
Voldemort & Harry Potter Dead ?

Transmigration to Harry Potter world but Harry Potter and Voldemort are already dead?  A genius named Ash White from modern earth wakes up as Harry Potter but with a story twist of him killing Voldemort and Harry Potter's soul without his awareness New Author and a Beginner Writer  Have always wanted to write, so here is my first work a Hp Fan-Fic Word count will increase gradually  Kindly support guys for steady chapters release. NOTE: None of the characters in this fanfiction is mine. expect the OC. NOTE: Cover picture is not owned by me, if the owner wants it to be removed, kindly mail me.

AshOne8389 · ภาพยนตร์
37 Chs

Potions Class with Professor Snape

Next Day Morning

Harry was having an early breakfast in the Grand Hall with Ron who was leaning back and forth feeling sleep because of waking up early due to Harry.

Ron had slept late last night and wanted to sleep some more time, but Harry had dragged him saying that they will be late for class.

During their meal, Hermione and Parvati also joined them and had their breakfast while chatting with Harry and the four of them left to class 

The Potions Classroom is located in the Dungeons, near The Slytherin Common Room. They were the first to arrive to class and since it was early Harry, Hermione and Parvati started discussing about topics related to potions while Ron slept with his head on the table.

Students started to arrive and the empty seats filled up before the designated time. When it was time for the class to begin, Professor Snape entered the class with a serious look and faced the students.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few..."

Snape stares at Draco Malfoy for a second and continued 

"Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. 

I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

Snape Notices Harry looking at him

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough"

"Mister Potter. Our new celebrity"

"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Professor Snape asked Harry 

Hermione also raised her hand trying to get the chance to answer the question, but Harry stood up calmly and spoke 

"Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death" answered Harry

Complete silents followed the answer and it took a second for Snape to recover because he didn't expect Harry to answer because, Harry grew up in the Muggle world. He came to the conclusion that he must have read the text book but not giving up he fired another question without even replying whether the answer was correct or not.

"Let's try another one. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" asked Professor Snape 

Hermione also raised her hand again

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons" Harry answered again with a calm face 

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Professor Snape asked again

Hermione also raised her hand again

"Monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite, Professor" replied Harry without any hesitation 

Snape didn't give up and asked a final question but this time even Hermione didn't raise her hand because she didn't know the answer.

Harry didn't answer because it's a question from the second year book and if he answered, it will raise many doubts so maintaining his act Harry replied 

"I don't know, Professor"

"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?" taking the chance Snape through a cheap punch with his comment, but Harry face still maintained its calm expression 

Harry replied to Snape's punch "My Apologies Professor" 

"I'll keep working hard to meet your expiation's. Sir" declared Harry

Snape froze on the spot when he heard Harrys reply and the reason for this extreme reaction was because Snape didn't only see Harry, but Lily looking at him through Harry's eyes when he made the declaration.

The class had an awkward silence. Harry had already taken his seat while Snape stood frozen. It took a minute for Snape to recover and didn't reply on Harry's declaration and he began the class.

For the first potions class, Snape told everyone to make a basic potion to apply boils and for normal students it will take a few tries to create the potion.

For Harry it was very easy and started working on it, His carefully prepared the ingredients and started working on the potion blurring out all the distractions around him and even Snape's constant stairs and movements didn't distract Harry. 

Snape was observing Harry's potion preparation and again, he thought of Lily because she was also very talented in potions making and Harry resembled her.

Harry just followed the instructions to maintain his cover but even so, with his brewing experience he brought out the maximum out of the ingredients and completed the potion.

Snape was marveled with Harrys natural talent for potion making but kept it to himself. His hate for James Potter has not reduced even after all this time but Snape also saw more of Lily than James in Harry.

Even Harry's eyes resembled Lily's eyes and his appearance didn't resemble James. Snape moved on and started harassing Gryffindor students with his constant stares and verbal comments.

After completing the potion Harry didn't say anything and decided to let the professor approach him, so he just stood there observing other students work from his place.

Harry spotted that Ron and Neville were struggling to make the potion, so Harry decides to have a talk with them and help them study.

Snape didn't approach Harry during the rest of the class. His mind wanted to make Harry suffer for the deeds of his father but his heart didn't allow it because of Lily and Harry resembled more of Lily which further shook his heart so he decided to totally ignore Harry for now.

Harry saw that Snape didn't comment on his work and was ignoring him completely, Harry didn't know what was going inside Snape's head but he knew that when the class began, he had the same attitude of the movie Snape but after his declaration, Snape showed some complicated expressions which he didn't usually show and was also totally ignoring him.

Even though Snape didn't evaluate his work Harry knows that the portion he made was a high-quality potion because, he was the one who brewed potions for his Diagon alley Potions shop when he first bought the place but later handed his brewing recipes to Eve's subordinates because his time was too precious to be brewing potions of basic level.

That's right, his shop only sold unique basic potions for now because if they sold his advanced potions right now, trouble will follow them and they aren't capable of face it right now, so they sold unique basic potions.

Only few were able to make the potion, but they were all low-quality potions and Snape didn't forget his harsh comments towards Gryffindor students and once the class was over, he sent everyone out ending their first class in Hogwarts.

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