
Universe Residence

When you find yourself at the pinnacle of life, experiencing freedom, good health, immense wealth, and the fulfillment of your dreams, it can all be snatched away in an instant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the universe. This is precisely what happened to Zen, a young, hidden billionaire, whose life was abruptly altered when a comet collided with him, shattering his world. However, the universe had a different plan in store. Zen was granted a second chance—an infinite chance, one might say. His soul underwent a profound transformation, gaining the extraordinary ability to navigate the wheel of reincarnation while retaining his memories. As a result, Zen became a resident of the universe, eternally bound to the cycle of life and death, yet endowed with the unique power to be reborn time and again, carrying his experiences from one existence to another.

Gre_Nut1 · ตะวันออก
17 Chs

Chapter 4

Before delving into the book, I decided to head home first. From the body memory, I'm currently situated in the heart of the Zrtan forest region, the largest expanse of land on this planet, second only to the vast ocean.

The planet itself possesses a rather unique landmass, with two large masses connected by a narrow stretch, resembling a planet wearing a headset if observed from space. I find myself on one side of this "headset," the darker one devoid of any light source, unlike its counterpart.

Zen, my mentor, was a revered craftsman who gain respect from many. Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago.

During his lifetime, people from across the planet would travel here to purchase his works or request his services.

He held a prestigious reputation, not only for being one of the few craftsmen on this planet but also for his remarkable cultivation level, which stood at around level 25.

To put it into perspective, level 25 cultivators are extraordinary, capable of riding their swords like frickin' flying machines. If level 10 is akin to a tank, then level 25 is more like a hypersonic jet—swift and deadly.

While my own crafting skills are commendable, surpassing even those of my beloved mentor, I still have a long way to go before reaching his level.

That's primarily due to cultivation levels, as no matter how adept you are at design, it's all futile if you lack the necessary power to materialize it.

Many materials require a high energy threshold for utilization, and that's precisely why I find myself standing in front of the transparent stork flower.

The flower's stem can only be severed with an energy knife, and I was able to manifest mine when I reached half of level 1 cultivation. Hence, waking up in front of the flower was simply my desire to wield its power.

On my way back home, everything feels familiar, the positioning of each tree appears as if etched into the depths of my mind.

Suddenly, my body moves on its own, instinctively sensing danger. I swiftly duck my head, and upon looking back, I notice claw marks etched into the trees beside me.

In that moment, every cell of my body awakens, muscles absorbing energy at an astounding rate. I propel forward like a cheetah, evading the unseen assailants.

My body possesses an innate affinity for energy, as if Zen had unknowingly ingrained within me the ability to manipulate it from a young age.

I sprung with incredible speed, the passing trees becoming nothing but blurred streaks while the relentless assault persists. Claw marks decorate each tree in succession, yet the attackers remain unseen.

"Where the hell are they coming from?" I cry out in frustration.

As if in response to my plea, a transparent creature materializes before me. Its body is almost entirely transparent, resembling a lizard, albeit with elongated legs that account for its remarkable swiftness.

I was momentarily shocked, realizing that it was a Diafanis lizard. These creatures are typically cautious hunters, relying on their tails rather than their claws.

A single strike from their tails could turn my organs into a gruesome mess scattered throughout the woods.

"Why would this thing attack me?", I couldn't comprehend the situation. Diafanis lizards usually prey on smaller creatures and humans are generally too large for them.

In that split moment, my attention was drawn to something in the distance—a purplish flower with crystalline-like stalks. It was a Violet stalk, a highly poisonous herb.

The reason behind its distinct coloration lies within those purplish stalks, which house deadly microorganisms. They share a symbiotic relationship—the flower provides dark energy for the microorganisms, and in return, they protect the flower from predators.

In a swift motion, I coated my palm with energy, shaping it into a latex-like glove, and grabbed the flower, crushing it.

With the crushed flower in hand, I turned to face the lizard and then blowing the crushed flower in one powerful exhale. With my augmented lung capacity, the amount of air I expelled was staggering. It felt as though I were a living air cannon.

In the next moment, I heard a crash against a tree to my right, and gradually, I saw the lizard lying motionless beneath it, devoid of energy.

However, I remained on guard, wary of the possibility that the lizard might still be alive.

After five minutes passed without any movement from the lizard, the once-transparent skin now turned white-blue, with dark blue stripes stretching from its head to its tail. Seeing this, I gathered energy in one finger, forming a thin and sharp energy blade, and swiftly slit the lizard's throat. "Just in case," I thought, taking no chances.

Upon inspecting the lizard's corpse, I noticed that its blood was not red but dark purplish. Within seconds, the purple colour faded, leaving behind a dark red hue. The fading of the purple colour signified the death of the microorganisms, as they could not survive without the energy supply from the stalk.

After some consideration, I decide to take the lizard's body with me, "Nothing to lose."

That's pretty luck, I recalled, chuckling to myself. "Do I have some sort of plot armor or fate armor? Hehehe, no matter what, I'm going to enjoy this shit."

I arrived at my "home" in the evening, although it couldn't really be called a home as it was more like a tower.

Yes, a tower, My master preferred a tower over any other place, unlike his peers who lived in caves or palaces.

My master's tower had a rather average appearance, built from stone and looking quite crude.

But as they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." The inside of the tower was a world apart from its outer appearance.

The interior of the tower was meticulously arranged. The floors were made of wood, and the walls were also made of wood, giving it the feel of a cozy cabin rather than a tower, "I never get bored of seeing this," I thought to myself.

The tower consisted of three levels. The first floor was the living area, which was the coziest of them all, the second floor served as a research area, with its sturdy stone flooring that had excellent vibration-dissipating properties, this was to ensure that any mishaps or explosions during experiments would not affect the entire tower.

And Finally, there was the top floor, which used to be my master's workshop and was now mine, It housed hundreds of tools for crafting.

Once I'm inside the tower, I took a moment to relax.

"Haaa..., What a tiring day. It's my first time in this world, and it's already exhausting," I sighed. I decided to take a break and relax for a bit. "I'll read the book later."

In the next moment, fatigue washed over me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

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