
Universe Residence

When you find yourself at the pinnacle of life, experiencing freedom, good health, immense wealth, and the fulfillment of your dreams, it can all be snatched away in an instant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the universe. This is precisely what happened to Zen, a young, hidden billionaire, whose life was abruptly altered when a comet collided with him, shattering his world. However, the universe had a different plan in store. Zen was granted a second chance—an infinite chance, one might say. His soul underwent a profound transformation, gaining the extraordinary ability to navigate the wheel of reincarnation while retaining his memories. As a result, Zen became a resident of the universe, eternally bound to the cycle of life and death, yet endowed with the unique power to be reborn time and again, carrying his experiences from one existence to another.

Gre_Nut1 · Eastern
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

'Where am I?' That is the first thought that appears in my head.

Before, when I was still in the black space, I had already learned the Soul Mind technique to the first level, granting me the ability to remember two of Moria's memories.

I am currently trying to search for this place within those memories, and after some recollection, I still haven't been able to find the place I am currently in. So, I decide to just proceed with what I know for now and gather more information later.

As I look around my surroundings, I notice a peculiar-looking flower in front of me, Its petals resemble glass and possess a remarkable transparency.

From Moria's memories, I recall this flower being named the Transparent Stork. This glass-like flower is one of the rare spiritual herbs Moria encountered. The flower's color is attributed to the pure neutral energy it emanates.

Okay now, let's talk about this world. The world I currently reside in is a normal one, similar to my previous world. However, the difference lies in the fact that many of its inhabitants have undergone mutations, granting them the ability to control the world's energy. These mutations have occurred because of the density of energy in this world, this mutation is not only happened in sentient beings but also in creatures without sentience, such as plants.

But I still don't understand why I woke up in front of this flower, nor do I have any knowledge about my current physical form. I glance around and spot a pond approximately five meters away.

I went to the pond, try to look at my reflection, on the reflection I see a man who is neither handsome nor ugly—a rather average appearance and after carefully examining my body, I realize that I am of average height, standing at around 176 centimeters.

"God damn it, I'm average," I mutter to myself. This body is hardly different from my previous one—an exceedingly average-looking man.

After surveying my surroundings, I decide to delve further into understanding my body's capabilities, as I hoped that I possess the ability to manipulate energy.

I sit myself in a lotus position and begin to focus on my body, attempting to calm my mind and empty myself of distractions. Gradually, I reach a state where I can only hear the sound of my own breath and the rhythm of my heartbeat.

I maintain this position for an indefinite amount of time, when suddenly, I sense something surrounding me—a wisplike light popping into existence within my imaginary space.

Slowly, it becomes clearer and brighter, captivating my attention. I intensify my focus on my body, visualizing it in the lotus position. Gradually, I zoom in, directing my attention towards the center of my body, where a translucent wisp of light appears. This wisplike energy is transparent, resembling smoke as it gracefully moves around my body in a continuous flow.

Upon further observation, I notice that the wisp of light follows a distinct path, akin to blood coursing through my veins. It circulates around my body, nourishing each organ separately, just as how blood does.

I recall from Moria's memories that absorbing world energy and converting it into our own energy is the most fundamental form of cultivation. However, something feels off. This body show little control over the energy circuit, despite being capable of absorbing the energy. It is not quite fitting when we consider the origin of this body.

The moment I awakened from the Black space, a torrent of memories surged forth. These memories belong to the owner of this body. This body owner is named Zen, an orphan. There are no recollections whatsoever about his parents, only memories of his mentor, the most cherished person in his world. Sadly, the mentor also left him. He passed away when Zen was only ten years old, right when he began his energy cultivation journey.

This world, or planet precisely, is called Triton. According to Moria's memory, Triton is categorized as a desolate world at level 1, as the density of world energy is not particularly high. Based on Zen's memory, only one in ten thousand people in this level 1 world possesses the ability to mutate or awaken, so it is quite fortunate that I am one of them.

"So, this is what it's like to control energy," I remark, trying to focus even more on the wisplike light circulating within my body. The color of the wisp resembles white smoke, lacking the intensity of a bright light.

In this world, there are six basic elemental energies: earth, air, water, fire, light, and darkness. The first four elements originate from the planet itself, while the latter two come from outer space. Each element possesses distinct characteristics.

For example, earth energy is heavy, similar to water but even weightier. Fire energy is highly active, akin to the wind but more chaotic. Each energy type presents its own challenges when it comes to absorption.

"What is my energy? It's not a bright white, so it's not light. Could my elemental energy be smoke? What kind of elemental energy is that?" I ponder. If my elemental energy are truly smoke, it would be better for me to die again and reincarnate, as I would aware fully. I cannot bear the thought of remaining stuck with such a peculiar elemental energy.

I meticulously delve into Moria's memories, scrutinizing every detail, year by year, month by month, week by week, day by day. After an unknowable amount of time spent searching my memories, I stumble upon the answer. This energy is neutral energy—a pure, raw form of energy.

I came across this memory in Moria's second life, where he was born into a poor family and struggled at the bottom of society, eventually becoming an assassin.

At the age of 15, Moria received a mission to kill a special cultivator, a one-of-a-kind individual. The mission description only mentioned that the target's has strong soul attack ability and exceptional proficiency in controlling objects. It also cautioned never to make direct eye contact with the target.

The battle Moria engaged in with this unique target was incredibly daunting.

Based on my analysis of the majority of cultivator powers, Moria's cultivation level had already reached level 10 and to put it into perspective, he was like a walking tank, capable of toppling a tree with a single push.

Despite possessing such power, Moria found himself cornered. The target employed a common ability among cultivators, telekinesis, which allowed them to manipulate weapons from a distance. However, the difference was that the target was only at level 5.

Normally, one would need to reach level 15 to wield such an ability, as it required extending energy beyond the body. Achieving this at level 5 was almost impossible. As a result, Moria was nearly killed multiple times during the fight, relying on his extraordinary evasive skills to survive and eventually emerge victorious.

After the intense battle, Moria seized the man's storage pouch, which was a magical space pouch. Upon inspecting its contents, he discovered a book. It wasn't a technique book but more of a diary. In this book, the target explained how he had acquired his strength.

In the first section of the book, the target detailed his possession of a unique type of body energy. Its color was smoky white, and it had a soft, slippery nature that made it difficult to control and detect. He named this energy "blank energy" because it lacked the distinct colors associated with other elemental energies. The target described how this energy could be gentle enough to touch one's soul, yet violent enough to demolish a tree with a mere flick.

During his journey of self-discovery, he proclaimed, "After years of searching, it seems that no one else possesses this type of energy. I have travelled the world and encountered thousands of unique elements, but none match mine. I am different, and so will be my cultivation."

With this understanding, the man set out to create his own cultivation technique. He dedicated years to researching the right circulation, nodes, volume, and every aspect related to cultivation. In the end, he named the technique "blank cultivation." However, it remained incomplete and only enabling the target to reach level 5.

Regrettably, as the target attempted to further his research, he became the target of an underground organization, a formidable one. He had no means to confront this organization and could only wait, fighting with all his might until the end.

I read those book from the memories and decided to continue this man step, try to create my own cultivation with the blank cultivation as a base.

NOTE : the level is based on the power of normal energy cultivator, not the unique one. And the leveling is innovated

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