
Unleashed love

It all began when a single dad with the mindset that love doesn't exist happens to get entangled with his daughter's personal driver. Will he fall in love with her? What about the mother of his child?

emmanuel_esther · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

chapter 11

In the Harrington mansion, Andrew visited his parents, he met his Dad in the living room, watching TV and sipping on a cup of coffee, he made to walk past his Dad without uttering a word to him.

"Hey, son, you cannot walk past like you didn't see me" he yelled.

Andrew stopped in his tracks, contemplating wether or not to talk to his father.

"Say something son, stop being a weakling because of a woman, a gold digger at that" Percival blurted out.

"That's enough!!" Andrew yelled, Percival was taken aback for a second, he had never seen his son this angry.

"Are you yelling at me right now?" Percival asked in shock and disbelief.

"Dad, you crossed boundaries, you should know better than insulting the woman I love, you won't want someone to insult mum, would you?"

"Well, I won't, but that's because your mother deserves to be respected, your so-called girlfriend, is a gold digger she doesn't deserve respect"

"Dad you can say whatever you want, I love Alexa and that's final there's nothing you can do about it"

"There won't be any such thing as love between you two under my watch, you will do I as say!!"

"you know what? I'm done being your puppet and I'm done having this conversation with you" Andrew said and walked away straight into his room.

He met mother standing at the door, she looked worried, Andrew hated it when she had that look on her face.

"Mum, why's your face like that?" He asked deeply concerned about her.

"I heard you and your father,yelling at each other, you expect me to be happy about that?"

"Mum, you know it isn't my fault, Dad has been getting on my nerves recently and I can't hold it anymore"

"Hey, son don't say that, you know you father loves you"

"If he loves me, then he should respect my choice of a woman and stop seeing her as a gold digger"

His father suddenly entered the room interrupting them both, "listen carefully Andrew, if you don't cut the ties you have with that girl, I will make sure to disown you and transfer all your shares in the company to your sister" he threatened with rage in his eyes.

"You know sometimes I wonder if you're my biological father or my foster Dad....."

Harriet suddenly interrupted " Andrew, don't say a thing like that to your father, his is your biological father"

"It doesn't look like that to me, he accepts everything Andria does and opposes mine, everything he does is just on favour of himself alone, he never cares about my feelings"..

"What is this all about" Andria yelled as she entered the room followed by a sudden silence.

"Get out of my room this minute" kelvin ordered her.

"Not until I know why you want to bring down the roof" she stubbornly replied.

"Mum, you had better caution your daughter" Andrew warned.

"Well I guess it's about your girlfriend" Andria let out a shrill laugh, infuriating Andrew even more "you haven't seen the news, have you?"

"What's on the news" the trio asked in unison.

"Well, the news has it that your so called girlfriend, is having an affair with kelvin Black, CEO of the Black's Empire"

"That's a lie, she only works as a personal driver for him and I'm aware of that, the media just misquoted their relationship" Andrew defended.

"Awwn, such a loving boyfriend but, that's not what it looks like in the picture" she said waving her phone in his face. Andrew grabbed the phone and took a long look.

"I'm sure the scales have fallen off your eyes, that is no boss and employee relationship, you can tell from the way he's looking at her and her smile, she looks very happy" Andria added.

Andrew dropped the phone in disbelief and unconsciously sat on the floor, Andria picked up her phone.

"Do you want to smash my screen? It's obviously more expensive than your so-called girlfriend" she blabbered until her mum suddenly shut her up.

"Will you keep quiet Andria? This isn't the time for such nonsense, Your brother is not in a good state of mind"

"Mum, let me talk please, we warned him but he turned a deaf ear to it all, I can't imagine what if feels like to actually date two extremely rich guys"

"Andria" Harriet yelled.

"What baffles me most is why the picture hasn't been taken down and they've not even denied it yet" she continued.

"Andria, I'll not war you again" Harriet yelled.

