

"She made me smile even in my worse time, that's the reason I fell for her." “You never liked me?” Jun halted at his place. “You know then why are you asking?” Jun muttered. “I want to hear it. I want to know why do you hate me?” Ani asserted. Her voice was trembling and her eyes were filled with tears. “I never liked you and never will- because you have no aim. I do not want to stand beside a girl who will be aimless and helpless all her life. You are one of those girls. That’s what I hate the most,” Jun pronounced and turned to look at her. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you never love me?" Jun asked her.  "Jun," Ani whispered his name as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You never once loved me. If you had then, you would have told me first even if my father told you not to tell me. If you had loved me then, you would have called me immediately and told me that Jun, you are needed here. If you had loved me then, you would have thought of me first." "All these years, I loved a wrong woman. I believed in my love, but that love betrayed me." Jun was crying, saying all this.  Wiping the tears off his cheeks, Jun further spoke, "never show me your face. If you ever will then one of us might end up hurting. You told me earlier that we should not cross paths with each other. From today onwards, there won't be any Jun in your life and the same goes for me- there won't be no Ani in my life." Jun proclaimed.  Dive into the story of Kim Jun and Cha Ani to know more about their Unrequited Love. ~~~~~~~~~~ English is my second language, so there might be grammatical errors. The picture is taken from Pinterest edited by me. The right belongs to its truthful owner.

Light_ray · สมัยใหม่
241 Chs

Chasing the love!

Soo's parents have gone to Myung's house to talk about the matter of their son. The parents of both are seated on the couch in the living room talking about the call off their marriage.

"Yangmi how can Soo tell this now? It has been four years but he never utter a word about this. Now he's saying that he doesn't like Myung. What do you think I'll tell my daughter? You know that she loves him a lot," said Wang Shik.

"Please forgive me on behalf of my son. But it's good that he told me about this earlier than later. Think about our children's lives. I always wanted Myung to be our daughter in law but Soo doesn't want to marry her," said Yangmi and bowed his head down to apologize.

"You are our friends. It's good that Soo told us before the marriage rather than proceeding with it. She will take time to forget about him but we will handle her," said Yangmi with a heavy heart. Huwa too apologized to them and after some time they left for their house.

Soo was pacing in his room thinking about the Myung. "Sir has called you downstairs," said the servant and then walked away from Soo's room. Soo quickly ran downstairs. He saw his father was furious at him. He walked to him when his father threw a hard slap on his cheek. Soo touched his cheek and then glared at his father.

"I'll take your eyes off you. How dare you to make me bow?," shouted Yangmi at him. He shouted at the servant and told him to bring the golf stick from the sports room. The servant ran from there to bring the golf stick. Huwa ran towards her husband, Yangmi and held his arm tightly. "Don't do this. He's our son," said Huwa with tears in her eyes.

"Huwa get away. He needs a good beating….," yelled Yangmi pushing her aside. The servant came there with a golf stick. Soo laughed at his father and said, "I expected this only from you." Yangmi started beating him with the golf stick. Soo winced in pain but he didn't leave his place. He never once thought that his father is like this. The continuous beating made him fall on the floor when Huwa came forward and told Yangmi to hit her before hitting Soo. Yangmi threw the stick away in anger and told Soo to bring the girl's family to the home. He then walked away from there.

Huwa looked at his son who was wincing in pain. She called two servants and told them to take him to the room. Huwa touched Soo's face when Soo jerked her hand and said, "I don't need your pity and sympathy." He got up from the floor and walked upstairs to his arm holding his arm.

Cho was standing outside Soo's house. She thought to meet him as his phone was off. She rang the bell of his house gathering her courage. After five minutes a maid came out and asked her who she was.

"I'm Soo's friend, Cho. Can I meet him?," asked Cho.

"Wait here. I'll ask Ma'am first," said the maid and walked inside. The maid came there after five minutes and told her to come inside. She stepped inside the house and looked around. A big garden on the right side with all kinds of varieties of flowers, on the left there was a small fountain. She followed the maid and entered inside the house. She got stunned to see the house because the interior was perfect.

Huwa came before her. She immediately did a bow before her. "Are you the girl who Soo loves?," asked Huwa.

