
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
29 Chs


The next morning Roran and Glenn set off to meet with Daryl. Out of everyone Roran was looking for Daryl was one of the hardest to track down. The only reason they even found him was because he was getting gas at a gas station outside of Newnan, Georgia. The A.I. had gained access to almost all of the unsecured surveillance cameras in the state. From there it was able to notice Daryl had a cell phone. It wasn't registered in his name. While Daryl was there he made a phone call and using the number that Daryl called. The A.I. looked at the call history and got Daryl's number. The A.I. was then able to track its location after hacking into the cell phone companies system.

Roran and Glenn were currently heading south on I-85 towards Newnan. Daryl was still in the town it looked like he was at a sporting goods store.

Daryl had no idea who Rick was or that he was even coming, with that in mind Roran was contemplating on how to reach out to him. When they were about twenty minutes out from Newnan, Glenn told Roran that Daryl was on the move again. It looked like he was heading out of town. After about five minutes Daryl stopped at a little diner on the side of the road.

Roran and Glenn arrived ten minutes after. They went inside and Daryl was sitting at the counter eating a burger and fries.

Roran sat down next to him. Glenn sat next to Roran

What can I get you boys today? We have a special on our chili and we have some of the best pie around. (Waitress)

Roran looked over at Daryl.

Is that any good? (Roran)

Its edible. (Daryl)

I will have what he is having then. Cooked medium. (Roran)

Me too. (Glenn).

I'll have that out to you here shortly fellas. ( Waitress)

You from around here? (Roran)

I don't see how that's any business of yours. (Daryl)

No harm intended just trying to make conversation. (Roran)

...(Daryl) He stared and Rick and Glenn intensely for a moment. Then he got up threw a wad of cash and change on the counter and started to walk out.

Rick and Glenn got up to follow. Roran threw a hundred dollar bill on the counter, and chased behind Daryl.

Daryl turned and looked at the two, and got into a fighting stance when he got outside.

Look I ain't no fag. If you two think I am gonna get into some sick perverted shit with you. You got another thing coming. You and your china-man go on now and fuck off before I stomp the shit out of both of ya. (Daryl)

I'm Korean, and we aren't gay. (Glenn)

Look your name is Daryl right? We tracked you here because I have a business proposal for you. (Roran)

How do you know my name, and how did you find me? (Daryl)

Your name is Daryl Dixon, your brother is Merle Dixon. Merle is currently locked up in the Fulton County Jail. Just listen to what I have to say. I will explain everything, I am even trying to get your brother out of jail. (Roran said calmly)

Go on then, I'm listening. (Daryl)

Daryl lowered his fist and leaned against a truck in the parking lot.

My name is Rick Grimes. This is my associate Glenn Rhee. We are currently looking for people to help us with my company. I heard through the grapevine that you were an excellent hunter and tracker. I am in need of a man such as yourself. I need you to help train my people. In return I will get your brother out of prison, and pay you a shit ton of money. (Roran)

Alright lets go. (Daryl)

That easy? (Glenn)

What's hard about it. He is offering a paying job, and to get my brother out of jail. I know he is serious, if you can track me down out here in the middle of nowhere. Driving a fancy truck, and you paid a hundred dollars for a meal you didn't even eat. Also Rick here, carries himself like he could kill everyone here without even trying. Worse comes to worse he is full of shit, and I will leave. (Daryl)

Roran smiled inwardly, he knew picking people from the TV series would make his life easier. Glenn was shocked at how quickly the situation changed. He just sighed and got back in the truck.

Follow behind me we're heading back towards my place outside Atlanta. (Roran)

Several hours later, they arrived at the main gate to the compound. Daryl was looking around trying not to appear shocked.

What the hell is that you do? (Daryl)

The main gate began to open.

