
Virtual Mind Bending in : Naruto

inoki yamanaka wants to create video games. only problem is that there are no PC's in this world yet. "guess I'll have to do everything" he thought.

freakofntur · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

By the time i had turned 11, I had mastered many elemental jutsu. Shadow clones proved vital in this endeavour. So it wasn't a shock to me that my next creation was based on it.

 I got the inspiration from when i had my shadow clone use the mind-body transfer jutsu. This made it so that I could target someone from this jutsu without leaving my own body, the shadow clone itself disperses when it enters someone else's mind.

 I later explored more on this by having it target me with that jutsu. It resulted in me having 2 versions of myself in my mindscape. I created Mind clone jutsu inspired on this phenomenon.

 My mind clone, when created, resides in my head and can independently target opponents that it sees through my vision. It works so well that now i just have to look at someone to target them with mind-body transfer jutsu, without having to leave my body.

I have even created a system with help of this justsu. I had originally created 3 mind clones in my head that represented ninjutsu, Taijutsu + Bukijutsu, Genjutsu + Iyrojutsu(medicin). These mind clones would have a constant task of measuring and practicing my mastery over these fields and give me information on real Time

I then tried multiple versions of this with replacing the old system with one with 6 mind clones, each representing and measuring one of my core stats of - STRENGTH, AGILITY, CONSTITUTION, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM AND CHARISMA. Another one I tried had a stamina meter, a chakra meter , and a health meter.

Then one i finally ended up finalising was a system with only one mind clone, but it was capable of everything. It basically became my own personal AI, like JARVIS in Ironman. It gave me real time data on my body - Stats, condition and skills. Everything.

If it needs more processing power, it can create it's own mind clones, to reside in my head and assist it. I've actually tweaked it's looks to better suit my taste. Instead of it looking like me (as my clone should), I asked it to Henge into a female version of us. If I'm going to have to look at a face all the time, it might as well be more pleasing to my eyes. I've named her SYS. After System.

While i was busy understanding mind and other Yamanaka techniques, kuranai Sensei was promoted from special jonin to jonin. Soon after her promotion, she approached me asking for assistance with a mission.

Apparently this all started when guy sensei adopted Rock Lee as his apprentice. Looking at the real progress, the Hokage wanted to try and pave way for another promising talent, Yakumo Kurama.

Unlike Rock lee, she had the opposite problem of having incredibly weak body, but working chakra system. Considering her Kekie genkai creates realistic illusions, he tasked kurenai Sensei to train her.

Kurenai Sensei had been working with Yakumo for a week and had just figured out that she as multiple personality disorder (dissociative personality). A representation of her ID(animal/baby brain) personality interacting with her bloodline powers had created a ido demon inside her brain.

Kuranai sensei had already tried her best but it had gotten to a point where Yakumo will have her powers sealed under perpetual house arrest. Kuranai wanted my opinion before she took the final step, since I was a student of mind, genjutsu and seals.

I met with the sweet girl Yakumo and made fast greetings with her. I was easily able to trigger the Edo demon personality and even interview it while I chained it. I learned a lot about it and made a plan to deal with it.

In the end, there are multiple ways to deal with it. Best case scenario is Yakumo accepting the Edo demon as part of herself, even if it is a part that needs to be actively controlled. The least worst case scenario is her fighting the Edo demon to death. It will not kill the demon, but it will successfully shut it out for a while.

In any cases Yakumo has to decide soon and she is very illequiped to do that. She is just 12 years old, who has been bed ridden most her life due to weak body and sickness.

Soon I decided on a plan of action. I quickly entered her mindscape and created a few mind clones. I trapped both Yakumo and her ido demon inside a genjutsu. I then had a mind clone each touch their head and manipulate the genjutsu, customising it on the fly.

As I create this genjutsu on the fly, I name it GENJUTSU: MYRAD LIVES technique. It simulates a lifetime of lived life for the target. It is very much inspired by my own experience of being reincarnated after having lived a full life.

After realising that no child can really deal with their inner demons, I realised that if I had been reborn as her ,maybe I would have been able to deal with it, because of all my extra experiance and knowledge. So maybe after living a full adult life, simulated as it may be, may allow Yakumo a shot at dealing with her inner demons.

And if one lifetime is not enough, what about another, and another. To me it's like watching a movie or playing a video game. Customising her genjutsu life, one in which she is a simple school teacher, one in where she marries rich, another where she joined the military, another where she died alone.