"You just loosed again" that was it, Harriet lost it an gave Andria a resounding slap before Percival intervened, Andria held her cheeks as she cried.

"Mum, you slapped me"

"I'll slap you again if you don't behave yourself, you're 23 yet you keep acting like a child" Harriet complained "leave this room this minute" she ordered, Andria refused but her dad tapped her on the shoulder and led her out of the room.

"C'mon son" Harriet helped Andrew sit on the bed, "You have to call Alexa and confirm if what they're saying is the truth"

"Mum" he finally managed to speak "what will I say to her? She left this house some days ago on tears and now she's ended up on her boss's hands"

"You cannot conclude without hearing from both sides"

"Mum, I don't think you

understand, Andria was right, they'd have taken it down if it was false or better still deny it"


"No mum" he interrupted " enough of the advice, I'm done with Alexa besides dad doesn't approve of her, I can't even believe I had problems with Dad because of her"

"Andrew, do not act on anger to avoid regrets" she warned.

"What am I going regret, mum? Getting rid of a gold digger? If that's it, then I have nothing to loose.

"You were the one who told me, she never asked you for anything"

Andrew sat down quietly like he was giving it a thought "which is absolutely true mum, what I don't understand is why she's two timing kelvin and I, she even refused to stop working for him, when I asked her to quit"

"Andrew, I raised you better than this, you don't ask a woman to quit her job, that's unruly"

"Mum, I want to be left alone please" he requested.

"Okay, do take care of yourself and don't act on impulse" Harriet stood up and left his room, closing the door after her, Andrew sat on his bed thinking of that next step to take.


On the way back from the organization, kelvin got stuck in a terrible traffic, it didn't seem like it was going to be over anytime soon, he was very worried because he'd wanted to cover part of the investigation. He was still thinking, when he received a call from Anthony.

"Good thing you called man"

"What's up" Anthony asked.

"Nothing much, just stuck in traffic"

"Did you get the stuff you went after?"

"Well, yes did, so how far have you gone with the investigation?" Kelvin asked.

"Well, we discovered Mr Peter had moved out of the place he lived, he also changed his mobile number all attempt to track him has just gone down the mud"

"Well, I'll just send you these files via WhatsApp, the owner of the organization, had tracked peter Jones for a while after he'd stopped working for the Andersons"

"Okay so did they get something new about him?"

"I haven't checked that yet, I guess you would do that yourself because I'm sending everything now"

"Okay then, I'll be expecting them"

Kelvin hung up and started taking pictures of the papers contained in the file he was given, he sent the pictures to Anthony via WhatsApp.

Within the space of fifteenth minutes Anthony called again, traffic had cleared and kelvin was driving, he parked his car and picked the call.

"We found something, right now we're tracking his phone and it's leading to the country side"

"Gross, what would make him leave the city to such a place?"

"Well, I guess we'd find out soon"

"Okay then, I'm driving right now, I'll call you later to see how far you've gone" kelvin said before hanging up.

Kelvin was very close to his house when he received another call from Anthony, he ignored the call with the intention of returning the call when he got entered his compound. He accelerated thereby increasing the car speed, in a twinkle of an eye, He got to his house. He picked up the phone return Anthony's call when he got a text, it read "we lost him" the text was from Anthony.

He dialed Anthony's number, "what do you mean, you lost him?"

"Well, we were able to track him down to the house he lived but he escaped"

"With all the men you went with? You allowed him escape?" Kelvin asked in rage.

"Let me explain how it happened, we tracked him down to his house and discovered he had already left, he left with his wife but left his phone behind, we asked his neighbor, if he initially had plans of leaving the place but she said he never mentioned that"

"Are you trying to say, he knew you were coming?"


"Who could have informed him about us?"

"That's what I don't know, I think we should be more careful, there could be a spy amongst us"

"Hmm, this is not going to be so easy, wait!!" Kelvin said like he suddenly remembered something "I remember hearing receding footsteps the day I called you regarding this same issue, when i opened the door see who it was, Alexa was standing there"

"Do you think she's the spy?" Anthony asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"I don't even know what to think, recently she's been going to visit her mum in the hospital"

"I thought her parents are dead?"

