
Reunion pt 2

(I recently found myself having more free time all of a sudden so here we go babies consider it a season 2 if you'd like. Let's start here for now and then maybe? hit the other novels in the future but for all yall who kept waiting I won't keep you anymore I present to our Reunion.)

Damien P.O.V.

'Man is this exciting!' I think to myself as I'm surrounded by these space able heroes. If I had realized losing to Sentry was all it took to not only push me to the next level but also reintroduce me to someone who truly understands my memories.

Terra my half Viltrumite half Anodite sister. I didn't even think I'd find her for at least a few decades after I spread our influence amongst the stars a bit but who would've thought Captain Marvel of all people would bring her right to my stratosphere.

We slowly accelerate through our atmosphere before we each, Kara, Koriand'r, Komand'r, Natalia, Carol, Terra and I, break the sound barrier speeding to our home. Gosh it's been 6 months since I've been there.

I eye Kara and signal her to start slowing down as we flew over the savage lands. The others caught my drift and started flying slower as Natalia started explaining.

"These are the savage lands ancient lands where dinosaurs still roam freely. There's only one main country here called Thundera where its a race of cat like people calling it home, in the heart of the continent. King Claudes Lionel and his Queen Lepara as well as their son Lion-O his fiancee Cheetara, and their adopted son Tygra currently make up the royal family."

I look over at her and catch a quick wink from her before she turns back around and continue 'explaining' the planet to Terra and Carol. What it's not my fault I was gone for half a year, I was dead sue me.

We continued to fly as she commented on some small islands here and there where small alien creatures or prehistoric creatures like to inhabit. We ended up flying over the smallest continent to the west of The Savage Lands, which was currently being in the works of trying to hook the inhumans. Surely an entire continent on a super powered planet is better than a small dying city on the moon.

We went North West from that continent to the Continent of Wakanda which I might say was impressive. A massive man made mountain in the shape of a giant panther roaring over the skylines. TChalla had married and took over as king allowing his father to retire peacefully with his love.

The tribes were each given space for a city but they still remain under the same Wakandan laws. Same people just more space to play. Overall it was amazing to see high-rise cities built among massive rivers streaking through abundant farm lands.

Moving from there we continued west as east would lead us back to Viltrum. So we flew westward passed some small island chains and O.M.G. is that a candy island? Interesting thing to take note of. So we kept flying past the blue whale and came upon the last major continent.

Me'gann named it Haven as its the last chance for these refugees to truly live safe. Most of them are humanoid and others only have a few extra features but to be fair we have mutants on Viltrum so I can't completely talk.

Natalia leads us expertly as I see stars shining in the space lesbos' eyes. I guess it's been a while since they saw so much on one planet or even seen a planet with such history and it didn't help much when Natalia ended her tour above our castle.

"And finally we have the end of the tour ladies This is the final continent on this planet as well as the capital city for this continent, it's called-."

"Wait a minute sorry for the interruption but if this is the capital shouldn't this be the royal family's house? Is it alright to fly so openly over it?"

Carol wanted to continue but at that moment we were joined by a eager Laura holding an excited Diana, "Damien Sue asked me to ask you are you coming down or staying up here with guests? She and Domino have been putting off dinner for quite sometime now."


Terra was quick to excite over seeing baby Diana laughing and chilling with us all in the sky having fun. Laura handed her to me as Diana quickly wriggled her body until I adjusted arms to her comfort and satisfaction.

"Her name is Diana and she's Damien first born" Laura explained with a bit of pride in her voice.

"First born? But she doesn't look older than a year? You already have others?" Terra asked Laura confused as she circled her up and down checking out her "sister in law".

"There's Diana the first daughter, Daryll and Natasha my twins, and finally Dominoe's boy that hasn't been born yet or named." Natalia explained to the dumbfounded duo who realized she just named 4 kids from 3 different women, yet before they could react "Also Sue and Ro has been waiting as well."

"Dont forget me hotshot, If I don't get my turn I might throw a temper tantrum," Komand'r spoke up.

"Cough cough" everyones eyes fell on Kara who didn't speak but her blush spoke volumes.

Terra instantly looked at me as her eyes glowed ".....so you became a scumbag brother. I understand you're powerful right? Woman don't need respect right? DAMIEN NATHANIEL GRAYSON IF I AS YOUR SISTER DONT TEACH YOU TO BE A FILIAL HUSBAND TODAY DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT ENDING THIS PEACEFULLY."

"Wait wait wait Terra we can talk this ouuuuuuuwch. Fuck my ears. Wait no I didn't curse. Wait Terra no no no no."

Meanwhile the women just stood to the side with a good smile on their face enjoying someone who could actually hurt Damien teach him to stop chasing women. I mean isn't a house full of beauties enough?

It took about half an hour for everyone to calm down and get inside with a wave of introductions. The quintuplet maids set the table as Selene appeared in her seat right as dinner was being served.

Light laughter and joy were spread through the table as we all talked about our badass powers and take downs, laughing about some of our good times, getting to understand each others relationships and enjoying old stories about my mom Terra remembered.

According to her Dad was always in some accident and never around to which immediately got a response from Domino "I wonder who that sounds like?" as half the heads turned in my direction. I stuck my chest out proudly and said "Hey this is record time the old man took 6 years I took 6 months!"

To which a new round of laughter came forth. No one cared about Earth or about what was going on in deep space. The wine glasses and stories flowed endlessly until well past 2 am. Which turns out we get 2 extra hours a day and our years are a bit longer so thats neat. Yup, it took me some time to get out of that cell but now I'm ready. Thanos, Ego, Hela who cares what they throw at me.


Meanwhile in the depths of space a massive ship was sailing through the stars as two slim figures made their way down the empty corridors.

"I will not fail to you next time Gomorra."

"Sister I truly do not wish to compete. Why can we not work together~"

"FOOLISH!" Nebula spat with venom "After whatever mission Father has for us I will surpass you. I care not for your words, only your downfall" Nebula spoke with clear disdain towards the green skin alien keeping an aloof face.

"Sigh let's just go Nebula, we are late."

The two ladies entered into the largest chambers to see Thanos speaking with Ebony Maw one of his Black Order.

"""FATHER"" both women kneeled with their heads down as the titan turned his head towards them standing at well over 10 feet.

"My daughters I have a quest. I have heard rumors of the soul stone in the eastern galaxies. Nebula you search Irmor, Agulum, Potrero, and Xum. Gamora my favorite, search Tattoine, Vormir, Tunesti, and Shili. Once they have been cleared or the stone found report to me."

""YES FATHER!"" they both spoke before leaving the chambers as Thanos turned to Maw.

"Sir, her heart wavers in your conquest are you sure it is wise to keep her so close?"

"Maw," Thanos spoke as he walked to the windows taking a basic bad guy pose in front of large glass "Her destiny has been fated since she came across my hands. She is my favorite Maw. Nothing will change that. Not even her soul shall be free from me. For I am inevitable."