
Unleashed love

It all began when a single dad with the mindset that love doesn't exist happens to get entangled with his daughter's personal driver. Will he fall in love with her? What about the mother of his child?

emmanuel_esther · Urban
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13 Chs

chapter 12

Alexa, we need to talk

"What's wrong, Andrew?" Alexa asked a little puzzled.

"I saw that picture of you and your boss online. It's causing a lot of problems between me and my family".

"Andrew, it's nothing I promise It doesn't mean anything, I just attended the school anniversary on behalf his daughter" Alexa tried convincing him.

"It means something to me, Alexa, what I don't understand is why the picture has not been taken down".

"Andrew, it was just his daughter's school event, and I can't control what people do with the pictures".

"I get it, I totally do but you know what? I can't handle the rumors and questions from my parents"

"I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally"

"Well, I guess my parents we're right, you're nothing but a gold digger, you think you could milk both your boss and me". Andrew spat out of anger.

Andrew, please, let's talk about this, please don't put it that way"

"I'm sorry, Alexa. It's over" Andrew stated simply and hung up.

"Andrew please don't do this to me, Andrew, hello hello" Alexa fell to the floor and started sobbing.

She cried for what seems like an eternity, she braced herself and decided to meet Andrew in person. She got up, had a bath and prepared to meet Andrew, she made sure to put on make-up in order to hide her sullen face.

Alexa hailed a taxi and headed towards Andrew's personal mansion. When she got there, the gate was opened for her, she was welcomed by his workers because she was a frequent visitor before she secured a job.

Alexa made her way upstairs to Andrew's room, she was stopped by a maid who refused her from going further.

"Excuse me, please" Alexa requested politely but the maid refused to Leave the way.

"Please Ma'am, you can't go any further"

"And why's that?" She asked in a state of confusion.

"Mr Andrew put restrictions to that, he said not to let anyone into his room" 

"Alright" Alexa said and pushed the maid out of her way, She quickly made her way to Andrew's room, the door was slightly open, she raised her hand to push it open but something caught her attention.

She could hear moaning sounds, out of fury, Alexa pushed open the door, the sight that met her eyes left her breathless—a painful tableau of betrayal etched into her consciousness.

 Her boyfriend, tangled in a web of infidelity, looked up with a mix of surprise and guilt.

The room echoed with a silence pregnant with disbelief, shattered when Alexa found her voice, quivering yet resolute. "How could you?" she asked, her words carrying the weight of a crumbling world. His response, however, was a cold indifference, an unapologetic demeanor that further fueled the tempest within her.

He shifted blame with callous ease, weaving a distorted narrative where Alexa became the antagonist. Accusations and excuses tumbled from his lips, casting her as the reason for his betrayal. The conversation, once a sanctuary of trust, now echoed with the harshness of deceit.

The woman Andrew was in bed with looked at Alexa and gave her a sly smile, she looked satisfied with what had just happened.

Despite the emotional storm raging within her, Alexa chose not to drown in his toxic narrative. She found strength in her pain, recognizing the need to sever ties with a relationship tainted by betrayal. In walking away, she carried with her the resilience to rebuild and heal, leaving behind a chapter stained with lies and unrepentance.

Alexa went home and cried out her eyes, she refused to have anything to eat or drink, she also refused to leave her room.

What broke her more wasn't the fact that Andrew cheated on her but who he cheated on her with, she had a hard time believing that Cathy would goo that far to exact revenge on her.


Two days past and Alexa didn't come to the hospital as promised, Olivia on her side couldn't reach Alexa, her phone was switched off.

She decided to go see Alexa the next day after work .


"Daddy, why is Alexa not joining us for dinner" Cheryl asked innocently.

"I don't know, why don't you find out?"

"I haven't seen her for two days now and she isn't in her room either"

Kelvin called the one of the men security that stays at the gate and asked of Alexa left the compound but he confirmed that Alexa have not left the compound since last they went to the hospital.

'Where could she be' kelvin thought to himself "are you sure she isn't in her room" He asked Cheryl.

"I knocked on her door but there was no answer and her door is locked"

"Have you tried calling her phone?" 

"Yes, it's switched off, Dad, you need to find Alexa"

"Let me try her number again" he dialed her line but the phone was switched off.

This caused kelvin to panic a little, "baby, eat your food, I'll be right back okay? let me go get Alexa"

"Okay Dad" Cheryl said before digging into her food.

Kelvin quickly went upstairs to Alexa's room, he knocked but there was no answer.

"Alexa" he called out still no answer, he knocked and knocked but still no answer. Kelvin was left with no other choice but to open the door with a spare key, he went to his room and grabbed a bunch of keys that Alexa's room spare keys in it.

