
Much Needed Talk and ReCall

Terra Grayson

New Viltrum, Mars

Nyxxus Castle's Gardens

Terra couldn't help but look up at the beautiful night sky reminiscent of the past and curious about her future. So lost in thoughts until a blanket fell over her shoulders shielding her from the low temperature winds dancing over the highlands the castle was built upon.

"A penny for your thoughts?" the warm voice asked beside her.

Tears pooled up in her eyes as she watched the three moons spread out from each other. "When I was a little girl all I wanted was to be like other families. I left Earth before I could even experience it, grew up surrounded by species so foreign to me but so familiar that I wondered if me and mother was the strange ones. Dad wasn't there and it was hard but we were okay. Then Dad came back and mom was happy, we left and moved and enjoyed time as just a family, we were happy."

She caught her breath as her brother looped his arm around her shoulder as she leaned in. "Then Markus and aunt Anissa came around and it was difficult to adjust but we adapted and came out stronger which led to you being born. But somehow I can't help but feel the world doesn't want our family to have happiness? Is it our cursed Viltrum blood or the fact we shouldn't be playing with physical beings as Anodites in general? Why is it always us? WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS. WHY CANT WE JUST BE HAPPY. WHY CAN'T WE JUST BE TOGETHER...WHY.....why can't we be normal."

The siblings sat there in silence and tears as they thought back to their lives of hardships being stranded on a planet by herself and being subjected to experimental torture since as far as he could remember. The hurt and pain held in each other's hearts still paled in comparison to the loneliness of being separated from their parents and other viltrumites in general.

While Damien regretted not knowing his parents or people Terra has complete memories and after being thrown into the unknown universe even with a partner the loneliness she endured could only be felt by her younger brother who was also out of place. The tacit understanding between the two allowed each other to cry on their shoulders without restraint.

"The encounters between people bread fateful memories." Damien said as Terra finally calmed down and looked at him "I cant understand your pain and I won't pretend to. Mom, Dad, Markus the encounters between the four of you are fateful memories you will always hold dear. Besides when has a Grayson ever been afraid? We got here? Who says we can't go back one day. I still want to meet my parents and show off my daring princess Diana, the cute twins, and the rest yet to come. If we stop here in depression how can we dare look our mother in the eyes and say we tried our best?"

Terra couldn't help but smile at her brother, even though he looked like their father his smile was just like mom's and even his words sound like mom when she used to comfort her as a kid. "Hahaha" the giggle broke from her lips unable to restrain the smile across her face "How silly of me breaking down so easily. If the people of Nova heard me they'd all do handstands in astonishment.... thank you little brother. Come one let's head back before Carol or .... your wives...sigh..start to miss us."

He hopped on his feet pulling her up "After you lady Grayson, goodnight Terra and please do get some sleep Ororo is excited for the tour of the schooling facilities and I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss it."

The siblings walked shoulder to shoulder in silence and peace. Enough was spoken between the two at this time. The hidden worries and fears in her heart was addressed and a short term goal of getting to know her brother and his nation was established. Does she still want to return? Of course, but for now she's content with what she has now.

***************A few days later *****************

"Nat are you sure she's here?" I asked my lovely Natalia dressed in a skin tight black blouse with grey jeans and black combat heels. Yea combat heels her heels contains more lethal warfare than most small gang bases.

The three of us, Natalia, Logan and I were walking outside of a luxurious looking bar. It was completely soundproof but based on the burly broncos guarding the door I can see it wasn't an ordinary club.

Logan took the initiative to explain "After you went down against Sentry she was hit the hardest, she blamed herself saying if she were stronger or had gotten to you a second faster then he wouldn't have killed you. She shut herself off from the team and when overwatch disbanded she came with but she wasn't the same."

"We've kept our eyes on her but overall she was dissatisfied that we left Earth with Sentry still living. After all who were we compared to Invincible the man who pulled her up from falling to the center of the Earth. Her heart was shattered and her mind wasn't that far off. But after close to 8 months of living this is where she spends 95% of her time and the other 5% is in the college where Anna and Jean teaches or her home in the lower south side" Natalia spoke up.

Walking up to the doors I put my hand on the door since neither of the guards dared step forward with Natalia the queen, and Logan a high ranking military personnel on either side of me. As soon as the doors opened I could hear the rowdy crowd of people all around the venue.