"Eh...ah Yes," said Cho with a smile.

"Please go to his room. She will show you the room," said Huwa and then told the maid to do so. Cho nodded and followed the maid. "What happened?," asked Cho from the maid.

"Sir has beaten Soo badly. He's wounded heavily," said the maid. Hearing this Cho got shocked and quickened her steps. The maid showed her the room and then walked away. Cho entered the room and saw Soo who was laid on the bed. She ran towards his bed and saw his face. "Soo," mumbled Cho with teary eyes.

Soo opened his eyes slightly and smiled. "Ugly you here? You must be wondering what has happened to me? But this is my life," said Soo and laughed. She sat beside him and asked, "where's the first aid kit?"

"Inside my cupboard," said Soo. Cho ran there and opened the cupboard. She took out the kit and walked near Soo. She applied ointment on his wounds and accidentally touched his arm. Soo has gotten maximum beating on his arm and back.

"Take off your shirt," said Cho.

"It's fine," said Soo.

"You need treatment...should I call Woo Oppa?," asked Cho.

"No. I'll tell you so just do that," said Soo and tried getting up. Cho helped him in getting up. She made him rest on the pillows behind his back and then started unbuttoning his shirt. She unbuttoned his shirt and took out the shirt from his body gently. Her heart ached seeing his back. She touched the wound and he winced in pain.

"Just apply this ointment there," said Soo. Cho opened the tube and put the ointment over his wound on the back. She kept on blowing his wound and spread the ointment over the wound with her index finger. She did the same on his arms.

"Wait, I'm bringing your t-shirt," said Cho and got up from the bed. She opened the cupboard and took out a loose t-shirt. She helped him in wearing the t-shirt. Tears formed in her eyes. "Hey it's not a big deal. My father is like this. I suggest you not to marry me," said Soo and smiled.

"I'll marry you now at any cost," said Cho and wiped the tears from her eyes. Huwa came there with breakfast. Cho went to her and told her that she will help Soo. Huwa smiled and then walked out of Soo's room.

Cho brought the breakfast tray towards Soo's bed and then helped him in eating the breakfast. After eating he laid down on support of his belly. Cho pulled the curtains thus preventing the light to enter the room. "I'll come to your home in the evening. Thanks Cho for understanding me," said Soo with closed eyes. Cho nodded and left from his house.


"Ahhh my back," mumbled Ani and hit on her back. She was standing before her desk when Jun entered the office. She immediately turned to him and greeted him.

"Bring me a coffee and give this file to Dowa," said Jun and went to his chair. Ani nodded and ran out with the file. She gave the file to Dowa and then went to the cafeteria to bring coffee for Jun. After ten minutes she came back to the office and gave the coffee to Jun. He thanked her and told her to make a report on today's meeting and gave him by evening. Ani nodded and went back to her desk. She started working on the desktop when she saw Jun has worn the glasses again and is looking dashing. She smiled and took out her phone.

She started talking pictures of him and after she was done taking the pictures she giggled looking at those photos. "Ahhh….How can someone be so good looking? Ahhh that's why I can't stop loving him," murmured Ani and smiled when Jun snatched the phone from her.

Ani immediately got up from her seat and told him not to do anything this time. Jun smiled and said, "I warned you that if you will ever again take my picture then I'm going to punish you. Now I'm taking your phone and it will be returned to you tomorrow."

"No please. How would I call my oppa?," asked Ani.

"I'll tell him about your deeds. Now get back to work else I'll go through it and check your personal things on this mobile too," said Jun and shifted his gaze to the desktop computer. Ani sighed and sat on the chair. She started working fast so that by evening she can give him the report and then take her mobile from her at any cost.

In the evening she handed him the report when Jun told her to bring water for him. Ani walked out of the office to bring water. She returned after five minutes and found him wasn't there. She ran to her desk and found a sticky note there. "I've to leave urgently. The report is fine. Come early tomorrow, as we've done field work."

"Where's my phone?," murmured Ani and searched for it in the entire office room but wasn't able to find it.

"He has a date today. That movie date…..," mumbled Ani and looked at her watch. " Ahhh I'm going to be late." She carried her bag and then ran out of the office.

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