

what is happiness? that's one thing that people could not describe and that was one thing that people cannot get easily,for Liam happiness was when he got an acceptance letter to work at the best police station in the city.He could not believe it that he spent 3 hours straight looking at the screen reading over and over again

He remember how hard life was to live with a single mother who was a farmer . he was only 8 years old when his father was killed and his elder brother went overseas to be a soldier.he wanted to become a cop so badly or was it because of how his fathers case was closed without justification .he pushed through the boundaries to succeed .he remember taking a lot of jobs just to be able to pay for his school fees.

now with the oppotunity in his hand he could not believe it as he sat down on a bus seat and his eyes glued on the window,people moving up and down and the moon radiating its light as it reflects on the ground giving the landscape a breathtaking glow,"was this village always this beautiful or was it because i spent too much time trying to leave that i did not see its charm"Liam thought ,something cold was placed on his right shoulder and nearly jumped

"stop spacing out dude " it was Hendry ,Liam's best friend .Hendry was one of those handsome dude in the village that they gave him the title of the greek god ,despite all of that he did not care about his looks. "im not" Liam snatched the drink on Hendry's hand 'rude much'

"can you just for once just shut up!"

"how dare you tell me what to do"

'guys stop making a scene we are in the bus"

"brother Lucas is a meanie'

just at the front bus ,a lady was aguing with a man and behind them there was another lady holding a little girl."whats with all the commotion"Liam thought.they walked the entire way arguing non stop and sat on the seats behind Liam.Liam could not stand their noise ,he took his bag and took out his headphones and listened to some old school musical to extinguish the noise happening.As the bus started moving,he felt his chest tighten and the beating of his heart getting louder."its time to start my new life ,a new chapter and a new start "or so he thought as his life took an unexpected twist

hey guys this is my first book im writing so im not sure how it wiil turn out to be also im not that good with English and there might be errors here and there so supprt me

bothe_khiwacreators' thoughts