"It's her foster Mum"

"I can sense suspicion in your voice kelvin, if you suspect her that much, then monitor her movement"

"Because I have nothing to do"

"That's on you bruh, I'm pretty busy right now"

"I'll see to it then" kelvin said and hung up.


That night, Alexa came back from the hospital exhausted, she managed to take a bath and laid on her bed, just as she was drifting off to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" She asked, there was no answer instead the person kept knocking.

Alexa reluctantly and sluggishly stood up to open the door, she met an angry looking Cheryl outside.

"Baby, you should be sleeping by now, why are you still up?" She asked with a mild voice but Cheryl ignored the question, walked past her into the room and sat down on the bed with her hands across her chest, fuming in anger.

That night, Alexa came back from the hospital exhausted, she managed to take a bath and laid on her bed, just as she was drifting off to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" She asked, there was no answer instead the person kept knocking.

Alexa reluctantly and sluggishly stood up to open the door, she met an angry looking Cheryl outside.

"Baby, you should be sleeping by now, why are you still up?" She asked with a mild voice but Cheryl ignored the question, walked past her into the room and sat down on the bed with her hands across her chest, fuming in anger.

You don't look happy, what's wrong?" Alexa asked, she had forgotten how sleepy she was earlier.

"You've now hate me, don't you?" Cheryl asked. The question took Alexa by surprise.

"Baby, why would say that?"

"You've been avoiding me, you leave the house very early in the morning, when I'm still sleeping and come back at night when I've gone to bed"

Alexa paused for a while and thought about it, it actually looked like she was avoiding her but that was not the case at hand right now. Alexa placed her hand on Cheryl's shoulders "Baby, I have been busy with something lately, I am not avoiding you, I would never avoid my angel, you know you're my angel, right?" Alexa asked, Cheryl nodded a yes. "Good"

"So what's been keeping you busy?" Cheryl asked innocently.

Alexa took a deep breath thinking of how best to explain the situation at hand to a four year old.

"Well, I have been going to the hospital to take care of mum, she's not all that well so I'll go in the morning, keep her company throughout the day and return in the evening when Olivia comes back from work"

"Ohh" Cheryl mouthed unable to voice out her feelings but Alexa was able to understand how she felt so she pulled her close.

"It's okay baby, I know you feel sorry for me ,I know you really care about me but I'm glad you understand now that I haven't been avoiding you on purpose, don't worry mum will be okay, she's a strong woman and I know she'll pull through"

"Will you go to the hospital tomorrow?" Cheryl asked with curiosity in her eyes.

"Yes, of course, you wanna tag along?"

"Yes, I want to see grandma"

"Well, it's yes from me but you'd have to tell daddy first" Alexa told her.

"Pretty simple then" Cheryl said in happiness, she scurried out of the room to the living room where her Dad was working on his laptop"

"Daddy, can you do me a favor, please?" She asked.

Kelvin closed the laptop "you should be in bed, Cheryl" he said sternly.

"I'd go to bed once you grant my request" she insisted.

Kelvin took a deep breath and asked "what would that be?"

"Dad, Alexa's going to the hospital tomorrow,.can I go with her please?" She asked making puppy eyes.

Kelvin gave it a thought, he could use that opportunity to spy on Alexa. "Alright" he said and continued what he was doing.

"You mean I can go with her?" Cheryl inquired curiously.


"Just like that?" She asked, surprised at her Dad's response.


"Thank you Soo much Daddy" she said jumping up and down round the living room.

"You have to go to bed, young lady" 

"Sure" she said and ran upstairs to Alexa's room.

Kelvin watched with keen interest as his daughter displayed excitement, he hadn't seen her that happy in a while. Immediately Cheryl ran upstair, he put down his laptop and made for his room.