The bar had hundreds of bottles of different wines all with one guy with the ability to clone himself serving as a bartender. Seeing the same guy serve 7 drinks is indeed a spectacle you can't see on Earth. Pass all the either flying or glowing waitresses towards a vip box just in time to see the fight between a guy with grey skin and four arms fighting a blue guy who can adjust his body size.

Making ourselves comfy Logan lit a cigar as Natalia poured us a glass of wine as an announcer that surprised me walked into the arena.

"Is that Wanda?"

"She owns the place, as the clubs highest backing she can allow these people to fight and gamble to their hearts content while following her rules. Her along with Amara, Hisako, and Ellie keeps this entire sector in order" Nat explained.

Wanda walks up to the center of the stage and grabs a microphone as she floats with a cool cosmic red glow floating under her like a throne. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I KNOW YOURE EXCITED FOR TONIGHTS MAIN EVENT SO I WONT INTERRUPT TONIGHTS CHALLENGER COMES FROM THE SAVAGE LANDS STRAIGHT FROM THUNDERA SHE SLEEK AND DEADLY ITS PUMYRAA!"

Watching the puma lady strut through the floor into the ring amongst the cheers as Wanda picks up the microphone again "AND OUR RETURNING CHAMPION DONT BLINK OR YOU'LL MISS HER THE LIONESS IN THE RING AND THE SILENT KNIFE IN THE SHADOWS. SHADOWCAAAAAT"

Watching Kitty walk across the floor fearless with a strong look in her eye made me somewhat proud and discontent. Like the kitten I was taking care of is now a full lioness but I never got to pet it enough as a kit. Sigh

knock knock knock

Our heads turn to the door just as a brunette burst through and nearly flew towards me clinging to me in tears. "You're alive, you're alive, you're alive."

Amara refused to let go as she blew her snot bubbles in my nice jacket. Well it's a good thing Sue and Nat loves shopping for clothes since I have plenty of backups.

"I told you Amara, he's like a cockroach even if you think you squished him if you turn your back he's already running around again." Ellie said with a grin walking into the room followed by Hisako and Wanda following the curb.

"Its good to see you girls again" I smile as I pat Amara's back. This little girl who was locked away with Warren, Laura, Ellie, Domino and I. But looking her now and how she's a grown woman now. "I'm back, and I'm inviting all of you to the castle for a real get together. We have much to do to establish ourselves in the universe and I would love to have all of you by my side again."

Amara didn't hesitate to jump up and volunteer with a smirk "You came all the way here for that. Sure enough what will you do without me?"

Seeing the look of confusion on my face she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a dim silver badge with a red W in the middle. With a grin everyone else in the room took out their badges with a tactic understanding.

"We never stopped carrying them, because we knew the day would come again when we would need them. I guess now is that day." Natalia said as she pulled out a second badge with a black rim and a red W with a Orange star in the middle. "I kept yours for you. Exactly as you left it."

Seeing the badge I couldn't help but reach out my hand for it. The overwatch that was firmly established at the beginning of my Marvel journey. A smile journeyed across my lips as I reached out and put my thumb on the scanner as the badge gained colour and a bright hum flowed across it.

"Accessing....Restarting...Ello Ello Elllo luv, and I must say I'm glad for us both to be back online sir."

Watching the hologram of the girl in orange goggles pop up out of my badge to the others surprise I respond "Glad to be back Tracer. Systems online at 100%?"

"Im in tip top shape Damien. Anything ya need this super talented Tracer to do?"

I look at the members who got over the astonishment of tracer being more than a voice as I said "Tracer launch a Recall on all Overwatch badges."

"One second sir"

Not even a second later everyone's badges were glowing as a similar hologram of Tracer appeared on everyones badges across two worlds. A second later Tracer was fully connected to all the badges in the proximity of their owners while other badges are being set to record and will play when their owners get close. Then the hologram changed to me.

"If you're seeing this message that means you've kept the badge. Hehe I can't say whether you guys are just fools hoping for the impossible or people just wanting something to cling to....." I pause looking at the wry smiles on my companions faces "But that doesn't matter now. I'm alive, Sentry has fallen. We haven't lost and I'm not convinced that this is our end? I won't ask you to give up your normal lives that you have finally achieved, but for those of you who still want to fight, still want to explore, still haven't experienced everything this universe has to offer.... I'm willing to lead you all to the top of the universe, but are you willing to follow me once more?"

With that badges across multiple continents spanning two plants all dimmed as many people dived deep into their thoughts.