
fall in love at first sight?? ♡

•At the shop•

Which one do you like milleee this or this?? Said by ariana

Ig right one should look good in me! Said by mille

Yeah your right! Said by ariana

•wispers• well ari ig there is guy who Is staring at you .. It's been mins or hours.. Said by mille

Clam down I'll see him later said by ariana

Are you sure said by mille

Yeah just watch me said by ariana

•walks to that guy•

Hey cutie i see you have been staring at me so long do you need something? Said by ariana

I- uhm I'm really sorry •deep voice• said by unknown

Can you remove the mask? I want to know who are you said by ariana

Sure •remove the mask• said by unknown

•blushes and staring at his face•

Uhm miss.. Are you okay? Said by unknown

Huh oh uh yeah well you want my number? Said by ariana

Yeah sure my name is liam said by liam

Oh I'm ariana said by ariana

•they exchange there number•

Well call me later cutie •winks at him• said by ariana

Y-yeah said by liam

•she goes back to mille•

See? It's very easy said by ariana

WTF he was literally blushing when he looks at you! And you guys exchange numbers? Woah! But the strange fact is he also have like.. Vampire teeth.. Said by mille

Oh please shut up said by ariana

Yeah let's forgot about that said by mille

Let's go to my house ! You remember we are having an sleepover?? Said by mille

Yeah yeah said by ariana

is liam a vampire?? or mille is overthinking??? let's move to next

Arora_Won43creators' thoughts