
Chapter 8. Show-off


1800 word count.

Read jjk x sl


Shijo and Izumi, after parting ways with Ai and Shikimori, headed to the teacher's room to meet their homeroom teacher. As they entered, Izumi accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Izumi exclaimed, stepping back quickly.

The man Izumi bumped into looked at him and reassured him, "It's okay."

He was a handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Shijo recognized him instantly as Miyuki Shirogane, the male lead of "Kaguya-sama: Love is War."

Shijo approached them, helped Izumi stand up, and said, "Be careful next time."

Looking up at Miyuki, Shijo asked, "Hello, sorry for delaying you, but where can I find Class 1-A's homeroom teacher?"

"Oh, are you the new students? Hina Sensei is over there," Miyuki replied, pointing to a corner of the room.

"Thank you for helping us. May I know your name?" Shijo asked.

"It's Miyuki Shirogane from Class 1-B. I'm the vice president of this school, so it's not a big deal to help fellow students," Miyuki responded with a friendly smile.

"Vice president, huh?" Shijo wondered but thanked Miyuki. He and Izumi then made their way to meet their homeroom teacher. By coincidence, they were in the same class, Class 1-A.

As they approached Miss Hina, she greeted them warmly. "Welcome, Shijo and Izumi. I'm Miss Hina, your homeroom teacher. It's nice to meet you both."

"It's nice to meet you too," Shijo replied, while Izumi nodded enthusiastically.

Shijo was having surprise after surprise; he didn't feel surprised anymore. 'Hina Tachibana, a character from Domestic violence.... i mean Girlfriend...he thought, quickly correcting himself. "Ahem." With many thoughts swirling in his mind, Shijo maintained a composed expression.

With Miss Hina's guidance, they made their way to their classroom.

As they entered, Miss Hina turned to the class and announced, "Everyone, please welcome Shijo Aki and Yuuki Izumi to Class 1-A."

The students clapped politely, and Shijo and Izumi took their seats. Shijo glanced around, taking in his new surroundings, while Izumi smiled nervously at the friendly faces.

Miss Hina continued, "Let's make them feel at home and help them adjust to our school."

Shijo settled into his seat, preparing for what lay ahead in this new and familiar world.

As Shijo took his seat, he noticed several familiar faces scattered throughout the class. Although Shikimori and Ai were not in the same class with him, there were other main and side characters from various anime series.

Near the window, Shijo spotted Yamada Anna from "Danger in My Heart," deeply engaged in conversation with her friends. In the middle row, Tadano Hitohito from the same series as Komi was lost in thought, while Agari Hinata and Hoshino Najimi from "Danger in My Heart" chatted animatedly in a corner.


Across the room, he noticed Natsuo from "Domestic Girlfriend" looking at Hina with evident interest. Given their current interactions and the fact that it was only June, it was clear they weren't yet step-siblings, as that development wouldn't occur until October.

Sighing at the workload before him, Shijo decided to call it a day and rest. Today being his first day, he wanted the herbivorous protagonist to at least steal a glance at their crush before diving into his plans tomorrow.

After school ended, some boys approached Shijo to celebrate his transfer with karaoke, but he declined, citing urgent work. He handed them his credit card casually, suggesting they enjoy themselves while he arrived later.

Outside the school entrance, Shijo met Alex and hurriedly left in his sedan. The boys, surprised, looked at Izumi holding Shijo's card and then at Shijo departing.

In the tense atmosphere, Natsuo asked Izumi if Shijo was wealthy, prompting everyone to look at Izumi for an answer. He shook his head, explaining he had just met Shijo that day.

Confused about why Shijo gave Izumi his card, some debated whether to use it, while others argued that Shijo had authorized its use. They eventually decided to use Shijo's card for karaoke but opted for a more budget-friendly venue to accommodate those uncomfortable with spending his money.

As Aki sat in his car, he messaged Ai that he had urgent work and would be leaving first.

After Aki put his phone down, his driver, Alex, asked a question. "Young master, are you sure about giving your credit card away like that? I mean..."

"Don't worry about it, Alex," Aki responded warmly. "There might be some people who try to take advantage of me, but there are also genuinely kind-hearted people out there who wouldn't dream of using my money. And even if they do, think of it as an advance payment. But if you're still concerned, you can limit the amount."

"I'll do that, Young master," Alex replied, understanding Aki's perspective, and proceeded to make a call.

With that, they arrived at a maid cafe. As they exited, Aki was about to enter when he noticed Misaki carrying out trash from the back door. Sighing, he approached her but abruptly halted as three men surrounded her.


Misaki's POV


It's been four days since I met that guy. Every time I hear the word "maid," I overreact. Still, it's strange—nobody knows about my job yet.

He did mention that one of his friends studies here, so I thought my maid job might be exposed.