"Guess what?" Cheryl said as she entered Alexa's room, she kept smiling and jumping from one Angle of the room to another.

"Umm..." Alexa thought, "you know I'm not good at guessing"

Cheryl took a deep breath and announced "I'm going with you to the hospital tomorrow" 

"Did you get daddy's permission yet?"

"Yes I did, he accepted that I go with you to the hospital tomorrow"

"No way" Alexa said in disbelief.

"Yes, he did accept"

"Oh my God" Alexa exclaimed as she carried Cheryl and spinned around the room, until they both became dizzy and fell on the bed. 

"Alexa, can you help me pick an outfit for tomorrow?"


"Can I also sleep in your room tonight?"

"You want to sleep here tonight?"


"Alright, you can sleep with me tonight"

"Yeeeesssss!!!, Let's go pick the clothes for tomorrow, I wanna match outfit with you tomorrow" Cheryl said as she led Alexa by the arm to her room.

They picked a pink top, black denim jeans, jacket and Nike shoes to match. They slept together that night, Cheryl cuddling up to Alexa.

Very early the morning, while everyone was still asleep, Alexa woke up and went down to make breakfast for Cheryl, she made fried eggs and toasted bread, she took them upstairs to her room.

When Cheryl woke up, Alexa helped her brush her teeth, take a bath and wear her clothes, she then gave her the breakfast she made earlier before proceeding to the bathroom to take a bath.

Cathy woke up to a text from a hidden number. The text read "Find out the next move and the strategy of which they tend to use, delete".

Cathy let out a sigh and turned off her phone, she made her way to cheryl's room to prepare her for the day, when she got there, she panicked, she couldn't find Cheryl in her room, because it was unlike her to wake up this early. She even begged for more sleep whenever Cathy woke her up in the morning.

She made her way downstairs to look for her, she met Alexa and Cheryl on her way. They were dressed in outing outfits, Cathy released a sigh of relief at the sight of Cheryl but then she tightened her fist as she thought about the fact that Alexa was slowly taking over her job, she made a u-turn and headed back to the room thinking of the best way to deal with Alexa. 

"what if Alexa is doing this on purpose, why is she suddenly doing my work, I should consider it as she's helping me out, but..., I can't. If she continues like this, I'd be considered useless and get sacked. No!!! I can't let this happen, No one can take over my post I need to complete the mission I came here for and I'm going to make sure she doesn't get in my way" she thought to herself.


Kelvin picked up his car keys and made his way to his garage, he chose the Tesla model x and waited until he heard Alexa and Cheryl leave in an Uber, he texted Anthony for backup before proceeding to follow their trail on the GPS map, earlier before then, he put a GPS tracker in the jacket Cheryl had on. Kelvin tracked the car to the hospital, he waited inside the car for them to go inside, he put on a disguise and followed them to the ICU unit. 


Alexa walked down the stairs with Cheryl in her hands, she met Cathy at the foot of the stairs, she had this worried look on her face which was quickly replaced with relief then anger. Alexa greeted her but she ignored her and walked past them, Alexa shrugged unsure of the reason behind the attitude. She went downstairs, grabbed a few snacks for Cheryl that morning, before heading out of the house, they boarded a taxi to the hospital. Alexa held onto Cheryl's hands as they walked through the hallways in the hospital, Cheryl smiled and waved hands at everyone she saw. 

Alexa suddenly started having strange feelings, she felt the hairs on her body rise. As she made her way down the maze-like hallways towards her mother's room, a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't help but feel as though someone was watching her, following her every move. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, just the bustling activity of nurses and doctors attending to their duties. Alexa picked up Cheryl and ran through the hall way to the ICU unit where her mother was. She ran inside and latched the door, at this moment she was breathing heavily, the sight of her frail, weakened mother lying in the hospital bed was a painful reminder of the gravity of the situation. She put Cheryl down and sat on the chair trying to catch her breath. She devised a plan to find out who it was that was following them.

