
Chapter 11 Prevention

Su Chen looked in her eyes and her heart was filled with warmth.

He leaned against the sofa, not turning on the TV, but slightly raising his head and closing his eyes. Suddenly, he felt his heart completely calm.

Home is always the best harbor, and for Su Chen, this apartment is home, a home that haunts his dreams.

In the kitchen, there was a crackling sound, and Lin Lanxin was cooking while happily humming a little song.

Su Chen's face gradually gained some smiles.

long time.

He took a deep breath and began to think and recall some things.

Even if you are reborn for a lifetime, you cannot be careless, because this world is really not simple!!!

Dinner! "I thought to myself, but after a while, suddenly, Lin Lanxin's voice came.

Su Chen's thinking had just returned and he couldn't wait to see the food being served on the table.

Very fragrant! "Su Chen took a deep breath and praised her.

That's it! "Lin Lanxin smiled even happier. She had been living with Su Chen for several months and had cooked him many times, but this was the first time he had praised his delicious food.

The next second, Su Chen picked up her chopsticks and ate them.

eat like wolves and tigers!

Really wolf down!

One mouthful after another, eating and eating, his eyes had a moist and familiar taste, which was really good.

Why are you crying? "Lin Lanxin noticed that Su Chen's eyes were a little red.

"No, Mapo tofu is too hot!"

Su Chen can't remember the last time he cried. In his past life, after Lanxin's death, it seems that he hasn't cried before, has he?

Men can also cry, either because of sadness, excitement, or emotion

Then you eat slowly, it's like you haven't had a meal! "Lin Lanxin scolded, gentle as a little wife, although she scolded.

During a lunch, Su Chen and Lin Lanxin ate for about half an hour, much slower than usual.

But neither he nor she felt the passage of time.

In the afternoon, there's no class, right? "After dinner, the two of them sat half on the sofa, holding Lin Lanxin with one hand. Su Chen asked.


I'm going to school this afternoon. Why don't you go home? Tell your father, I'll visit your house tomorrow

Lin Lanxin was startled and raised her head, feeling a bit nervous, moved, and at a loss: "This... this..."

Don't worry, I have everything, your parents will agree! "Su Chen smiled, full of confidence.

Lanxin has been living with him, do you really think her parents don't know? Of course I know!

How could they possibly agree to their daughter cohabiting with them? Especially if you have nothing.

But so far, her parents have never found themselves alone or caused trouble for themselves, and so on.

All of this, should Lanxin have worked hard from it? It can be imagined how much pressure she has been under secretly.

In my previous life, I was foolish and didn't even think about these things, but in this life, it must not be like this!

It is necessary to make Lanxin's parents accept and recognize themselves, so that she can live with herself and be more secure and happy, "Su Chen murmured to herself, unwavering.

Lin Lanxin first gave Su Chen a deep glance, always feeling that Su Chen was different, but then nodded, although she didn't know why Su Chen was so confident? But still, she believed him in that sentence.

Then, Lin Lanxin asked again, "In the afternoon, are you going to school to challenge the entire Tianming Martial Arts Society

Don't worry, they're not my opponents

Be careful! "Lin Lanxin hummed.


Chengfeng University.

Today, the campus of Chengfeng University has been filled with some excitement, excitement, and anticipation, as if it were a pot of boiling water.

The news that Su Chen is going to challenge the entire Tianming Martial Arts Society has spread to every student's ears.

After Su Chen entered the school, he walked straight towards the Douwu Platform of the school.

At this time, around Douwu Terrace, there were already a sea of people, and many people did not even return to their dormitories or go home at noon.

In the crowd, two girls stood there, attracting many people's eyes.

These two girls, one with long golden hair, and the other with the opposite, have short hair, tall stature, a small face with melon seeds, and a lack of expression. They are very cold, but beauty is beautiful, but it makes people feel difficult to approach.

Wanyun, this time I owe you a favor! "Whispered the blonde woman with long hair, with a hint of supplication in her voice.

Lan Qing, I came here today not to save you face, but because I fell in love with Su Chen, so you don't owe me any favors. "The short haired woman said quietly, her tone very calm, giving a sense of distance.

Got it? Wanyun, you haven't had a fever, have you? "The blonde woman, also known as Lan Qing, asked in shock and exaggeration.

There are over a dozen martial arts societies in Chengfeng College, among which the Red Cloud Martial Arts Society is the lowest. As the president of the Red Cloud Martial Arts Society, of course, I want to attract some good students! "The short haired woman finally had some emotions in her voice, which is called helplessness.

The name of the short haired woman is Xiao Wanyun. Although she is a girl, she has very good abilities.

An average boy wouldn't be her only opponent if he added up to ten.

And she is the only female president of the Wudao Society at Chengfeng University, although her founded Hongyun Wudao Society is basically the bottom among all Wudao Societies.

