
Villain: In Apocalypse

In an unexpected twist of fate, Lu Yu finds himself in a parallel universe, reborn as a privileged second-generation elite. However, this newfound reality is on the brink of an apocalypse. Will this cataclysmic event bring about a drastic change in humanity? To Lu Yu's surprise, he learns that he is destined to play the role of the antagonist in this apocalyptic narrative. Equipped with the foreknowledge that the hero, Chu Feng, will reincarnate before the apocalypse, Lu Yu promptly begins to strategize. However, when Chu Feng is reborn, he is left puzzled. What happened to the formidable ally from his past life? And the goddess bathed in white moonlight, who once harbored deep affection for him and even made the ultimate sacrifice, why does she now regard him with contempt? Caught in this complex tapestry of destiny, Lu Yu is tasked with unraveling the enigmas of this parallel universe. He must harness all his resources and abilities to ensure his survival and emerge victorious in this challenging ordeal. A/n :- Greetings, dear readers! As the dedicated Translator, Editor, and meticulous Tweaker of this enthralling novel, I am excited to share some thrilling updates with you. Prepare yourselves for an enriched narrative filled with added layers of mystery, unforeseen plot twists, and a dash of spice—indeed, you read that correctly! To enhance your reading journey, I will be introducing R18 chapters. Stay tuned for this exciting new development! Original Name of Novel :- The Villain Of The End Of The World: Starting From The Heroine Of Cutting Off The School Flower. Original Author of Novel :- Cangyun Ferry. *Warning* If narratives that delve into the gray areas of morality unsettle you, this tale might not be your cup of tea. It incorporates familiar story elements that could potentially distress some readers. The protagonist of the story is cast in the role of an antagonist, albeit one with redeeming qualities. He occasionally indulges in actions that can be perceived as malevolent, despite being capable of human emotions. Therefore, while he isn't entirely evil, readers who anticipate a clear victory of good over evil might need to tread lightly while engaging with this story. *NO NTR and NO YURI*

ZYREX_01 · สมัยใหม่
90 Chs

Chapter 18 :- A group of Trash

No matter the situation, be it in the urban jungle or in an apocalyptic scenario, there are always wealthy individuals who assume the role of the antagonist. These individuals, often labeled as the 'rich second generation', usually have a group of obsequious followers who aid them in their ventures.

Shi Lei is a prime example of such a follower, acting as a loyal aide to Lu Yu. During their university year, Shi Lei was attracted to Lu Yu's wealth. Hoping to secure a high-paying job after graduation, he decided to align himself with Lu Yu and serve as his assistant.

Unexpectedly, Shi Lei found Lu Yu in the same room as him. Considering it was during university hours, he did not anticipate Lu Yu's presence.

 "Lu Yu asked Shi Lei, 'Shouldn't you be at university now attending classes?'"

"No! I had planned to take the day off to spend time with my girlfriend, but I didn't foresee the sudden emergence of so many monsters outside…" Shi Lei replied.

Shi Lei was at a loss for words. He had come to the hotel with his girlfriend the previous night, intending to enjoy a pleasant day with her. However, they were met with an unexpected change in the weather and the appearance of monsters outside the hotel. They were forced to retreat back into the hotel by the monsters.

"Talk about a stroke of misfortune!" 

Shi Lei agreed, chuckling. He then proceeded to introduce a normal girl standing beside him to Lu Yu. "Boss, meet my girlfriend, He Li." He Li, who was visibly shaken by the monster, managed to regain her composure after Shi Lei's introduction. "This is the boss I've mentioned before, Young Master Lu."

Lu Yu acknowledged her with a slight nod and a quick glance. He didn't probe further. Although He Li was attractive, she didn't hold a candle to the likes of Qiao Manli and Yan Yun. If one were to rate a woman's figure, appearance, and temperament out of 100, Yan Yun and Qiao Manli would easily score above 90 without makeup. He Li, even with makeup, would score at most 80.

The rooms were filled with small groups huddled together. The air was thick with the sounds of discussions and cries, and fear spread rapidly among the crowd. Amidst the panic, an impatient voice broke the silence. 

"Enough with the crying! Can you all please keep it down!" The room fell silent at his words. Everyone turned to look at the source of the voice - a thin, medium-height man with dark skin, who was looking at everyone with impatience.

Shi Lei, who was used to being the dominant figure in University, retorted immediately. "Who do you think you are? Why are you shouting so loudly? 

