
Virtual Mind Bending in : Naruto

inoki yamanaka wants to create video games. only problem is that there are no PC's in this world yet. "guess I'll have to do everything" he thought.

freakofntur · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Virtual reality

I have created a game room for my friends in a workshop in my clan's grounds. We just left our shift at the hospital and it's already late evening. All of them have already gotten permission to come to my game house in name of training.

The main purpose of game room is actually to train. I can help them simulate practicing surgery and other medical procedures without needing live patients or expensive props. Because this jutsu is derived from dream, the time spent inside is based on percived time rather than real time. I can scram 30hrs of medical training in their head in 30 minutes.

But that wasn't our purpose today. For years we have been training and studying non stop. In a week, all my friends are going to become genin and I wanted them to release some stress before the up-coming exams.

The girls are already familiar with the gear as they put on a helmet. They have already used it to greatly increase their medical skills greatly. This helmet is not necessary for creation of the simulation, but is needed to synchronise the simulation everyone is experiencing with everyone else

As I put on the helmet myself , I initiate the Genjutsu: MYRIAD LIVES. I hear the Ai speaking "Inoki online, Ino online, Sakura Hinata online, Yakumo online". Although the voice is female, I know that the Ai is not so artificial, since it is my mind clone.

5 people is about my limit for this jutsu. Afterall each helmet requires a mind clone to properly sync to each other. This mind clone and the target themself and their decisions contribute to the story that unfolds.

As we are starting a game simulation rather than medical training simulation, I have preplaned and established stories and world for us to explore together. They still shape the world through their decision. It's like in Dungeons and dragons. I, as the DM , create the world and everyone else is player that lives in that world.

It's a custom built world. Using their subconscious as basis, my mind clones create background for the player characters. The world is based on overwatch, so the characters that form are as follows-

I become Ken Shimada, son of Genji Shimada and Dr. Angela Ziegler(mercy). Sakura and Ino are twins 'Rio and Ganga' Correia born from the union of Symetra and Lucio. Hinata is born to Zaria and Mc'ree as Colt Mc'ree. Yakumo is born as kurama kamori, Sister to kiriko and daughter of shimade blacksmith and swordmaster.

Other than Sakura and Ino , none of us had much contact with each other until we were 5 years old. Upon the recall of overwatch. There ,most of us all met for the first time. Yakumo met us when kiriko later joins overwatch.

In the first recall meeting, all our parents decided that identities of children of overwatch members need to be protected. They created a plan where we would all attend the same hostel under different surname. Some of the unofficial overwatch members like Asa Kamori(swordmaster of Shimada) act as school headmistress and our guardians for extra protection.

We still meet our parents on impromptue vacations for each child, learning from them and helping them recover from their PTSD.

By the time we reach the age of 11, we are already pretty powerful,but in our specified fields.

I am a Master Swordsman and Archer like my father and my uncle, but my main weapon is my body. I am also an expert at medecine and machinery, learnt it as I helped mom fix dad's cyborg body up from his injuries, cause that's usually the only times he took vacations.

Sakura and Ino both want to be pop stars and use their dad's and grandfather's research into emotional effect of music to create sensational music. They haven't released anything yet, but I know they'll print money once they debut. Both girls also know quite a bit about hardlight, but not yet enough to create their own from scratch.

Both of Hinata's parents were layed back soldier's in this life, they didn't know much technology to teach ,but they made sure hinata knew her way around a gun. Hinata was not unhappy though, she was just glad to experience loving parents.

Yakumo had learnt the most among us. She was already an expert swordswoman under her mother's tutelage, but her sister would sometimes come around and teach us about fuinjustu.

All this knowledge is useful to us outside the simulation as well. Because the simulation is created using my own and the player's understanding of the world, anything that works in simulation, can only do so if I can explain it using real world logic.

Most of technology in overwatch is just extrapolation of existing technology to science fiction level. Even if I don't understand it, by spending years worth of mind clone time to simulate it creates innate understanding.

Most of the supernatural in overwatch is child stuff compared to Naruto world. The most supernatural is actually kiriko and her fuinjustu. That is the reason I had Yakumo join her family. Even if I can't fill up the gaps of understanding for it, Yakumo 's kekie genkai is reality bending. She can fill up the gaps, and I drive further learnings from it, about supernatural and about physics.

We come out of the simulation and the girls are very happy with their experience. We had just lived 11 years of life in 2 hours.

