

It's already been 4 hours of the trip and Daphne and Lucas (the couple) could not stop arguing with one another .What was up with their relationship was this always like this or was there some misunderstanding that might have lead to their fight.On the other hand Liam could not get a wince of sleep,it is like his eardrum could burst any minute and the snoring of Hendry did not help one bit and only contributed to the noise.He thought listening to music will help ,it did help but the battery was complaining and had no choice.He browsed around the bus to look for a distraction to kill time,he noticed a young girl on her uniform 2 seats besides him ,what was more curious is that she panicks at every passing car and her face was faced down and her hand gripping the bag really bag and her legs were trembling.What was a young girl doing in a bus this late,did she run away from home or is she afraid she is travelling alone but it was still schooling days right.The bus was dark so you could not see any way further .Liam woke Hendry up because he placed his head on his shoulder and drooling

"lucas how many times had i told u not to wake me up"

"but it is important,your snoring made my ears ring and your saliva was gonna ruin my t-shirt"


"just kidding,i want u to tell me about that girl over there in her school uniform do you think she may have ran away from home"

"who knows maybe she is going to her relatives"

'but she seems kinda scared"

"cuz its night time everyone gets scared easily"

"im not sure?something seems off"

before they could even take the conversation any further they were interrupted by Lucas yelling

"you know what Daphne if you did not insisted on going to those mountains none of these would not have happened"

"how is any of these my fault,if you had stayed home you would not be complaining so it is your own fault for getting in these situation"

"looks like the couple are at it again when will they stop"Hendry sighed

"couple?we are definitely not a couple" Daphne intruded"

"not a couple? oh so now you confidently telling everyone we are not a couple,tell me Daphne who do you think is more disgusted to call this thing a relationship"

"what do you mean by that ?"

"well for starters if it was not for that stupit object your family is protectitng with all their might i would not had to deal with your ugly face to begin with"

"Lucas!"Caroline(Daphnes friend)

"its ok Caroline he had to say wht he had to say now leave it"

"but Daph-"

"i sayed leave it Caroline im going to sleep wake me up when we arrive"

Daphne tilted her face to look the other way,her heart was throbbing and the tears kept flowing even if she tried to stop them,she never felt this embarassed ,when did she get herself into this toxic marriage where everyday is always harsh words thrown to each others faces.The bus went quiet ,the only noise that were made was Daphnes sobs and Liam phone ringing,wait what!.Liam took out his phone from the pocket and looked at the screen ,he had a lot of missed calls from his brother Ethan,"what is going on that my brother is calling like a maniac"the phone rang again

"hey Ethan whats u-"

"your alive!thank god you are still alive ,why were you not picking up your phone you nearly scared the shit out of me"

"im alive what a fresh start to a have a normal question in the new era"Liam thought but something did not add up ,Ethan voice was stuffy and trembling does missing someone call have that effect

"there is something going on there"

"what do you mean?"

"huh wait a minute ,you dont know what im talking about where are you now"

"in a bus"

"good because whatever happens dont get out of the bus and if somethong happens i want you to find a place to h-"

"wait wait wait what are you saying is this some sort of a joke"

"listen to me there are creatures spotted by our satellite and th-'

"hello Ethan shit my phone died"

Liams head was all fuzzy by what Ethan sayed creatures what did he mean by that

"hey was that your brother Ethan?"

"yeah it was"

"did something happen"

"im not sure he was worried about me but my battery died before he could finish"

the bus came to a halt.Everyone on the front bus was off their seat and looking at the wind shield

"what is going on?"

"something horrible happened "

"an accident maybe"

"lord mercy thats a terrible one"

a group of passengers kept on mumbling.This got Liams curiosity and stood up to look at the wind shield he could not believe his eyes

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

bothe_khiwacreators' thoughts