
Unwritten Mythos

Litch_Mei · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

The Legion

In Beiling City's Minami port, as night descended, a fine layer of dust filled the air.

A fishing vessel drifted past, its crew gazing out across the harbor with puzzled expressions.

"I don't recognize the buyer, but they've snagged up all of Minami. Selling our catch might be tricky now."

"Don't grumble. Didn't they pay well?"

"Money's just a temporary fix..."

"Hold on, what's that?"

"Looks human."

A fisherman lifted a telescope and spied a dark figure hovering in the distance.

"Human... or not?"

"Wait, it's headed this way?"

"How's that possible?"


"What in the world?"

"That speed... unbelievable!"

The fishermen peered closer, witnessing a bubble of water hurtling towards them with astonishing speed.

"Could it be... a fish?"

"A fish?"

"At that velocity?"

"It's closing in!"

With a loud splash, a dark blue figure burst from the water and leaped onto the deck!

"A human?!"

Chino adjusted his posture and approached the onlookers. Startled, they backed away, some even brandishing fish skewers in defense.

Chino extended his sharp claws and deftly sliced through the skewers!


One man tumbled backward onto the deck in fear. "Just a moment..."

Chino turned to another, gripping his temples with both hands before lightly bumping foreheads!

"Aww, Siya Kamogdos."

A strange incantation escaped Chino's lips as he pushed the man aside.

At first disoriented, the man suddenly convulsed, grimacing in agony, "Aaaah... Aaaah!!"


Bones shifted unnaturally, and green scales began to spread across his skin!

A sharp fish hook and a curved spine emerged from his body, transforming him into a weakened version of Fish-Man!

Witnessing the transformation, the fishermen's legs trembled as they bowed their heads, pleading for forgiveness.

Ignoring their pleas, Chino moved on to the next target.

He repeated the ritual, pressing both hands to the man's temples before gently knocking foreheads, "Aww, Siya Kamogdos."


Another tremor, another transformation into Fish-Man.

Terrified, some fishermen leaped from the boat and scrambled away.

Chino gestured, commanding, "Bring them back."

Obeying his order, the two newly transformed Deep Ones sprang into action, diving into the water to pursue the fleeing fishermen.

"Now... with two Deep Ones, I deserve a grander title."

"Perhaps... Sea King."

Chino reclined in a chair, legs crossed, calmly awaiting what would come next.


In the depths of the ocean, a frantic group struggled to escape, but their efforts were futile against the Deep Ones' aquatic agility.

A Deep One seized a person's calf, flinging them out of the water with a sinister laugh, "Ha ha ha, Liu, don't flee. You'll join us soon enough!"

"You... gurgling creatures..."

"Ha ha ha! With this newfound power, there's nothing we can't achieve!"

"Embrace your fate! Join us!"

One by one, the struggling individuals were dragged back onto the boat.

Fifty-six in total, each one forcibly brought back by the relentless Deep Ones.

Observing this, Chino rose to his feet, ready to transform the remaining individuals into Deep Ones.

They no longer possessed the strength to resist.

"Aww, Siya Kamogdos."


As the sky gradually cooled and dawn broke, a vessel filled with monstrous beings anchored near Minami port.

Surrounded by a retinue of Deep Ones, Chino extended his arms, transforming back into his human form under the sunlight's rays.

Following his second evolution, Chino sported an abdomen resembling that of a black forked fish, capable of containing objects ten times larger than his body. This unique ability found a particularly specialized use in retaining water.

Unlike ordinary bodily functions, Chino no longer relied on his genitals for urine excretion; any part of his body could expel or absorb fluid. When hydration was necessary, his body automatically drew from the water stored within his abdomen, granting him a newfound control over his transformations.

Thanks to a thin layer of outer skin capable of repelling rainwater, his form remained unchanged even upon contact with moisture. By redistributing the water stored within his abdomen, he could seamlessly transition into his Fish-Man guise at will, regardless of his surroundings.

When contemplating reverting his transformation, Chino simply needed to draw all the water back into his abdomen.

Simultaneously, Fish-Man's cry ability had acquired certain controllable characteristics. Additionally, he possesses a degree of self-healing prowess, along with the capability to create familiar akin to Queen Bee.

The group could also revert to their human forms, but like Chino previously, they needed to expel all the water from their bodies.

"From now on, this is your home," Chino declared to the assembled Deep Ones, "I have only one request: obey my commands."

"Any objections?" He inquired.

One Deep One hesitated. "I... I still have a wife and children," He confessed.

Chino his turned gaze towards the individual, "Then let them join us. How does that sound?"

The Deep One fell silent.

"Understand this: in this world, you can achieve anything. The only forbidden thing is disobedience to me and our lord."

"And who is our lord?" Someone dared to ask.

"A goddess," Chino proclaimed.


Minami Port, noon.

Vex and Raven surveyed the assembly of over 50 humans before them and nodded in approval.

"This time, we're well-prepared, 002," Remarked Vex.

Chino's gaze was resolute, "I cannot afford to disappoint Lord Aurora again. This time, I will not underestimate the enemy, no matter what."

Raven concurred, "Your caution is commendable."

"Our targets have banded together with the police and formed an investigation team to deal with supernatural occurrences," Raven continued, "It's a challenge tailored to fight our kind."

"My Lady hasn't provided any commentary on the matter. It's likely a test for you, considering you're the only one among us who has suffered a second evolution."

Chino contemplated for a moment, "But it's not enough... I need more, at least 200,000 Deep Ones."

Vex's eyes broadened at the mention of the number, "200,000? Are you planning to wage war on the United Nations?"

"The opposition is merely a small police station with fewer than a hundred personnel."

Chino turned around, "This time, I must proceed with caution."

Upon hearing this, Raven transformed into a young girl and burst into laughter, "Are you the Cautious Hero?"

"What's that?" Inquired Chino.

"Just a character I saw in an anime two days ago," Raven explained, "The protagonist is excessively cautious, and it reminded me of you."

"The villain in it is also absurd—he camps directly at the newbie village!"

"Who would do such a thing?" Chino responded incredibly.

"Camping in a newbie village..."