 "Baby, I want to go see the doctor, I'll be right back, be a good girl and stay inside here okay?" Cheryl nodded a yes. 

Alexa left the ward and walked back through the hallway. She continuously looked back until she was convinced the stalker was following her. She hastened her steps and took a turn where she hid behind a wall, the stalker blatantly walked past the place she was hiding, Alexa grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and gave him a punch that sent his cap flying, the stalker groaned in pain, immediately Alexa removed the mask, she froze at the spot, "sir... she stuttered, "what're you doing here?" Turns out the stalker was her boss.

 Kelvin's face was red from the embarrassment, he quickly interrupted "W-well er..... I-I came to s-see my employee's m-mother, I heard she was i-involved in an a-accident, isn't that w-what a b-boss should do?" he stammered.

"Oh sorry I misinterpreted, it's just that you are dressed like a stalker and acting like one too"

"I've got many important things to do than stalk you" 

"I'm really sorry sir"

"Are you going to lead me to your mother or do we keep standing here?" 

"Sorry sir" Alexa said and led the way while kelvin strode behind her adjusting hs shirt that had rumpled and wiped his bleeding nose.

Her mother was sitting upright, holding Cheryl's hand while they conversed, Alexa couldn't believe her eyes because the doctor had said it wasn't likely for her to wake up anytime soon.

She quickly rushed to he mother's side and hugged her " mom, you're awake".

"Yes, dear it's all thanks to God for providing such a sweet little girl with an awesome voice" her mum complimented Cheryl.

"Sweet as always"Alexa.said as she scooped Cheryl in for a family hug.

Kelvin who was watching the scenario with astonishment suddenly felt left out and decided to leave but stopped in his tracks when Alexa's mother asked who he was. 

"Who's this?" Alexa's mum asked as she looked up her gaze fixated on Kelvin.

"Oh mum, he's my boss, he came to pay you a visit" Alexa explained.

"Oh my, that's so nice of you Mr....." She said trying to remember his name.

"Kelvin" kelvin added.

"Yes, Mr kelvin, I really appreciate"

"It's nothing, Ma'am I'm just doing what any considerate boss would" Alexa made a face at this and her mum saw it.


"I'm sorry mum".

"Daddy, you came" Cheryl said as she ran into her dad's arms.

"Yes, baby" he said as he to her level and picked her up.

"Won't you ask your boss to sit?" 

"No, mum I don't think he'd want that, he's actually in a hurry, aren't you?" Alexa directed the question to Kelvin.

"Yes, I'm actually on my way to the office" kelvin said trying to save himself the embarrassment of being caught in the first place 

"You didn't look like you were in a hurry when you came in here, why not spend a little more time with us" Mrs ... Urged.

"Mum, he just said he needed to be some..."

"Thirty minutes won't cause much harm" kelvin said cutting her off "I'd stay" he said and took a sit adjacent to where Mrs ..... laid.

" So How's work?" 

"Well, everything's Good and moving a little bit very smoothly but you know, you can't always predict things like this"

"Yeah, I totally understand... I hope Alexa isn't giving you much problem, she could be a pain in the ass at times"

"No, not at all, she could be tough, but she's totally good at what she does, I mean, you raised her well"

"I'd say same about you too, your daughter is one intelligent, cute little angel, the few minutes I spent with her was awesome, she reminds me Soo much of Alexa when she was still a child"

Kelvin smiled at Mrs Agnes, "mum, I should go call the doctor let him examine you" Alexa said and ran off.

Kelvin's phone started ringing he checked the caller, it was Anthony, he quickly excused himself to pick the call.

Three minutes later, she came back in with the doctor, behind him was a nurse bearing a tray with some kind of medicines in it.

"It's good to see you awake, Mrs Agnes"

"Thank you doctor, how many days have I been out?"

"A month but it's good to see you back

"O my God" Mrs Agnes exclaimed and clasped her hands over her mouth as her eyes widened in disbelief.

