

She was the secret treasure who was born to become great, her fate held great responsibilities and duties, which were to be carried out at all costs. She was trained to hide her emotions and put others' interest before hers. He is the eldest son born to a great hero who saved the wizarding world, expectations always high for him. He had to continue the legacy his grandparents and parents had for him. ******* Evelina Rose Wood, inheritor of a great bloodline who were one of the four who established the great wizarding world. She always hid her emotions and disappointments behind her mask of satisfaction and happiness. James Sirius Potter, the eldest one with great reputation to uphold, responsibilities to protect the happiness of his treasured ones. He sacrificed his happiness and became the contradiction of what he wanted to. One incident which changed his outlook on life. They were both a hard nut to crack, stubborn in their own ways. Their life was smooth even with disappointments and sacrifices but when their lives crashed together, their journey which was supposed to be parallel became one?? They clashed in unexpected ways, yet their timing seemed just right. Even when their intelligent brains advised them to stay away they were oddly pulled together as if their destiny wanted otherwise.... Will they bow down to their odd destiny or will fight against it in their stubborn ways??? Continue with me and their family to see what exactly does fate have in store for them..... ******* Even when the scenarios change the hot and sweet romance remains the same. EVELINA: Let me out before I jinx you!! JAMES: As if I wanted to be locked in with you. You have grown dumber than expected. EVELINA: You dare call me dumb with thumbnail sized brain of yours (Glares fiercely). JAMES: I'm starting to doubt that our brain sizes are same, if not why would you even threaten to jinx her when she is the one to give you those powers.... AUTHOR: Hahaha!!! James you are oddly intelligent today my boy..... EVELINA: Why am I even being caged up in here, that to along with this useless brat... AUTHOR: Now...Now my dearie you cannot call him useless after all he the only one who can handle your temper... So technically he has a lot of potential in him... JAMES: My dear Author, you are praising me quite well today why so suddenly.... (Grows suspicious) AUTHOR: Because you are going to suffer a lot my boy, I will let you be happy for today (Devilish Smirk) JAMES: W-why?? AUTHOR: Now my dear you are ruining the fun now.... Go back obediently... EVELINA & JAMES: NOO..... (Vanishes into thin air ) ******* It is where a haughty princess is tactfully subdued by a devilishly handsome princess... HAPPY READING GUYS!!!!! ENJOY THE BOOK!!!!

Giji_n_2104 · แฟนตาซี
110 Chs


"Quickly pack your bags as you won't have time later on, we will be leaving for Burrow tomorrow" Sam said as he beamed her sweet and cheeky smile.

Evelina shrugged and then nodded indifferently and was about to go up when Oliver called out for her.

"Honey use this chance to make new friends in England, all of them will be going to Hogwarts with you, few of them are younger than you but also are a part of Hogwarts with you" Oliver said as he looked at her adoringly.

Evelina nodded and smiled reassuringly, Sam then looked at Lauren looked at each other as realisation struck them. They then looked at their parents with face full of horror, their face was pale in fear.

"What happened are you two unwell, why are you two so pale" Selena asked in a worried and concerned tone. She walked near them and touched their foreheads to check if they have fever, she realised they did not have fever as their temperature was normal.

"Mum, Teddy will also be there, you know what a big bookworm he is and with Rose adding up is already a mess of books around us, now this Rose also be added won't we fellow mortals die" Sam whined in annoyance and frustration.

Selena and Oliver chuckled in amusement whereas Evelina was trying her best to not roll her eyes in annoyance. "If you read even ten percent of what I read you will not be so dumb" Evelina remarked in a sarcastic tone.

Before both the brothers could react, Evelina turned around swiftly and ascended the stairs back to her room. "Did she by any chance call us dumb" Lauren asked in a confused and questioning tone. Selena and Oliver shook their heads helplessly at the antics of their sons.

////////// EVELINA'S ROOM //////////

Evelina opened her room's door and was about to enter when she heard her mother call out for her. She looked back to find her mother walking towards her with a row of gowns charmed to follow behind her.

"Rose, dear these are the gowns the designer delivered this morning, try them out so that we finalise it now and you can get ready with ease in the evening" Selena said in a warm motherly tone as she smiled in a doting manner.

Evelina was dumbstruck at the amount of dresses which were delivered by the designer. She looked at her mother with shock written all over her face. She entered the room and her mother followed her behind along with the dresses.

"Why are you so shocked sweetheart, is there some problem" Selena asked in a worried and concerned tone.

"No Mum, there isn't any problem but I would have loved it if it was already sorted by the designer. There are too many of them and only selective should have been sent over here" Evelina said in a calm yet disapproving tone.

"Rose dear, these are all sorted ones. There were double than this, I selected the ones I liked, Now hurry up and try these out" Selena said in a warm tone as she hurried Evelina to try the gowns quickly.

"You want me to try out these many gowns" Evelina asked in a bewilderment, she could not believe the amount of gowns her mother was asking her to try out just for one night.

Selena nodded indicating she was right. Evelina looked in between the gowns and her mother, her mind racing the ways she can escape from trying out so many gowns as she knew her mother will like more than one and she would struck in between which one.

"Pick few from them and give it to me I will try them out" Evelina said in a defeated tone. She sighed heavily as she waited for her mother to pick out few from them.

"These are already the ones I liked and picked out of the gowns the designer sent" Selena said in a casual tone not realising the effect of her words on the poor girl who was struggling to not break down.

"How about you select any three among them which you deem will look nice on me and will also suit the night. I would prefer your pick the best" Evelina said in a expectant tone as she looked at her mother sweetly.

Selena sighed and walked towards the row of dresses. After looking at each and every gown she picked out three pieces which reached her standards and will also look beautiful on her dear daughter.

She handed one of them to Evelina and said, "Try this first" Selena said in calm and suggestive tone. Evelina took the gown and went inside her walk-in closet to try it out. After few minutes Evelina stepped out of the walk-in closet.

It was a beautiful emerald green cold shoulder ball gown, it was mainly of lace and complemented Evelina's jade white skin complexion. She swirled around to give her mother the complete view of her wearing the dress.

Selena nodded in a pleased manner, Evelina looked at her mother in an expectant way. Selena immediately knew what was running through her daughter's head, she shook her head and pointed towards another gown indicating her to try it out.

"Try the other two as well, it will help us to decide the best" Selena said as she motioned Evelina to go and change into the next gown. After another set of minutes Evelina walked out of the closet adoring a navy blue A-line gown.

The strapless gown accentuated her sharp shoulder blades well; the gown was made of silk with silver thread embroidery work on it. The gown highlighted her jade white skin well and contrasted well with her chestnut hair.

Selena handed the third and the last gown to Evelina and said, "Try this out and we can decide which one looks the best on you" Selena said in a coaxing tone as she simply pushed Evelina back inside the closet.

After five minutes or so Evelina came out of the bathroom dressed in a white ball gown designed with black designs and stonework on its upper body. It was an off-shoulder gown hugging her body perfectly till her upper abdomen.