Right now I am having a compound built outside of Atlanta. When it is finished it will be able to house up to one thousand people, fifteen hundred if we were to really cram in there. It will have enough food and basic resources to last for a couple years, without having to leave. I plan on having highly skilled people in all areas of expertise stay there full time. Does that answer your question?" (Roran)

"Basically yes but why do you want to do this?" (Glenn)

"You may not believe me. I have reason to believe that within the next nine months, society as we know it will collapse. Most the population will die off, and humans will struggle to have even their most basic needs met. I cannot tell you why or how this will happen. Just that it will. This is why I want you by my side. You may not know this about yourself, but I believe you will thrive under such pressure, and that you will become one of the most valuable resources." (Roran)

"What if you are wrong? What if any of this doesn't happen? This is incredibly hard to believe. The government would do something about it. They would tell people before it got that bad." (Glenn)

"I am not wrong and I am almost 100 percent sure it is going to happen. The government already knows about it. They are trying to cover it up, until they can understand what it is. They just wont, and eventually it will spread destroying everything in its path. If you don't believe me I can show you proof." (Roran)

"What would you have me do? I don't have any skills that are great. I am just a pizza delivery guy." (Glenn)

"For now you would just travel with me, and help me with my day to day operations and learn. You will also begin training. I need you to be able to defend yourself and lead others if the occasion arrives. I am going to offer you three hundred thousand dollars a year. I will pay you up front for the first year. This way you can purchase anything you want before everything goes to hell, and if I am wrong you can keep working for me if you want or quit and have made a ton of money. Just know this if I am right all that money wont mean shit, so spend it while you can. So with everything I have told you, will you come work for me?" (Roran)

"If you can show me that you have proof and that you are not just a nut job, I will come work for you. You don't even have to pay me anything, just take care of my basic needs and give me a place to stay." (Glenn)

That's good. Take this card it has my contact information and the address of the compound. Meet me there tomorrow morning and I will show you the proof. (Roran)

The next day Glenn was pulling up to the compound, it took him about an hour to get there. He thought he was going to the wrong way, until he saw the massive walls and the tall apartment buildings that looked they were built out of solid concrete and steel. Glenn pulled up to the massive steel gate and pushed the button on the intercom.

"Can I help you?" (A.I.)

"Glenn Rhee here to see Mr. Grimes." (Glenn)

"Follow the road in straight ahead. Mr Grimes will meet you there." (A.I.)

The massive gate then began to swing open. It took a full thirty seconds for it to be open all the way. Glenn pulled his car in and was amazed at everything he saw. He followed the road in for a bit and until he arrived at a large building in the middle of the four apartment buildings. He noticed that the apartment buildings were covered with solar panels on the outside of the building, and a few of the were moving to catch direct sunlight. There was people every where transporting items and building new buildings. Glenn saw Rick standing by the front door of the building waving at him.

"How was your drive up? Did you have any trouble finding the place?" (Roran)

"No it was easy enough. You said you were building a compound this is a small city. How much did all this cost?" (Glenn)

"Yeah it is getting bigger then I originally intended, but it will still serve its purpose. I think so far we have spent around one hundred and seventy five million on it. That is for the buildings, the fence, the hydroponic farm, and all the labor. I told you what good is money when the world ends. I plan to spend a lot more then this. After the apartments are fully furnished and stocked, I plan on building a hospital. Anyways lets head in and I will show you what proof I have so far." (Roran)

Glenn followed Rick into a large conference room. It had white walls and a view of the outside. In the middle was a large round table that could easily fit thirty people. Rick walked over and clicked a button on the table and some blinds started to cover the windows and another that made a large TV come out of the wall.

"Play the footage we have so far." (Roran)

The TV started and on it was a man standing on a freeway he looked to be Asian. The man was acting violent and running into passing cars trying to stop them. One passerby got out of his vehicle to stop the man. The violent crazy man then lunged at the passerby and started biting him. After about thirty seconds he had chewed a whole in the mans neck. The passerby died shortly after. Many people had stopped at this time and had pulled the crazy man off of the dead guy. They were holding him down. While he kept trying to bite and attack everyone around. In the background you could hear police sirens approaching. While everyone was still holding the crazy person down. The man they thought was dead. Had gotten up, multiple people ran over to try and help him. He tackled the closest one and began eating her face. She was a young girl about seventeen years old.

The police finally arrived and began to shoot the two men. After several seconds both men were shot about fifty times, It wasn't until both men were shot in the head did they stop.

"That occurred in the Philippines, it was filmed around three weeks ago. You wont find any videos on it anywhere online. Someone is suppressing it every chance they get." (Roran)

Afterwards Roran showed Glenn several more videos. Including one were a man that was perfectly normal got hit by a truck. Afterwards he got back up and his head was completely turned around almost in a full three hundred and sixty degree angle. He immediately began attack people nearby. Luckily a citizen near by was armed and shot the man in the head.

"Do you believe me now? This is happening all over in small numbers. But eventually it wont be able to be contained." (Roran)

"Why are you showing me this? I can't believe that I am someone you think can help solve this." (Glenn)

"I don't want you to help me solve this. What I want is to survive this. I believe you will flourish, and will become indispensable to everyone in the near future. I haven't been wrong yet. So if you don't want to believe in yourself, then believe in me." (Roran)

"Sir, Michonne has arrived with the Greene family they are here to sign the contracts." (A.I.)

A.I. had come over the intercom system, the whole compound had been wired to be under its surveillance and it could communicate with anyone there. Roran had told everyone that it was his assistant, he said that A.I. was xenophobic and did not like to be around people. So he stayed inside his room monitoring everything.

Rick and Glenn made their way out to greet everyone. The whole Greene family had arrived with Michonne. Afterwards they had signed all the paperwork and went to the common area to celebrate. Roran and Maggie spent most of the time flirting with one another. It was obvious there was an attraction there for anyone to see. Roran then saw to it that everyone stayed the night. He had plenty of finished apartments so he let them take whatever room they wanted. Roran could tell that Maggie wanted to follow him back to his place, but out of respect for her father and this being the second time he met her. He decided against it.

The next morning Glenn met Roran in the meeting room again.

"What are we doing today boss?" (Glenn)

"Today you and I are going to meet someone else that I think will be able to help us survive." (Roran)

"Oh yeah who is that?" (Glenn)

"His name is Daryl." (Roran)