The doctor checked her vitals and said "this is totally unbelievable you're just waking up from a coma and you are this hale and hearty, very much healthy" he said and adjusted the drip " this is the quickest recovery I've seen years, if you keep healing this fast, you're going to be discharged sooner than expected".

"Thank you very much doctor" agnes.

"Thank you sir" Alexa added as well.

"All thanks to God, your mother helped to, she's a fighter, Anyways, the nurse would administer some multivitamins for you" he turned to Alexa, "see me in my office" he said, before leaving.

"Mom, where's Mr kelvin?"

"He went to pick a call"

"Okay, I need to go see the doctor, She turned to Cheryl and said " baby, stay with grandma, I'll be right back, okay?".

"Okay, go with daddy" 

"I will" Alexa said and left the room, she bumped into someone on the way, "I'm really sorry" she apologized without looking at the person's face.

"Where are you headed?" The person asked.

It was her boss, " I'm going to see the doctor, in his office"

"What for?"

"I can't really place it but i think it's to discuss the bills and my mum's health"

"I'm coming with you"

"What? No!" She disagreed.

"I insist"

"Alright" she gave up and let him follow her to the doctors office.

When they got to the office, the doctor stood up and greeted them, she was surprised at first but then she remembered she was with kelvin black, CEO of the blacks empire, biggest company in the united States, with it's branches spread over other continents.

"You're highly welcomed Mr black, please sit" he said offering them a chair "to what do I owe this visit, sir"

Kelvin and Alexa took the seats opposite the doctor, "you wanted to my staff, who's mum is in ICU unit, ward 12, please get on with whatever it is you wanted to say to her, she's all ears".

"Oh, my bad sir, since her mum was on coma, she has been under oxygen, the bills are to be paid before her mother can can be discharged from the hospital"

"I know doctor.." she was still talking when kelvin suddenly interrupted her.

"How much is it?" He asked.

it's $25,700 for everything, sir"

"Sir, please give me a little time to call my sister so we'd settle the bills" Alexa pleaded.

Kelvin waited patiently for her to round up her speech "Can I have you account number then?" He asked the doctor. 

"Sure" the doctor replied with a smile on his face, Alexa watched as kelvin made an instant transfer of $26,000 to the account. "Seen, sir"

"Anything else?" 

"No sir, everything's been taken care of, Mr Agnes would be discharged this week depending on how fast she recovers"

"Alright, I guess we're done here" kelvin said directing the question to Alexa who was lost in wondering contemplations.

"Y...y....esssir, we should leave now" 

The doctor stood up to usher them out of the office.

"Sir" Alexa called fidgeting with her shirt, she knew what to say but didn't know how to put it.

"You're welcome" kelvin replied knowing what she was going to say. "Let's go back to your mum"

On getting to the ward, they met Olivia, she grinned from tooth to tooth, "you're here, already" 

"Yes, I had to take permission from my boss and rush down here immediately I saw your text" Olivia said as she and Alexa embraced each other in a hug, Olivia freezed immediately she saw Kelvin. "What's he doing here?" She whispered to Alexa.

"He came to pay Mom a visit"


"I know right? He even paid the bills"

"OMG" Olivia exclaimed as she disengaged from the hug and clasped her hands over her mouth in surprise.

She quickly extended her hand towards Kelvin which he took in a gentle handshake.

"Thanks for coming to see my mum and paying the bills" Olivia appreciated him.

"It's fine, just doing my job as a boss" 

"You don't know what this means to us, it's more than a lot, we really appreciate" 

"I know you do"

"Errm mum, we have to leave now" Alexa announced.

"Okay dears, do have a safe ride home, thank you very much Mr kelvin, I really enjoyed your company and that of Cheryl, I also look forward to seeing you again" Mrs Agnes said.

"Bye grandma" Cheryl squeaked from behind her dad.

"Have a nice day mum, I'll come see you tomorrow"

They left the ward to the garage where the car was they all left in Kelvin's car.