
Chapter 12 Thin Monkey

Su Chen!!! You've disappointed me so much! Do you really want to find your own death

Lan Qing's pretty face blushed slightly and shouted loudly, 'She has been persuading me for so long, but Su Chen is still so stubborn. It's really...'

Angry, she even wanted to raise her hand and slap Su Chen, she really wanted to wake him up.

Alright, stop making trouble. How many people are staring at you and me? If you stop me like this, others will think you're my little girlfriend or something! "Su Chen touched her nose.

Many students around were envious, jealous, and hateful, staring at Su Chen!

A notorious waste who has repeatedly received the attention of school flower level beauties such as Lin Lanxin and Lan Qing.

It really makes people feel unbalanced.

Unconsciously, Lan Qing caused another wave of hatred for him.

... "Lan Qing finally realized, as if there were more and more onlookers discussing in her ear. For a moment, her face turned a little red and she glared at Su Chen with great shame and annoyance," You deserve it even if you die

After cursing like this, Lan Qing turned around and walked towards Xiao Wanyun in the crowd.

What's that, Lan Qing, do you really think I'll lose? "Su Chen looked at Lan Qing's back and suddenly asked.

Lan Qing stopped, turned her head to look at Su Chen, and paused, "If you can win, I am already the strongest at Chengfeng University. Please pray that those people from Tianming Martial Arts Society will take a lighter hand

What if I win? "Su Chen blinked. This girl is quite cute, and Su Chen couldn't help but want to tease her.


Since it's impossible, let's make a bet! If I'm going to win, starting today, don't put on heavy makeup, don't dye your hair, and don't dress up like a little girl

Sure, as long as you win, I can give you my first kiss! "Lan Qing glared at Su Chen fiercely and said," Fantastic

Cough... That's a good idea. If I win, besides doing what I said before, then give me the first kiss as well

When death comes to an end, you're still smiling. I knew I wouldn't care about you anymore! "Lan Qing cursed softly, no longer paying attention to Su Chen, and quickly returned to Xiao Wanyun's side.

He hasn't been persuaded to leave by you? "Xiao Wanyun said lightly.

That stubborn donkey who doesn't know how to live or die is really infuriating me

Perhaps he really has confidence! "Xiao Wanyun glanced at Su Chen from a distance.

There's a fart! "Blue Qing once again exclaimed.

This girl has always had a hot temper! "Su Chen chuckled lightly and withdrew her gaze. She was just about to take a step, but

At this moment, another figure blocked him.

He is a young man who is very thin and has a strange hairstyle.

A skinny monkey? Su Chen's eyes lit up and without saying a word, he took a step forward and gave the other party a bear hug.

The skinny monkey's real name is Hou Li, and he can be considered Su Chen's only brother in the secular world!!!

Su Chen and his skinny monkey are also high school classmates, but only in their first year of high school are in the same class.

In my sophomore year, I divided my classes into arts and sciences, with Su Chen studying science and Lean Monkey studying humanities. The two of them were no longer in the same class.

Although it was only in the first year of high school, Su Chen's grades were very good at that time, ranking among the best in the school, while the grades of the skinny monkey were in the middle and lower reaches. During the exams of all sizes in the first year of high school, he did not give the skinny monkey too much, and thus, the two formed a deep friendship.

Later, in her third year of high school, Su Chen, who had abandoned herself due to her parents' car accidents, received a lot of ridicule and bullying in school.

Thin monkeys have poor grades, but they fight fiercely. In memory, thin monkeys fight at least four or five times to maintain themselves, right?

Later on, during the college entrance examination, the skinny monkey scored over 300 points and had just reached the college entrance examination, but he also successfully attended Chengfeng University.

Because Chengfeng University not only offers undergraduate programs but also college admissions, and the college students at Chengfeng University have always been quite good, with many students upgrading from college to university.

After entering university, Su Chen skipped classes more often and became even more silent. In addition, he and Lin Lanxin lived off campus, while the skinny monkey lived in the school dormitory. They were not in the same department, so they rarely met.

However, in Su Chen's heart, the skinny monkey has always been his own brother, even closer than his own brother.

Boss, you're so amazing, haha... did you hit that kid Yu Fei at noon? Grass! I've been seeing him displeased for a long time, but I can't beat him. He's numb, boss. You did what I wanted to do, boss is boss! "The skinny monkey said excitedly, looking even more excited than he hit someone himself.

Boss, my roommates in the dormitory say it's a rumor that you beat Yu Fei and Zhao Lin, but I believe it! "Then, the skinny monkey loudly said," Boss, I support you and believe in you. I came specifically to cheer you this afternoon and killed those scumbags from Tianming Martial Arts Society

Thin Monkey, do you really think I can defeat everyone in Tianming Martial Arts Society? "Su Chen asked curiously.

Of course, boss, I'll tell you, the skinny monkey is very accurate in judging people. As early as my first year in high school, I saw that you were not a creature in the pool. One day, you will definitely be a hidden dragon out of the abyss, so I hugged your thigh tightly at that time! "The skinny monkey chuckled and said, without a serious appearance.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched, and the skinny monkey was good at everything except running a train in his mouth.

Boss, don't believe it, I've always thought you're very picky. I know you well. Since you've chosen to challenge the entire Tianming Martial Arts Society this afternoon, you must be confident! "Said the skinny monkey with a sudden expression.

You little boy... "Su Chen patted the skinny monkey's shoulder and also smiled. The skinny monkey really knows himself well.

Boss, but anyway, be careful. Just in case, if you can't defeat those scumbags from Tianming Martial Arts Society and are on the martial arts arena, admit defeat. There's nothing shameful about it. We'll find the arena again in the future! "Said the skinny monkey, although he still giggled, his words revealed some concerns.

Okay, listen to you

By the way, boss, I've been arguing with you for a long time, but I haven't introduced my girlfriend to you yet! "The skinny monkey said with a hint, pointing to a female student not far away." Her name is Yang Ya, she's my girlfriend, isn't she good

Su Chen looked in the direction pointed by the thin monkey, and there was indeed a female student walking towards him and the thin monkey.

Yang Ya? Indeed, she looks quite good. Although she is not a big beauty, she is also a beautiful woman. If Lin Lanxin could score 9, then Yang Ya would look like 6.5 to 7 anyway.

But Yang Ya is not a good woman!!!

In her previous life, Su Chen remembered very well that in the year she left Chengfeng University, lurked in Chengfeng, and collected information about Xu Ming, she had once met a skinny monkey.

That time, the skinny monkey got very drunk. After asking carefully, he realized that the skinny monkey had caught Yang Ya cheating.

Calculate the time, has it been some time since the thin monkey and Yang Ya established a relationship? Su Chen took a deep breath and hesitated whether to persuade the skinny monkey to break up with Yang Ya before he had a deep affection for her. However, after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

Perhaps the outcome of this life will be different?

Soon, Yang Ya walked over.

Xiaoya, this is Su Chen, my boss! "The skinny monkey excitedly introduced to Yang Ya.

I am Yang Ya! "Yang Ya's attitude was somewhat cold and indifferent.

Xiaoya, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? "The skinny monkey frowned.

Hou Li, I have something to say to you. Come here for a moment! "Yang Ya glanced at Su Chen and whispered to the skinny monkey.

What's the point of saying no directly? The boss is not an outsider

Yang Ya, without saying a word, directly grabbed the lean monkey's arm and pulled him aside.