
Death: The End

"It's a Saturday, no school and no bullying, first date which is deeply surprising for I was not expecting a answer from her at least I expected a simple "no" if not for the occasional shouting and embarrassment involved. Normally I wouldn't have even dared to say a word after I was pushed to her by James but her smile gave me confidence and when she tucked her hair behind her ear knew she was waiting for me to say something and there it blurted out first in alien words which made her almost frown but a certain voice in my head said "speak clearly!" and I did, I said it all. She smiled then chuckled and I shimmered in my stand expecting the usual but I was certain my bladder was certainly going to give out this time. "Yes, Pick me up on Saturday?" were her exact words and in my mind for one holy second I took a ride in the tallest ferry wheel. I stood there mouth agape and my mind on moon holding hands with the girls of my dream. "Sure he will" James cut in shaking me out of my head."

Adrian crawled out of bed and stood in front of the mirror eyeing his zits and shady hair. He walked past his row of homework's and playboy magazines sprawled out all around the soft comfy rug his aunt got for him.

He had his bath and cleaned his teeth and freshened up. Tidied his hair and put on his oval shaped glasses and stared at that appalling image of himself in the mirror. He put on his best outfit and strapped his waist bag and left the room.

Adrian Evans the class nerd with his shaggy hair and blurting zits is a sixteen year old in high school with dreams of having sex before college like almost every other boy in school and to be the next Albert Einstein but with a cooler reproach. Only remaining Child of the now late Mr and Mrs Evans who died in a tragic train incident with Abigail Evans their one year old baby and some other 141 others. Adrian was then adopted by his Mom's Sister Kate Lang and her Adulterous husband Scott Lang who technically was not in agreement with the adoption of Adrian but Kate wouldn't have any of what he said and adopted him anyway. Though Adrian is grateful that he doesn't have to be in foster homes but he'd rather be anywhere but with them anytime Scott comes home drunk. Kate has a daughter of her own who is younger than Adrian with a two years margin. She's cocky and disrespectful, and also unfriendly and a big deal of a pretender, Adrian will always say anytime James brought up the Idea of wanting to date her. Although Kate sees her daughter Julie as the best daughter she could ever have asked for.

"Good morning Kate." Adrian got down the stairs and walked on to the dining, he took a apple from the fruit tray.

"Drop it kid" Scott came out from the living room and pointed to the tray.

Adrian sighed and dripped the apple, he opened the fridge and took out a keg of milk and took out a cereal from the cabinet and set it on the table before reaching for a plate.

"Let the boy have the apple Scott, he needs the vitamins." Kate came out from the living room and walked past Adrian shrugging his hair and she brought out a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Those vitamins are mine and I decide who gets them cuz I bought me with MY money." Scott frowned before retiring back to the living room.

Adrian was halfway through his cereal and texting Ember the girl he asked out that he was on his way to pick her up when Julie came down the stairs in her pyjamas and greeted her dad and then her mom before fixing her teeth into the apple Adrian was forced to relinquish and then looked to Adrian "Hey Loser, where are you off to?" she smirked when Adrian scoffed as a reply.

"Yeah boy where you going? you look all dressed for a movie or something." Kate asked.

"Am going on a date." he smiled.

Julie coughed almost throwing out the chewed apple in her mouth but she swallowed it and went for a juice in the fridge.

Adrian watched her gesture with irritation. "Ignore her, am sure it will be great." Kate said going back to the living room.

"You bet it will be great? The boy sucks so whatever he does sucks with him" Scott laughed.

"Who'd even want to go out with you?" Julie asked almost gagging.

Adrian frowned and washed his dish and put it back on the counter and walked out the entrance door angrily.

"You made the boy upset!" Kate fumed at her husband on the couch.

"I didn't say anything wrong, I just said the truth right baby?" Scott turned to her daughter in the dining room and then back to the TV.

"Yeah Dad nothing but the truth." Julie giggled.

"You both are unbelievable!" Kate said in disgust and went out the door hoping to see a crying teen walking slowly away from the house but she saw nobody, the block was empty and she concluded he probably ran all the way to main street.

"I'll show them. Stupid Scott and Julie the faker. I'll show them all." He reached for his cell phone and checked Ember's message stating her address. He took the bus and arrived at her place in less than ten minutes.

He knocked and she came out dazzling to his eyes with her beautiful hair tucked behind her ears. She held out her hands and he took it and she giggled as they both walked down the stairway.

They walked in silence to the bus point when she finally broke the silence in her angel voice and asked "So, where are you taking me to?"

"Where do you wanna go?" Adrian asked romantically as he had read in five books that gave instructions on how to talk to ladies he read throughout the night before.

"Wanna go see the Future Park?" She asked.

Surprised, Adrian took a little while to recoil and said "Yes, sure. I.. I.. I did not expect you to be into parks and recreation or even wildlife."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me but you'll get to know from today when I will change your life for the better." She grinned exposing her bright white teeth.

"Well, Okay!" Adrian smirked. Feelings of strange ecstasy filled his mind with warmth and the bus came.

At least that's what he remembered till another hallucination of himself in future park came up with Ember yelling at him furiously and asking how she got to where she was and why did he kidnap her. Though that image confused him he did not have enough time to ask himself questions when suddenly his vision turned up to the sky and onto the side section of a cliff and he saw a yelling Ember all the way up fading as the sky moved farther away in the image and then a waterfall appeared when the image turned sideways and was void of the sky. The image fell with the waterfall and he could feel water blurring the image but this water was not from the waterfall it had its own source. Then the image turned again and he was facing a vast forest below and rapidly approaching. The blurring water had dropped and the trees gave way then the solid ground ahead was visible for a second or two till the image became suddenly dark and darkness replaced the green grounds.