
Vele Bianche

In an era after the Great Apocalypse, lies a world riddled with demonic contracts. Remnants of wars sparked fears through mankind, prompting them into playing right under the she-devil’s thumb. Sylvia Porfirio, a damsel in distress in need of a job stumbled across a mischievous flyer which offered her a job. Vele Bianche, a café so hidden that almost no person knows. Unbeknownst to the desperate Sylvia, Vele Bianche turned out to be an organization stabilizing the wall between devils and humans.

mAsQuerade_ · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter XI: Glowering Gamma

A dark symphony of trumpets and drums seemed to have played in Sylvia's head that was reminiscent of the popular theme of a fan-favorite villain from the blockbuster film of Star Wars as soon as the boss had entered inside the building.

It was almost deafening, like her entire body was placed under the mercy of the heavy pressure that the music had brought. Her heart beats strongly alongside the music as her ears began to ring at how loud it was which made her break into a cold sweat.

"Oh, sorry about that Sylvia." Dorotea sheepishly giggled as she reached past Sylvia's neck and turned off the giant speakers blaring behind her.

"You guys still play that?" Gamma muttered in a monotonous voice and heaved a sigh.

"Of course, we do boss, how else are we gonna know if you're coming?"

"Well, Flavio." the boss muttered as he shot a glance towards the Blondie. "There are many ways to know when I am coming, besides bursting everyone's eardrums"

The atmosphere inside the place was so thick that Salvatore thought he could cut it with a knife. Each one of them refused to move an inch from their spot as Gamma reached out for something inside his suit.

"How about a phone?" he continued to talk. "These were created for a purpose, weren't they?"

"But I thought you didn't like to use phones?"

"I didn't say I'll be using them you idiot."

"...I don't follow."

Gamma heaved a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose before flicking Flavio on the forehead making him yelp.

"I'll be informing Delta," he exclaimed while gently caressing Delta's head making her smile more naturally as she stood in front of him with their height difference.

"And I'll be informing Dante to message you all." the lavender-haired woman finished while staring up at the chest-nut haired man with sparkling eyes.

"Correct." Gamma nodded and opened the door behind him to throw away the cigarette butt. "Now then,"

Sylvia noticeably flinched as Gamma's eyes landed on her for a split second before sighing in relief as the big man turned towards the tables.

With a frown, Gamma wiped the bottom of the table and rubbed the dust that stuck to his fingers with a grimace.

"You guys are slacking."

"Sorry boss, that's on me." Arturo sighed as he randomly reached out and grabbed the nearest piece of cloth to wipe the tables with.

"Numbers here has been pretty small," Salvatore added as he ignored the fact that Arturo was using his vest to wipe the tables with.

"I assume I don't have to remind you, Salvatore," Gamma sighed and glared at him. "That what you just said, isn't an excuse"

"Yes boss." he nodded hastily. "It won't happen again."

"Good, I'll trust you to make that happen."

Sylvia couldn't help but finally understand why her co-workers were afraid of Gamma. She felt like she had just stepped inside the den of a devil waiting for her to make a mistake to drag her to the depths of hell.

Something about Gamma's demeanor and voice just dripped of danger. Her instincts kept screaming to run away but she was glued in place just by Gamma's presence alone. It felt like she had no control over her body.

"Delta, I'd like a full report of our current status."

"Of course, I'll send it right away to your office."

"Good, I'll allow you all to chat amongst yourselves for now."

The sound of Gamma's feet colliding against the marble floor echoed inside the room even though he was already long gone inside the long hallway further in.

"... You just can't get used to that." Dorotea mumbled meekly as she hugged herself while walking back towards the counter.

"The boss is really something."

"Man, Tamodachis I almost peed myself!"

"Almost!? I think I already did!"

"Let go of me! I'm not a cleaning towel!"

Chaos immediately ensued the moment everyone recovered from the fear that glued them into place. Flavio ran towards the changing room behind Dorotea who glared at his back in a difficult to read stare meanwhile Salvatore and Arturo were roughhousing with each other.

"What did you think of the boss?" Dante turned towards Sylvia who was ghostly pale making everyone stop.

"Hey? What's wrong?"

"My Prend! Is something wrong?"

"Maybe she peed herself too?"

"You're the only one who'll do that Flavio." Filippo, who had been silent since he arrived two hours ago finally spoke up and walked towards Sylvia.

"Mhmm, her temperature is alright..." the brown-haired man whispered. "And her breathing is normal."

"Is something the matter Sylvia?" Delta asked with the same unnerving tone as before making Sylvia snap out of the trance she was stuck in.

"I... I...."

"You what?" Dorotea gently asked while rubbing her back.


"Are you hungry?"


"You want Dorotea's boobs? Me too!"

"Shut up Tamodachi, let her speak."

"I..." Sylvia continued to stutter as he looked at Delta who smiled at her.

"I... Yelled at the boss... And called him entitled earlier."

Silence rolled in almost instantly with nothing but the howling wind can be heard inside the empty establishment. Shock, disbelief and sympathy were present on the faces of those present.

"... Pardon?" Dante deadpanned with an innocent, broken smile.

"I... Yelled at him earlier when I bumped with him!"

"How are you still alive!?"

"Shut up Flavio."

"Dorotea! She yelled at Gamma!"

"We know! Don't repeat it!"

Filippo sighed in exasperation and pats Sylvia's head with a sad smile. "I'm. 1% sure you'll be alright."

"Y-You think so?"


"Sylvia," the speakers inside the room sparked to life making everyone freeze. "Come to my office please."

"... Never mind, you're pretty much screwed."