
Chapter:9- Normal chapter


Words- 1400 count....


Shijo carefully placed Misaki in the backseat of the car, instructing Alex to drive them away. As the car pulled away from the scene, Shijo looked down at Misaki's peaceful face, feeling a mix of protectiveness and determination. He knew he had to take care of her and ensure this man hating girl safety.

"Young master, should we head to Miss Misaki's house?" Alex inquired.

"No, take us to my house," Shijo responded firmly. He wanted to develop the chemistry between them, knowing that if he dropped Misaki off at her house, it would be harder to build a connection.

Sighing, Alex thought, I had hoped Shijo had changed. Buying a house and living alone gave me some hope, but it seems his thirst for women hasn't diminished. Despite his exasperation, Alex knew that Shijo was still the same at heart.

Still in the car, Shijo gently combed Misaki's hair as she rested her head on his lap. He picked up his phone and made a call. "Yes, send one or two maids to my house today. Just for today." He hung up and continued to comfort Misaki, who seemed to be resting more peacefully now.

Reaching home, Shijo carried Misaki in a princess carry while Alex opened the door for them to enter.

"Good day, young master," the two maids greeted in unison as they stepped inside.

"Good day," Shijo replied with a nod, heading straight to his bedroom.

After Shijo disappeared upstairs, Alex said, "I'll be waiting in the car, young master."

Upstairs, Shijo gently placed Misaki on his bed, rubbed her hair, and kissed her forehead. Misaki groaned in pain, her fever evident.

Looking at the maid standing next to him, Shijo spoke softly, "Come out, we need to talk." The maid nodded and followed him out of the room to discuss Misaki's care.

Shijo glanced at Misaki one more time before turning to leave the room, with the maid following closely behind. Outside, leaning against the wall, Shijo looked at the maid carefully.

"What's your name?" he asked.

Rin Yato followed Shijo out of Misaki's room, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe he had asked her name. It was such a simple thing, but coming from him, it felt monumental.

"What's your name?" he had asked, and she had stammered, "I... it's Rin. Rin Yato."

Shijo didn't get angry, but his gaze was intense. Rin feared he might start abusing her like before. She knew this man well; he had used his power over her in the past. Desperate and alone after her parents' deaths, she had tried to run away to her boyfriend's house. But her boyfriend, intimidated by Shijo's influence, had offered her back to him, betraying her trust.

Rin had nowhere else to turn. Her lover had abandoned her, and her heartache was compounded by the fact that Shijo was the one who had taken her virginity. She followed him, hoping against hope that he might one day notice her for more than just a fleeting moment of desire.

Shijo, on the other hand, recognized her now. The name Rin Yato was new to him, but her face wasn't. He felt a pang of guilt, a rare emotion for him. Trying to push it aside, he focused on the task at hand.

Rin stood there, stunned by Shijo's instructions. His offer to make her his secretary filled her with a fleeting sense of hope, a glimmer that maybe the rumors of his change were true. But as he continued with his manipulative orders, her heart sank.

"Work as my secretary from tomorrow, but for now, look after Misaki. Change her clothes, but put some blood on the sheets from your hand. Don't meet her until I come back. And when I return and call you, tell her you mistakenly scratched your hand while changing her dress."

Rin's initial surprise and shock quickly turned into a bitter realization. Her fleeting hope was crushed under the weight of Shijo's true nature. "He's still the same," she thought, her mind racing. "Going to sleep with girls by playing with their feelings, manipulative as always."

Yet, as she processed his instructions, a dark thought crept into her mind. "Why should I interfere? After all, I want every girl to suffer the same fate as mine. Why should I be the only one to be forced into this? They should also suffer like me."

Her bitterness and anger, suppressed for so long, began to surface. She had endured Shijo's abuse, her boyfriend's betrayal, and a life filled with loneliness and despair. The idea of other girls experiencing the same torment brought her a twisted sense of justice. "Let them suffer," she thought. "Let them feel what I felt."

With a resigned sigh, Rin nodded to Shijo. "Yes, young master," she said quietly, her voice devoid of emotion. She turned and walked back into Misaki's room, her steps heavy with the weight of her dark thoughts.

Inside, Misaki lay peacefully, oblivious to the turmoil outside. Rin approached her, her hands trembling slightly as she began to change Misaki's clothes. She pricked her own finger, letting a few drops of blood fall onto the sheets. The sight of the blood brought a perverse satisfaction, a symbol of the twisted game Shijo was playing.

Locking the door behind her, Rin leaned against it, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She was part of Shijo's plan, a pawn in his manipulative game, but she was also a victim seeking revenge. Her heart ached with the weight of her experiences, yet she felt a dark satisfaction in knowing that she wasn't alone in her suffering.

"Maybe someday," she thought, "he will truly change. But for now, I will do as he asks. I will watch and wait, and let others feel the pain I have endured."

With his instructions given, Shijo headed to his car. Alex asked, "Where are we going?"

"Wait a moment," Shijo replied, taking out his phone and sending a message to the school group chat: "Where is the party?"

"Oh, Shijo, come to the opposite of our school, named ****. We're already at the party, and Natsuo's friend just brought some girl from another school."

"Okay," Shijo replied quickly by text. "I'll be there in a minute."

"Alright, Alex, head to ***," Shijo instructed as Alex drove towards the karaoke place.

Upon reaching the venue, Shijo walked towards the designated room number but collided with Natsuo and a girl emerging from the same room.

"What the? Why is this becoming such a hassle," Shijo sighed in frustration.

"Natuo!" Shijo called out, startling both Natsuo and the girl. The girl glanced at Shijo for a moment, then released Natsuo's hand with a sigh.

"Oh, Shijo, you're here," Natsuo said with a disappointed expression.

"Yeah, come on, let's go inside. Are you planning to leave now that I've arrived?" Shijo asked, sounding slightly irritated.

Natsuo seemed like he wanted to argue, but Shijo pulled him into the karaoke room.

"Um, miss, you can join the party too. It's all on me tonight," Shijo added warmly, inviting the girl to join them.

The girl sighed but agreed to enter the karaoke room along with them as her school friends were already inside.

Inside the karaoke room, the atmosphere was lively and festive. Some of the group were enthusiastically singing their favorite tunes, while others lounged comfortably, listening and cheering along.

As the boy finished singing, the room quieted down and all eyes turned towards Aki and Izumi. One of the students spoke up warmly, "Welcome to our school, both of you. And thank you for covering us, Shijo."

Aki nodded casually, "It's okay."

Izumi grinned widely and replied enthusiastically, "Thank you!" It was clear that he was enjoying his first time hanging out with friends.

"Hahaha, then both of you have to sing!" Many others insisted.

"Alright, alright," Aki chuckled, "Izumi, you go first. I'll sing later."

"But I can't sing well," Izumi nervously protested.

"Just give it a try," Aki encouraged him.

"Yeah, we won't laugh," many others chimed in, laughing along with Izumi's nervousness.

"Ahem," Izumi cleared his throat nervously, then took the mic and attempted to sing, "Ah, e-erggh!" He ended up biting his tongue.

The entire room burst into laughter at his mishap, even the three girls who smiled, finding Izumi's clumsiness endearing.

"Haha, okay, okay, Izumi, give me the mic. I'll sing," Aki said, chuckling along with everyone else.


Sorry for delay parent fighting due to me being useless....

Asian parents..