"And the words he said..." Misaki murmured, holding her chest. "He must find it amusing, seeing me get my hopes up and then fall down again."

As she walked, two of her classmates stopped her. "Ah, Misaki, you were really amazing getting second place in the class test."

"Second place? Who got first, then?" Misaki asked, her voice tense with curiosity.

"Usui Takumi," said the girl beside her.

"You've got to be kidding me," Misaki thought, her frustration boiling over. She walked away without another word, her mind racing with irritation.

Seeing Misaki leave like that, the girls muttered, "She doesn't seem happy at all."

Walking up the stairs, Misaki thought, "I just need to sacrifice more sleep. That's all."

A few days later, in her president's room, she coughed, her voice filled with exhaustion. "Cough, cough... My hands are so full right now." Sighing, she muttered, "I need to finish this fast and get to work too."

As school ended, Misaki stopped her student council work and headed to her workplace. She sighed again, feeling the weight of her responsibilities. "I haven't finished the accounts or decided on the magazine, and it's taking up more time than I have for studying. Should I test my luck by accepting his offer? Even if it was a prank, the stakes are high."

Misaki's thoughts were a whirlpool of anxiety and determination. The idea of accepting Aki's offer gnawed at her. "Can I really trust him?" she wondered. "What if it's just a cruel joke? But then again, what if it's a genuine opportunity?"

Her heart pounded as she contemplated the decision. The prospect of earning so much money for simple chores was tempting, especially with her current struggles. "I can't keep overworking myself like this," she thought, feeling the strain in her muscles and the ache in her head.

Misaki reached her workplace, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. "I'll have to give it serious thought," she resolved. "Maybe... maybe it's worth the risk."

As she served customers and completed her tasks, her mind kept drifting back to Aki's proposal. The idea of lessening her burdens and gaining some semblance of balance in her life was enticing. "I'll have to decide soon," she reminded herself, feeling the weight of her choices pressing down on her.

As Misaki's shift neared its end, she felt the familiar throbbing of a headache intensify. She pushed through the pain, determined to finish her tasks. Taking a deep breath, she gathered the trash and headed to the backdoor to dispose of it.

The cool evening air hit her face as she stepped outside, offering a momentary relief. She sighed, hoping the fresh air would help alleviate the pounding in her head. "Just a little longer," she murmured to herself, trying to stay focused.

As Misaki tried to steady her breathing, she heard familiar voices approaching. Three of her schoolmates had spotted her.

"Ah, Prez!" exclaimed one of the guys, his voice filled with surprise.

"Prez? Her?" the second guy pointed, disbelief evident in his tone.

"Wow, really? It's our student council president! Let's call everyone; this will be hilarious," the third one suggested with a smirk.

Misaki's headache throbbed even harder. "Worse timing," she thought bitterly. She wanted to ignore them, to walk away and hope they'd lose interest. But as she turned, one of the boys grabbed her arm.

"Hey, President, don't ignore us like that," he said, his grip tightening.

Misaki's heart pounded in her chest. She felt trapped, her headache intensifying with every passing second. She struggled to pull her arm free but felt herself weakening.

"Trying to leave, Prez? Are you sure about that?" said the guy holding her arm. "You've been lecturing the boys at our school, and here you are, working as a maid."

Misaki's heart sank. She tried to pull away again, but her strength was fading.

The second boy pulled out his phone, aiming it at her. "I'm taking a shot. Say hi, Master," he mocked, ready to snap a picture.

Misaki's pulse quickened, a mix of fear and anger coursing through her. She desperately wanted to avoid this humiliation.

At that moment, Misaki thought, What a waste of energy. I'm going to be exposed anyway, so let it be. I just want to rest; my head is killing me.

As the argument intensified, Shijo stepped in. He caught Misaki as she was about to collapse, her head falling against his chest. He whispered softly, "Rest well."

He then turned to the boys, his expression hardening. "Can you let go of her hand?" he asked, his voice calm but commanding. When they hesitated, he pulled out a pistol, pressing it to one of their heads.

"Who... who are you?" one of the boys stammered, fear evident in his eyes.

"Oh, me? I'm her master," Shijo replied coldly. "Now, if you don't mind." With that, he gently lifted Misaki into his arms, carrying her princess-style to his sedan.

The boys were paralyzed with fear. They briefly considered reporting the incident to the police, but the sight of the luxury car and the men in black suits surrounding them made them think twice. These weren't just any men; they were professionals. The boys, still high school students, wet themselves in terror, realizing they were way out of their depth.

Shijo carefully placed Misaki in the backseat of the car, instructing Alex to drive them away. As the car pulled away from the scene, Shijo looked down at Misaki's peaceful face, feeling a mix of protectiveness and determination. He knew he had to take care of her and ensure this man hating girl safety.










... I forget many canon events

Umm is tomo chan wa onodaka 3 girls are in same classroom?