
Viltrumite in MCU+

Asha has had enough, enough of her family and friends using her, abusing her, so she leaves. But she gets killed while people were trying to kidnap her and gets offered a second chance by the multiversal concept of death. She takes it along with some bonuses. This she starts out life in a new world after being trained by those that death have selected.

Panda_sword_Master · ภาพยนตร์
1 Chs

Prologue: Death

Rage and pain. That's all I felt after I was stabbed. The attackers were trying to kidnap me but they were dumb brutes and when they got angry they tried to threaten me with a knife. I didn't buy it and they used it. I know they were just trying to disable me but they stabbed and slashed me and accidentally hit my femoral artery and my liver along with messing up my organs.

The two idiots are standing over me arguing about what to do with me. I want to be better, better than to have just died at the hands of the idiots. I want to help more people. I was on the fast track to find the cure to cancer and cellular degeneration. I was so close. Even with my family and friends leaching off me, even with my colleagues laughing and making fun of my work, even bleeding out in the street by the people I could have helped if I finished, I still want to help people, to do better.

I pray to the only thing I believe in, my death, that the world will be better or gone when I'm gone. That at least my death will help people in the end.

I see a figure in a black cloak, with a skull for a face carrying a scythe reach me. He wants me to come with him so I do as everything goes black.

I open my eyes to see nothing. Then I start to see these hulking being in armor glowing. Then put me in a capsule, I could tell the capsule was colder than the space around me. Then put me in it even as I start to try and break out. I saw out as I froze.

I could tell that it was opened because I could think again. I was covered in this ice. I try busting out of it but I'm completely covered. I use all my muscles and I don't know how but I broke out. I get out pull myself out and fall onto the ground. I'm groaning most of the time. My head feels fuzzy and I feel different.

I look around and I see men and women dressed in gold armor with swords and shields interlocking while looking at me. I wave at him and say, "hey." I put my head back on the ground as I feel my body getting better just being out of the capsule. I get up and start breaking the capsule so I can't be trapped again.

After I was done tearing it apart. I realized something. I'm strong, and so much more. I feel more battle hungry and I want to get stronger. I'm also looking out at the world and the world is going slower as well as I am thinking faster.

The interlocking and I go into a battle stance. I don't even know that I have a battle stance, it's just instinctual. In walks a man in bronze color armor, covered in blood with a horned helm. I'm wearing all white, what I can understand, battle uniform with a lion cloth. It's white with blue, light grey, and silver highlights.

"Hello fair lady. I am Bor Burison, what are you doing here."

"I don't know, all I remember was fighting these giant colored armored beings. They trapped me."

He had a thorough look on his face. He looked at me and asked, "what are you from?"

I think and new information comes to me, "the viltrum empire."

"And what is that?"

"Extinct." I said that to fast. I go further into the information into my empire and new information just blooms inside of me, along with 2 voices calling themselves Thragg and Nolan Greyson. "They were a warrior race that tried conquer the universe but failed after being stretched to thing and me killing outliers. They did exist until the end of the last universe where they gave me to exist in this one."

"Will you prove to us how strong you are?"

"Sure, is it one on one or can I go all out?" I look around and I'm surrounded by treasures and riches. Their is a big variety but many are magical and technological and have weird energies coming off of them.

"We are fighting a war right now. The last battle is soon upon us. You will fight in front of us as our spearhead."

"Sure, can I go all out or what."

"Ya, show us what you got."

"What direction?" He pointed a direction and I flew up and broke through the wall toward that direction going considerably slower than my max speed. I didn't know if they were astonished or not but when I looked back a rainbow light stuck down on them.

I saw a battlefield with ships above it. I saw the warriors and they started shooting at me. I dodged, weave, and tanked the shots. It was just increasing my anger. When I got their I didn't decrease my speed and just slammed into the soldiers.

This began my bloodbath. I, just using my body was shredding through their bodies. One guy that I head butted head exploded. Another guy I just ripped in half. I was ripping and tearing while shouting, "blood for the blood god!" For shits and giggles. Some of them tried to flee but they got killed by their comrades.

