

Mysterious beasts, unrecalled wonderlands, forgotten treasures, thrilling adventures, and traveling a fantastic world. Join Metaphor as he intends to become the best Viatorum!

TaleteIIer · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


After enjoying our free day in The Urban Skyland, it was time for business, The Viatorum exam that is. We went to the Viatorum headquarters in the center of Skyland to get insight into the Viatorum exam. Hans, Setsuna, and 3 other important members of The Viatorum association welcomed us into a lecture room to explain to us what we were going to do.

Hans then went to the center of the lecture room and said:" Ehm hem, ladies and gentlemen, welcome, take your seats and listen carefully. Usually, there would be 4 stages of the exam, but this year there would be only 2. We usually focus on 4 things in this exam, your wit, your cooperation and your team synergy, your strength, and your resourcefulness in hard situations. But this year is a special and hard year for The Viatorum association, we lost so many members because of the mystical creatures, new ones have shown up, smart and capable like us humans, and they threaten the human race as a whole. So this time there will be only 2 stages of the exam, which focus on your cheer strength and gifts, if you are a born elite, you will succeed, if not I am sorry but you can try next year when things are back to the norm. These 2 stages will be clear with no tricks. The first stage is, we will take you to the Skyland forest, a forest that is the habitat of many mystical creatures, but mainly the Epaches. These creatures are stronger than the average human being. They used to look like black, skinny, and tall scarecrows. These creatures used to be peaceful until they somehow developed Vividian slump shapeshifting abilities. Now they can shape-shift into any other creature or an inanimate object. Rumors say that a unique Epashe was born, it somehow fused with a Vividian slump and developed such abilities. this unique Epashe taught the way of shapeshifting to his brethren Epashe, and now he goes by The Epashe Emperor, their best warrior. This Emperor claims that his people are the native habitats of Skyland, but humans stole it from them, so now they want to take it back. So, I ask you to go and kill/capture every Epashe shifter, and of course, defeat The Emperor. This will be no child game, there is a chance of you all dying, If you are afraid and not capable, there is no shame in leaving and trying your chances next year. But, if you think you are strong and brave enough, be my guest, We will send you to The Skyland forest for our raid. You can work as a team or individually, it doesn't matter, as long as you do the job."

Setsuna then stepped and ejaculated:" You have heard the chairman, this isn't safe, this dangerous and serious. We the 4 instructors won't help you with this, so please if you are not capable, leave. It's better to be alive and train to become a better human than to die foolishly because your ego is blinding you. This exam is noted, and monitored, you going to the forest and simply hiding until the storm calms will get you disqualified, we want to watch how you interact with such situations, and we want to see if you are skilled as you all claim."

After these speeches, people started murmuring words, and they quickly started leaving the lecture room. 27 participants left, and only 20 stayed including me, Rikishi, and Kidd.

I raised my hand and said:" Hans, what does the one who kills Emperor Epashe get? Because I intend to smash his skull with my bat"

Many participants looked at me, and started laughing hysterically because I was still a child, they thought I was just blabbering bullshit, and that I am incapable but I didn't care.

Then Hans replied while wearing a smile:" Quiet all of you. Well, young one. As many people here know, there are 3 known ranks of Viatorums:

- The instructors, like Setsuna here, are capable Viatorums whose main job is to instruct new Viatorums, oversee The Viatorum exams and go on raids.

- The inspectors, who are Viatorums that can work without needing a team, investigate rogue mystical creatures, and META users who are criminals, and take them down if needed.

- The Executioners, who are Viatorums that are called upon crucial matters. If both instructors and investigators cannot deal with a matter, they call the executioners who are experts that search and destroy, they don't capture or immobilize, they kill the enemy on sight. There is one Executioner here with us today, a person that loves to listen to my lectures, my son, Y'loh Hans.

These are the 3 known ranks of our association, but there is one last secret rank, and it has only 4 members, The Outlaws. These outlaws are 4 extremely capable members that perfectly control their META energy. They are elites that take no orders, they intervene whenever they want and do as they please. It is better to have them on your side than them to be against you. One popular member of this rank is Deuce Douglas, The Unkillable demon king, who once was a person that did whatever he wanted without caring about consequences, until one day I met him and convinced him to join us, and luckily for us, he agreed!

Now back to the Epashe Emperor, if you kill him, help in the killing, or do an excellent job in this raid, you might be able to skip ranks, who knows, perhaps one of you is a gifted META user that can become an Executioner or an Outlaw, we will see. Now! Off you go! Good luck to you all, and may you succeed in your raid."

Y'loh, interesting fella, I can feel his META power from up here, as expected from the Chairman's son. He resembled his father a little bit, he had ginger-slicked-back hair and blue eyes. He wore oversized sky-blue jeans, a burgundy sleeveless top, and white vans. I wonder, what is his META ability? I am pretty sure it is unique.

We went to the Montgolfiers situated up the building and left to reach the Skyland forest. I am wearing a white suit today, hope it doesn't get dirty in the forest, with mud or blood, that would be annoying...