Su Chen doesn't have the strength to enter our Red Cloud Martial Arts Society! "Lan Qing smiled bitterly and said," Others don't understand Su Chen, don't I? He has never learned boxing, taekwondo, or anything from a young age, and he has no power to restrain chickens. I beg you to come over today, just to save him. After all, he is my Uncle Su's son, and Uncle Su and Aunt Zhao passed away in a car accident again. He is also quite pitiful

He doesn't have strength, how could he defeat Yu Fei or even Zhao Lin with just one move? Especially Zhao Lin, even if Zhao Lin's strength is weaker than mine, it's not much weaker! "Xiao Wanyun frowned slightly.

Wan Yun, Su Chen is absolutely impossible to defeat Yu Fei and Zhao Lin. Those rumors at noon are all spread through false rumors! "Lan Qing patted her small and influential chest.

Let's take a look and say it again! "Xiao Wanyun frowned slightly and said something from her heart. She also suspected that the rumors about Su Chen defeating Zhao Lin in one move at noon were false.

Defeating Zhao Lin with one move, can this strength rank among the top 100 in the entire Chengfeng University? How could it be so unknown to this day? How could it be that I haven't joined any martial arts clubs yet?

But ultimately, she held onto so little hope.

At this moment.

Su Chen is here!!! "I don't know who called out.

Then, with countless glances, they quickly searched and left, and soon everyone saw Su Chen walking step by step.

Wanyun, you stay here first, I'll persuade this bastard! "Lan Qing said anxiously and quickly walked towards Su Chen.

Not much time.

Stop! "Lan Qing extended her fair arm and blocked Su Chen.

Lan Qing? "Su Chen looked at Lan Qing, somewhat surprised.

Lan Qing, at Chengfeng University, is also considered a towering figure. Although not one of the top ten school flowers, she is infinitely close to them, and her appearance is definitely the top choice.

However, this girl has the feeling of a little girl who likes to mess around. She has a beautiful face and insists on applying heavy makeup every day. Her beautiful black hair is often dyed red, purple, yellow, and other colors.

Is it precisely for these reasons that she is not one of the top ten school flowers?

However, Lan Qing's personality is very popular and tends towards boys, so her popularity is quite high. At Chengfeng University, there is definitely no shortage of male pursuits.

She just learned Taekwondo from a young age, and almost every boy who chased her was taught a miserable lesson by her.

Over time, when the boys at Chengfeng University talked about Lan Qing, they were afraid and helpless. This is a very beautiful but thorny rose!

In his previous life, he did not have much contact with Lan Qing, but Lan Qing's father and his own father were classmates for over a decade and had a good relationship.

He had several gatherings with the Blue family under the leadership of his parents before, and he and Lan Qing are considered acquaintances.

Su Chen, are you going to challenge the entire Tianming Martial Arts Society this afternoon? "Lan Qing asked loudly, holding Su Chen in one hand and pinching her waist with the other.

Su Chen nodded.

No! "Lan Qing's tone was very firm, even commanding.

Why? "Su Chen actually didn't like others talking to him in this tone, but he knew that Lan Qing had no malice, so he didn't care much.

No, no! "Lan Qing became even more domineering, accustomed to this tone. In reality, she had this personality.

Lan Qing, I'm not quite familiar with you, are we? You don't seem to have any qualifications to control me, do you? "Su Chen frowned.

You... Su Chen, don't you even look at how many pounds you weigh and just die recklessly, challenging the entire Tianming Martial Arts Society alone? Are you crazy? Do you think you're Huang Yang, Deng Ke, Xue Yihai, or my late Yun sister? "Lan Qing became angry and her words became even more unpleasant.

The Huang Yang, Deng Ke, Xue Yihai and others in her mouth are well-known strong figures at Chengfeng University.

Get out of the way! "Su Chen was too lazy to waste any more time here with this girl.

However, Lan Qing insisted very much, "Just don't leave

What exactly do you want? "Su Chen was speechless. After all, Lan Qing was kind-hearted and somewhat of a friend, so she couldn't beat or scold, but this would continue to waste time? It's not a solution either!

Lan Qing looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, I know that the deaths of Uncle Su and Aunt Zhao have dealt a great blow to you, but you are already an adult and not a child anymore. It's been over a year now, why can't you still come out? If something happens this afternoon, how sad would it be to have them alive? If you were a man, live a good life, live a good life, and not be looked down upon

Su Chen didn't say a word, but in the end, her heart was warm. Lan Qing was indeed stubborn, headstrong, and domineering, but she also cared about herself, although the way she cared was unbearable.

Su Chen, as long as you don't challenge the Tianming Martial Arts Society this afternoon, I... I can beg Sister Wan Yun to let you join the Red Cloud Martial Arts Society

Seeing Su Chen's silence, Lan Qing thought that Su Chen was a bit calm and had figured things out, but couldn't help but her voice softened slightly.

What, I have to say, my strength is really strong. Can you believe it? "Su Chen said with a bitter smile.