On paper I own a massive construction company. But they have only ever taken one job, which was to build this compound for me. They are currently still working on it. I am hoping all the main buildings will be done in another month or so. My true goal is to find and recruit people. That will help me in the near future. (Roran)

Well who do you want me to train? (Daryl)

For now I want you to train my son Carl. I am planning to pull him out of school and begin home schooling him. He is eight years old now, and I need to toughen him up for what is coming. You can start with him tomorrow. For now there is a room for you over in that building. Get yourself a shower and something to eat, and some fresh clothes will be delivered to you shortly. (Roran)

"I ain't no damn babysitter" Daryl thought to himself. You told me I would be training people not some damned kid. (Daryl)

You will be training people but for now it will be my son. Think of it like an interview process, show me you got what it takes. If you do a good job I will get your brother out sooner rather then later. Glenn take the truck and put it the garage. After that you're on your own for the night.(Roran)

If the China-man is driving then I am getting the hell out of here. (Daryl)

Daryl walked towards the apartment buildings and entered the first empty room he could find. Glenn took the truck and parked it and headed back to his place for the night.

Roran was walking around the compound checking on everything when he saw Hershel at the stables.

Hershel how is everything going, did you get settled in okay? (Roran)

Everything going great, this is a hell of a place you got. You must of spent a fortune on some of this equipment. The best animal hospitals in the state would be jealous of some of the stuff in there. (Hershel)

Glad to hear it, my assistant ordered most of it. Just glad you think its acceptable. How is the stock of animals we have here? I think tomorrow we have some beefalo being delivered. Will you need any help getting them settled? (Roran)

The animals you have here are great, most of them have been very well taken care of. They are all very healthy, and shouldn't any problems if we decide to breed or slaughter them. As for the beefalo we should be fine. I am going to have to hire a couple of extra hands around here if that is okay with you? I know a couple good people, been friends with them for years. (Hershel)

Whatever you think is fine with me. Also Hershel there is something I have been meaning to talk to you about. (Roran)

Rick if it is about Maggie and yourself, she is a grown woman and can make her own decisions. And is far as I'm concerned she could do a lot worst then you. (Hershel)

Well I don't how she feels about me, but I am interested in her. I just wanted to be respectful of you. Anyways I am gonna get out of your hair. If you need anything at all just let me know. (Roran)

The next day Roran brought Carl to meet up with Daryl. Roran felt bad since he had not been spending much time with Carl. Carl really didn't seem to mind to much he was enamored with the compound and his dad had bought him lots of new toys and games to keep him occupied.

They arrived and the main building of the compound Daryl was already waiting outside.

Good morning, this is my son Carl. Carl this is Daryl he is going to be your teacher for the next few days. (Roran)

Carl hid behind his dads leg as he stared shyly at Daryl.

Dad do I have to go with him? Can't I just stay here and play? (Carl)

No son you need to go with him. He is going to teach you wilderness survival, and I don't have the time to teach you myself unfortunately. Now say hello. (Roran)

Hello sir. (Carl)

Hey little man, you ready to learn how to live out in the woods and be the toughest badass around? (Daryl)

Carl looked at this dad.

Roran just shook his head, like its true.

Go on son you want to be a badass don't you? (Roran)

I'm gonna be the baddest badass! (Carl)

Roran and Daryl both laughed.

Do you need anything? (Roran)

No I think I pretty much got it covered. I did raid some of your supplies to make this a little easier on him for the first couple of days. By then he should be able to kill and clean his own food. (Daryl)

Take anything you need. I did get you something as a form of thanks for taking care of this for me. (Roran)

Roran then handed a case to Daryl. Inside was a custom crossbow it was called the tenpoint carbon deluxe extra crossbow. It had a scope attached and an extra arrow case. All in all it only cost around twenty five hundred dollars.

Damn this is a sweet piece of hardware. This thing can take down a bear with no issues. Are you sure you want to give this thing to me? (Daryl)

Roran smiled, and then replied it has just been sitting in my warehouse collecting dust. At least you will be able to use it.

After watching the TV series Roran knew that Daryl had a soft spot for kids and like using crossbows. He had set all this up to win him over to his side.

Thanks, I will put it to good use. Come on kid daylight is a burning. (Daryl)

Roran waved goodbye to Carl as they walked off towards the gate on the far side of the compound. There was a large wooded area over there, and they would be spending the next week there.

Beefalo. It is a real animal, its a cross between a cow and a buffalo. it is really delicious and super expensive. Also thanks for reading hope you all like the chapter. I think I am done for the day. Tomorrow I am going to try to push to chapter 12.

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