
Chapter 49

"Good Morning, milady. Did you sleep well?" Emma asked her master who was rubbing her eyes as she sat on her bed.

Emma opened the curtains and the morning sunlight came in. Thought it is noisy even today, but her master slept late that morning. Maybe she was tired of touring Lord Fogriever yesterday that she slept like a log last night.

"Good morning Emma" Alice said yawning.

"It seems you slept well, Milady" Emma said with a genuine smile.

"I guess so. Ah… it feels so good. Waking up late and still being lazy, it feels like heaven" Alice said happily.

Emma smiled with her.

"Emma, prepare for my bath" Alice ordered.

"Yes milady" Emma accepted her master's commands.

As everyone has already eaten their breakfast before Alice woke up, Alice asked Emma to bring it to her room. Emma carefully arranged her master's food and called her when it is was ready.

"Did you eat?" Alice asked as she ate.

"Yes, milady" Emma replied.

"How was father's health this morning?" Alice asked.

"His fever went down a bit last night. So he is fine for now" Emma said.

"How long will it take to cure jaundice?" Alice questioned, worried.

"Don't worry, milady. Master will become healthy soon. Dr. Charles will cure him" Emma tried to console her master.

"I hope so too. He has been lying on the bed for past two months" Alice said and sighed.

Emma felt sad for Alice. Even though she acted tough, but she must be worried deep inside. She then remembered something that she planned to inform Alice.

"Milady" she said, "you looked tired last night so I did not inform you something. But while you were away yesterday, I did some digging into Marcus, the servant who is attending master."

"Oh. You did. That is great" Alice said.

"Since you were away, I did not have anything to do. So I thought I should at least use this time" Emma explained.

"Tell me" Alice demanded.

"I heard he came to work here a year ago. Before that he lived in a small village of our Duchy. His father died and left a huge debt behind. In order to clear that debt, he was forced to sell his land. I heard he has a wife and also a one-year-old son" Emma said.

"No wonder he was so desperate to earn money. Turns out he is in tight situation" Alice said.

"He came here and became a servant here hoping to earn money, leaving his wife and son in the village. Ben was impressed by his work and appointed him as Master's personal attendant" Emma continued to tell the information she gathered.

"It must be hard for him. After listening his story, I want to do something for him" Alice said, feeling bad for him.

She looked at Emma and said, "Emma, use the money from my account and send some good silk for his wife and some toys for his kid. And also tell him and let anyone know about it. I wonder how happy he will when he receives letter from his wife."

"I will do it right away" Emma said.

By doing this, Alice can make him be feel grateful of her. He will trust her more, and she bet he will become a great assistant for her in the future.