After going a while energy was coming out of me that I was using to kill my enemies as well. That was powering me up as well. Soon more of the rainbow lights rain down upon the battle field bring with them warriors that fought with me as well.

The battle went on and soon these were the hulking warriors that seemed kursed came on the battle field. I focused on them as they were fucking up the warriors on my side. I took out three before the rest of them were defeated. I had to use the energy I was generating just to have any effect.

I was fighting and before I knew it the ships above us that I could tell were full of life, were being dropped on me and my allies. So using the new energy I grabbed them with the energy while also pushing my physical force to do so as well.

I held up the ships until the warriors could get out of the way. They I put the ships down, not gently but so no one on the inside will die. After I do that I lay down on the ground surrounded by bodies while covered in blood that is not mine. All I could think is how hungry and thirsty I was.

Then people started coming out of the ships while Bor and his army was looking at them and me with me laying down on the ground.

"Woman Warrior, are you alright?" He shouted at me.

I shouted back weakly but still he could hear clearly, "yup, just very hungry and thirsty. I feel like I could eat a stable of beef and drink an ocean. You got a stable of food or an ocean of drink?"

"Yes, and we will gladly offer that to you after we deal with them. For now you'll have to do it with this." He threw me an energy/nutrition bar asgardian edition with a bottle of water. I ate and drank and sat up. I looked at the dark elves, they didn't have their masks on and I could see their faces. It was mostly just women and children though their was some older women and men as well. Their skin was dark purple shading into black for some with white or silver hair.



Their was also what looked like the leader or religious leader as she was covered in runic marking and have bone like armor. She was looking at me and kneeled to me.

"Ygg-Chall," is what she said but to my and the Asgardian she said, "Messiah," or "savior."

"What!" I yelled out while looking at them and to the Asgardians. "What, why?"

She said, "born from a dead universe and fought the lightbringers back. She will fight for the enemy against the tyrant. She will bring a new life into our society so we can get back into our importance like we were in the dark. Covered in gore and blood, blessed by death, she will save and destroy at her whim, she will lay down surround by allies and enemies alike and always arise stronger than before. That is the prophecy of the Ygg-Chall. Now, what are you going to do with us?"

I looked at the elves who started kneeling to Bor trying to get him to tell me what to do. He wasn't having it and just stood their stoically. I was unsure so I said, "ok. I'm um, unsure what to do, I need to talk with Bor, you guys got food and water right? Salvage what you can to use and get yourself situated and I'll be back."

He nodded at me and the rainbow light came down upon the Asgardian armies and me. He had to do something with the red stuff he captured from Malekith. Asgard was in stone and metal houses while the palace, not in gold but in this dark metal while still being rich and showing might. Their was modern amenities though everyone still acted like Vikings. They are surprising lax. I ate at the high table as a guest. They offered bread and salt as a form of guest rights.

At the feast I must have eaten a whole Asgardian boar and a trough of vegetables with barrels of mead and water. After it I met with Bor and we discussed what I was going to do. I told them I want to make them into a warrior nomadic race that is the strong rules with the wise as their advisors. They will be a warrior trader race. I talked it out and I'll have to stay with them until a new generation that are all loyal to me take over.

I also signed non-aggression pact for as long as I am alive, along with a trade agreement and a defensive alliance once the dark elves get back on their feet.

He also gave me some technology and bio data within Asgard royal and state library and archives.

I found some dna that I'm going to combine to combine. He also gave me some bio pods as well. Svartalfheim can support the darks elves until we get spaceborne again. I'm also got defined for high efficiency solar panels that can collect 95% of all energy from the sun on it. I also got the idea for a fusion reactor as well. I talked to Bor about it and he'll lend me 2 ingots of Uru to use for two fusion reactors and fuel for two ships.

I got sent back through the bifrost with a data tablet and my stuff. I landed and people were working, eating, and celebrating. And I was their in my now clean uniform, looking like an idiot.