Her Edo demon was often introduced in her life, by my mind clones syncing their genjutsu. It often took place of a rival,a problem, a mistake in her life or sometimes even lover. Sometimes it was her addiction to crack or alcohol, other times it was her social anxiety. She learnt to deal with each with different scenarios and I watched her ido demon fade away in real time.

After I confirm everything is good, I release her from her genjutsu, gently letting her last life come to a fulfilling end. What she just went through its equivalent of 30hr movie marathon, but much more intense since she lived them whole lives .

She looks at me a little weird before blushing as she jumps into my arm kissing me. I'm confused as I ask her what's up. She tells me that she remembers all her lives from both her prospective as well as the demon's. She expressed her gratefulness as she realised how over her head she was in dealing with the demon and how much I have solved her life for her.

I gently pat her head as we come out of her mind scape. I explain to kuranai what I did and assured her that the Edo demon is gone for good and that we can go to my clan head to help confirm it. After Inoichi gave her a clean chit, he asked me how I did it. I just said "time heals all wounds".

After reporting everything to the hokage, he praised me some more and then everyone went their merry way. I then convinced kurenai that Yakumo should prioritise to attend medical training under me at the hospital than learn genjutsu.

The medical training will allow her to have a social life with the staff there and even other students under me like Ino, Hinata, Sakura and Tenten. It will also provide her with a roadmap for phisical recovery. She is 12 years old, with her Edo under control, her phisical recovery takes presidence over controlling her powers.

Kurenai readily agreed and even asked if she could join under me. She told me how often she felt her genjutsu left her a one trick pony so she wanted to diversify her skills. She had great chakra control, so I'm sure she'll pick it up very fast.

By the time I turned 12 ,I became Village's current youngest jonin. Instead of becoming a normal jonin instructor, I approached the hokage with a revolutionary plan. I explained to hokage the I wanted to create a Rapid Response Specialisation.

Such individuals already exist but all of them are anbu or higher level. What I proposed is much more genin level strategy. It would create a great foundation for something bigger in future, while also creating great PR as First responders are highly regarded.

instead of forming a dedicated team for it, I wanted to train teams specialising in other things to be able to do it. It was similar to tsunade-sama's plan of having atleast one fully trained medic nin in every team.

What my plan differed in though was that it didn't require a fully trained medic. It requires a full team of journeyman level medic. It's like comparing 6 week first aid training to 6 years medical specialisation.

My plan also required other teammates to provide medical support as possible. Be it carrying the stretcher, icing the inflammation, etc. My plans had many Pro's and cons. Hokage sama decided that the biggest pro was that it wasn't costing him that much for the test program, and it increases the portfolio of missions a team can take.

For the test program, he gave me permission to approach any team that formed this year and I could try my program as long as I could convince the jonin instructor.

I approached newly formed team 10 and convinced Guy sensei. I was already close with him so or wasn't that difficult. I had already asked hana to help me with my test program for Rapid Response Teams.

We prioritised training as following.

Part 1- RAPID - The team needs to be speed focused, to rapidly reach the problem or to quickly get out of it. This is one of the reasons I approached Guy sensei.

Part 2- RESPONSE - RRT will be deployed mostly in response to distress calls. It needs to be familiar with medical first aid, disaster management, etc, and be combat capable.

Part 3 - Team - it needs to be coordinating with rest of konoha and have its own network to learn about distress and solve it.

After the first month of their genin training, me and hana joined team 10 in a patrol mission, similar to one I went to with hana after I became chunin. We patrolled borders and outposts , looking for problems to solve.

Among members of team 10, Tenten acts as head medic, neji as her nurse and Rock Lee as extra pair of hand, specially for holding stretchers or carrying patients.

During our 6 months patrolling, we have saved many lives of returning injured ninja from persuing enemy. Our numbers spoke for themselves. Just Hana and me make a big difference, adding the youthful team 10 just added fule to fire.

During these 6 months, neji has come out of his shell a little , due to not having to deal with his clan for this long. Everyone on team 10 became closer friends and even made friends and contacts with other ninja we meet at outposts.

After our 6 month posting was over, we returned back to konoha for some r&r. Our team's success had already made waves and we were the talk of the town. Hana herself became much more invested in the rapid response program and took over its leadership from me, giving me more time for myself.

While back at the village, I created a fuinjustu VR device, based on my genjutsu: MYRAD LIVES. My main reason to create this was to intimately share my and hana's mission experiences with team 10 to better prepare them for different situations.

But after showing its capabilities to my friends, they were quick to ask for a mmo equavalent scenario where we can call interact with each other in game.