You're hurting my ears!" However, the thin man was not to be trifled with. He immediately stood up when he heard Shi Lei's words, and standing up with him was a companion with yellow hair.

The atmosphere was tense, with everyone appearing ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of trouble. Shi Lei, youthful and full of energy, and buoyed by the presence of his girlfriend, was not about to back down easily.

However, Lu Yu, who had been quietly observing the unfolding situation, intervened just as Shi Lei was preparing to step forward, placing a calming hand on his shoulder.

A thin man, smirking, turned to look behind him and called out, "Brother Fei, this youngster here claims he's going to kill us!" Upon hearing these words, Shi Lei noticed for the first time a man in a black elastic vest crouched in the corner behind him. The man's skin was dark, and his physique was noticeably more muscular compared to the thin man. He wore a gold necklace as thick as a pinky finger and sported a tiger tattoo on his neck.

"Kid, are you planning to kill us?" 

Chen Fei asked, a menacing smile playing on his lips. His imposing figure and the intimidating tattoo on his neck exerted a palpable pressure on Shi Lei. Confronted with Chen Fei's formidable presence, Shi Lei quickly backed down, stammering, "Big… Big brother, there's been a misunderstanding, I didn't mean you."

Despite his reluctance to lose face in front of his girlfriend, Shi Lei understood that prudence was the better part of valor in this situation. Chen Fei's intimidating demeanor was genuinely frightening. 

As a mere student, if he wanted to avoid a beating, he had no choice but to swallow his pride and apologize first. "Didn't you say you were going to kill my little brother?" 

Chen Fei taunted with a sneer.

Shi Lei was on the brink of tears, protesting his innocence

 "I really didn't mean that!" The thin man, smirking, retorted, "Brother Fei is my elder brother. If you want to kill me, doesn't that mean you're threatening Brother Fei's little brother?" 

Shi Lei was left speechless by the thin man's cunning argument. It was clear that he was no match for these street-smart ruffians in a verbal duel.

Despite having his girlfriend by his side and Lu Yu backing him up, the trio they were facing were evidently not to be trifled with. It wasn't just a matter of whether Lu Yu would step in to defend him. Even if Lu Yu did intervene, he was unlikely to be a match for the three adversaries. This realization sent a wave of panic through Shi Lei.

"Brother Fei, let's not waste time chatting with this kid. Let's teach him a lesson," one of the men suggested, clearly itching for a fight. "That's right, let's get this over with!" chimed in another.

However, Chen Fei, despite his thuggish demeanor, was not reckless. He wouldn't rush into a fight without first sizing up his opponent's capabilities. He cast a glance at Shi Lei, then at the sword Lu Yu was wielding, and slowly rose to his feet.

"Hey, lad, are you the one in charge here?" he asked. The 'boss' he was referring to was clearly Lu Yu.

"Never mind!" Lu Yu responded in a distracted manner.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and asked, "Did you slay these two beasts?"

"No?" Lu Yu responded.

"Are you joking? 

He appears to be a university student?" 

someone commented.

"What's wrong with university students? 

They're tall and armed!" another person added.

"Exactly, don't underestimate university students!"

 yet another person chimed in.

Chen Fei's remarks caught everyone off guard, and they all stared at Lu Yu in disbelief. Even Shi Lei noticed that Lu Yu was cradling a sword in his arms.

"Kid, our Brother Fei is questioning you!" the blond man reminded Lu Yu impatiently when he didn't respond. Lu Yu had no interest in further interaction with them.

When a refugee is provoked by a hooligan and then beats the hooligan to earn respect, that's a role typically played by the protagonist. As a wealthy and influential antagonist, Lu Yu didn't have time for such petty affairs.

However, the reason why hooligans are hooligans is because of their bold and ruthless nature. They don't care whether you're the protagonist or the antagonist, as long as you provoke them.

"Damn, you don't understand what I'm saying…" the blond man grumbled.


Seeing that Lu Yu's sword was still in its sheath, the blond man rolled up his sleeves and was about to give Lu Yu a piece of his mind. However, before he could even approach Lu Yu, he was kicked and sent flying by Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's kick was swift and forceful. Chen Fei and the gaunt man were taken aback. The blond man was kicked in the stomach and lay on the ground wailing.

Seeing that a fight had erupted, the others quickly stepped aside, fearful of getting caught in the crossfire.

At this moment, Lu Yu's frosty voice reverberated in everyone's ears.

"A bunch of Trash, courting death!"

Thank you For Reading.

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