He opened the door and found a dimly lit room filled with the heavy silence of heartbreak. Alexa, surrounded by tissues and empty bottles, looked fragile and worn. Without saying a word, he gently approached, offering a comforting presence rather than intrusive words. He brought a warm cup of tea, sitting beside her as a silent companion through the pain.

He helped her to shower after which he ordered that her room be cleaned up, she changed into a neat night gown. 

Kelvin single handedly brought her food and fed her bit by bit until she finished the food.

"Whatever happened to you Alexa?" Kelvin asked with concern.

Alexa looked at him as she struggled to no avail fighting back the tears threatened to fall.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk" kelvin said in a more soothing voice.

Even though Alexa was angry at her boss and she blamed him for everything that happened to her, she had a change of mind as a result of the things he did for her Tonight. 

"He broke up with me" she said and burst into tears, kelvin moved close to her and wrapped his arms around her, Her body shook violently as she sobbed in Kelvin's arm, he kept patting her back and her silk long hair hoping to calm her down.

"He saw the picture of me and you that was circulating the internet, he concluded that I was dating my boss and broke up with me, when I went over to his place to resolve things I found him on the bed with another woman"

"I'm so sorry Alexa, this is all my fault" he apologized.

"It fine" she said pulling away from him, she stared deeply into his eyes as he stared into hers, slowly they drew closer to each other and their lips met, a delicate collision that sent ripples through the silencethey felt warm and tasted sweet, It was a gentle exploration, a dance of passion unfolding in the quiet intimacy of the moment. The kiss spoke volumes, conveying emotions that words struggled to articulate.

Her heartbeat echoed in the brief pauses between kisses, a rhythm syncopated with the cadence of their connection. Fingers entwined, they found solace in the uncharted territory of each other's presence. The outside world melted away, leaving only the echo of their shared breaths and the warmth of a newfound connection.

As they pulled away, a shared breath lingered—a moment suspended in time. 

"I shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry" he said with look of guilt.

"Doing what?" She asked unaware of the reason he apologized.

"Taking advantage of a grieving woman"

"Shhh" Alexa shushed him placing a finger on his lips and the trailing it down his chest before giving him a little squeeze on his nipples, kelvin knew what she wanted, he wanted that too. 

Adjusting himself properly on the bed, his back against the wall, he grabbed her against his chest with his arms wrapped around her slender waist, he kissed her, this time with more passion, she felt a surge run through her veins as they kissed, his hard dick poked at her. Without thinking twice, Alexa tugged at his shirt, hastily undoing the buttons, she swallowed hard as she removed his shirt revealing his Greek god kind of body.

Kelvin pecked her on the nape of her neck, while she let out a slight moan, then he proceeded to soak on it, slowly he made his way to her chest and grabbed her firm breast, squeezing them, Alexa moaned at the feeling of his warm big hands on her breast.

Kelvin not being able to get enough of her smooth, sumptuous skin , slowly lifted her dress, taking it off completely leaving her in her panties, Alexa blushed hard and put her hands over her bare breast shielding it from his view.

Kelvin let out a sly smile, removed his pygamas, he still had his boxers on, his dick was so erect that it felt like it was going to rip the boxers. Kelvin trailed kisses from her legs up to her V-area, then to her breast, he gently removed her hands and took one of her breasts into his mouth. He sucked it like his whole life depended on it, then he moved to the other breast and sucked on it as well, Alexa moan filled the room.

"Fuck me already" Alexa moaned in pleasure.

"Not too fast, sweetie, I've gotta explore more" he smirked, he then inserted a finger on her pussy and slowly brought it out, it felt tight.

'what if she's a virgin' kelvin thought to himself then he waved it off 'there's no way she'd be a virgin' he continued fingering her extremely wet pussy, He lowered his head and played on her clits with his tongue, damn she tasted good he thought as he tasted her juice. Alexa moaned even more grabbing his hair as her body shook in pleasure.

Finally he removed his boxers revealing his rock hard dick, Alexa swallowed hard at the sight of it, it looked extremely big. He rubbed his d**k on her clits making her even more wet. He slowly entered her it was a little difficult because she was very tight.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked furrowing his brow.

Alexa nodded without saying any word, kelvin made to climb down but Alexa interlocked her legs leaving him trapped.

"Don't stop, please" she begged, kelvin gave in to her request and thrust, he felt a warm liquid rush out of her, he thrust again but very slowly, Alexa on her part felt a sharp pain which was replaced almost immediately with pleasure as he continued.

Her moans filled the room, as he thrust faster and harder, they both reach their orgasm, exhausted from the activity, they slept almost immediately with Alexa in Kelvin's arms.

Early the next morning Alexa woke up feeling a bit dizzy, she hastily got up from the bed but felt a sharp pain between her legs, memories of last night came flooding over, immediately her face turned red in embarrassment.

She remembered falling asleep in his arms and now he's nowhere to be found. 

"I'm overthinking this, it's just a one night stand and nothing else" she said to herself.