In the next simulation session, we celebrated crossing from 7th grade to 8th grade and we are introduced to a new guardian. Apparently Niran PruksaManee(Lifeweaver) had suffered a great injury and had to be in wheelchair for next 2 years. He changed his name and became our high school homeroom teacher.

Under his guidance, we were able to sense and manipulate life energies in our own body, which later led to us all developing chakra in this simulation world. He was able to create hard light projections from this energy and under him, we learnt to do so as well.

By the age of 15, we had shared our knowledge to each other and created our own styles of fighting, inspired by each other.

Almost all of our fighting styles are some variation of a combination of fighting styles from Genji (jujutsu+karate), Lucio(capoeira) Symetra(kathak) and Zaria(Dagistani Wrestling (khabib)).

I had developed my own dragon spirit, like my father's sword spirit and my uncle's arrow spirit. My Dragon spirit takes form of a body Armor, similar to Naruto's nine tails chakra mode. Only instead of a fox, my helmet looks like dragon head and armour looks like it has scales of a dragon. Instead of 9 tails coming out of my butt, two wings come out of my back instead.

Using chakra/life energy, I can create hardlight senbons made of chakra. I hold them in both hands like Wolverine's claw and launch them at enemies like a bullet. I can expend extra energy to give them different properties to apply to target. Properties like lifesteal, homming, slow, burn, extra damage, etc.

Sakura and Ino both can use chakra/life energy to enhance their voices. They can use it to create shockwaves from their mouth like DC's black canary. Recently, they have had some success in creating these shockwaves from clapping their hands. This has great opportunity with martial arts.

By merging concepts of their fathers hardlight skates and tree clinging and water walking chakra exercises, they have created a way to skate around walls and ceilings and over water without needing actual skates.

Hinata has started projecting hardlight on her palm during attacks or defence, similarly to how she uses chakra in gentle fist. Her greatest creation yet is a 360 degree shield that she created, inspired from her clan's 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven' and Zaria's PARTICAL BARRIER.

Yakumo had manifested a Werewolf spirit. Unlike her sister's spirit, this one is tangible and ferocious. It has bodybuild of a gorilla, with a wolf's face. Unlike gorilla, it has extremely sharp and long claws.

Yakumo could create this because of her ability to manifest illusions. Because of this, she should control the size and shape of her spirit and even create multiple copies of her spirit. Only restriction was that it had to be wolf themed due to her inner spirit.

We had decided that we would start our own group called Under-watch. It would be named such because I expect us to be under surveillance of overwatch for a long time before we can go on our own missions. The team would work similar to young justice in justice league. We gave ourselves till high school finishes before we start the team.

So we decided to go full throttle in the last year's of our high school. We started exploring each other's technique in hope of breakthrough.

We all contributed and finally created a martial arts based on shockwaves from Sakura and Ino. We call it Garu. Now we can push anything with much more force by creating and leveraging shockwaves. I've even developed a version when you kick the ground In quick succession to create shockwaves to propel you upwards. It is similar to geppo in one piece.

We all can use geppo and hence can basically fly at this point. We can even use Garu with hard light projections like hinata implemented in her gental fist. It would allow us to launch shockwaves at a distance(budha palm attack). I mostly use it to create hardlight quakes midair to cosplay whitebeard.

With my and Yakumo's help, everyone else was able to Awaken their inner spirit. Hinata's inner spirit is a black bear. Sakura and Ino Actually have plants as spirit. Sakura 's spirit is a Sakura tree, similar to that of Lifeweaver. Ino's spirit is huge mess of a grapevine, with many other plants like poison ivy ,etc, Tangled in its mess.

Sakura can use her spirit similarly to how Lifeweaver uses it,as a big portable shield. Ino can use her spirit to create difficult terrain and can even constrict like a python. Hinata's bear spirit usually just chills around, its pretty lazy.

Right after our final exams for high school, we went to a house party to celebrate. After all, soon we'd be heros, won't have much time to parties.

Throughout high school, all the girls have been coming on to me, showing interest. I've ignored it for most part because even though they are 17 is simulation, they are still 13 outside of it.

But I couldn't take the combined efforts of them all. Apparently, Sakura and Ino had been practicing kissing each other and some how roped hinata and Yakumo into their training sessions. During one of these training sessions they deviced the plan to seduce me.

As I wake up in the middle of a plie of naked bodies , I'm sad to say their plan worked. Atleast I didn't call any of them my their real names yesterday, calling them by their overwatch name of Ganga, Rio, Colt, and Kurama.


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