
Unholy Transmigration - He Who Will Not Perish

King_Wyrtt · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

chapter one

Heien Period 789 AD

Heien-kyo (modern day Kyoto) in the heart of ancient Japan, during a time when magic flowed like the rivers and the line between good and evil was ever so thin, there lived a magician of unparalleled malevolence. His name was Akuma, a name whispered in fear and trepidation across the land. Akuma had mastered the darkest arts, harnessing forbidden spells and summoning malevolent creatures that wreaked havoc on the unsuspecting villages.One fateful night, a group of brave warriors, led by the fearless paladin Kaito, embarked on a perilous journey to capture the malevolent magician. Armed with swords forged from the purest silver and hearts filled with unwavering determination, they ventured into the heart of Akuma's cursed forest.As they drew near the magician's lair, the forest grew eerily silent, the air thick with dark magic. Suddenly, Akuma appeared before them, a sinister smile curling on his lips. "You dare to challenge me?" he hissed, his eyes gleaming with malevolence.Kaito, undeterred, stepped forward, his righteous aura glowing brightly. "Akuma, your reign of darkness ends tonight. You will face justice for your heinous crimes."A fierce battle ensued, the clash of swords echoing through the haunted woods. Akuma's powers were formidable, and he summoned nightmarish creatures to aid him. But Kaito and his band of paladins fought valiantly, their determination unwavering.Finally, with a mighty blow, Kaito struck down Akuma, but the evil magician's malevolent laughter echoed in the air as his body disintegrated into 206 pieces – one for each bone. The paladins swiftly wrapped each bone in sanctified cloth and blessed them to prevent Akuma from ever returning to his former, wicked self.Unbeknownst to them, the true nature of their actions had set in motion an ancient and unholy ritual. As the paladins continued their quest to vanquish evil across the land, they carried with them the bone relics of Akuma, unaware that when one of their own would fall in battle, that fallen paladin would be resurrected, bound to one of the cursed bones, and transformed into a warrior for good.Little did they know that this unholy sanctification would become both their salvation and their greatest challenge, for Akuma's thirst for power and revenge knew no bounds, and with each fallen paladin, he grew stronger, biding his time to return and plunge the world into darkness once more.

Modern Days

Kyoto Japan

Centuries had passed since the malevolent magician Akuma was defeated and his bones sanctified. The world had changed, and Japan had evolved into a modern nation, embracing technology and innovation. But the age-old battle between good and evil still raged, albeit in new and unforeseen ways.In the heart of Kyoto, nestled beneath the shadows of ancient temples and skyscrapers, there stood a prestigious training school for young knights, known as the "Kyoto Academy of Paladinry." Here, noble children and gifted warriors from all walks of life were honed into the defenders of light and righteousness.Among the students of this revered academy was a spirited young knight-in-training named Hiroshi. With a lineage of noble paladins in his family, Hiroshi had always felt a deep sense of duty to protect the innocent and uphold justice. He trained diligently, mastering the art of swordplay and harnessing his inner strength.As Hiroshi and his fellow knights-in-training engaged in rigorous combat exercises, little did they know that the relics of Akuma lay hidden beneath the very grounds they trained upon, their true power concealed by centuries of secrecy and sanctification.One fateful day, as Hiroshi and his comrades sparred under the watchful eyes of their instructors, a dark presence stirred. The ground quivered, and an ominous aura permeated the academy grounds. Unbeknownst to them, one of the relics had sensed the approach of evil.In the heart of the academy library, a tome bound in ancient leather and dusted with age revealed itself to a curious young scribe named Aiko. She was drawn to the book as if by fate, and within its pages, she uncovered the untold history of Akuma, the malevolent magician, and the relics that bound him.Aiko realized the grave responsibility that lay before her and her fellow knights-in-training. They were not only tasked with becoming skilled warriors but also with guarding the sanctified relics and preventing Akuma's return. With determination burning in her heart, she resolved to share her discovery with Hiroshi and the others.As they gathered in secret, the young knights listened in astonishment to Aiko's tale. They understood that their academy was not just a place of training but a bastion of hope in the eternal battle against darkness. With newfound purpose and resolve, Hiroshi and his companions vowed to protect the sanctified relics at all costs, unaware of the trials and tribulations that awaited them in the shadowy depths of their world


The Kyoto Academy of Light and Resurrection was a place of ancient traditions and hidden knowledge, its halls echoing with the footsteps of generations of noble knights. Yet, beneath the veneer of honor and valor, dark secrets slumbered, waiting for the right moment to stir.Hiroshi and his fellow knights-in-training continued their arduous regimen, blissfully unaware of the malevolent book bound in human flesh that lay concealed within the academy's depths. As their skills honed and bonds deepened, a sense of camaraderie and purpose grew among them.But darkness, once awakened, does not easily return to slumber. The cursed tome, untouched by human hands for centuries, hungered for more than just knowledge. It sought to ensnare hearts and souls, to twist the noblest intentions into something sinister.Aiko, the young scribe who had discovered the accursed book, became increasingly drawn to its dark allure. Her nights were consumed by fevered dreams, visions of power and conquest, whispered to her by the malevolent spirit trapped within the flesh-bound pages. She wrestled with the seductive promises it offered, struggling to maintain her sanity.One evening, as the moon hung low in the night sky, Aiko succumbed to the book's insidious influence. She ventured alone into the chamber where the tome resided, the shadows seeming to dance and beckon her closer. Her trembling hands reached out to touch the grotesque cover, and as her fingers made contact, a surge of malevolent energy coursed through her veins.Aiko's eyes glowed with an unnatural crimson light as dark incantations spilled from her lips. Unbeknownst to her, the academy's guardians sensed the disturbance. Hiroshi and his comrades, led by a feeling of unease, followed the eerie trail of shadows to the chamber.What they found inside was a scene of nightmarish horror. Aiko, her body twisted and contorted by the dark magic she had unleashed, stood before the malevolent book. Her voice, now filled with malice, echoed with incantations that threatened to tear the very fabric of reality.Hiroshi, fueled by his unwavering determination to protect his friend and the academy, raised his sword high. With a single stroke, he severed the connection between Aiko and the accursed tome, the book letting out a bone-chilling scream that echoed through the chamber.As the book's hold on Aiko waned, her eyes cleared, and she crumpled to the ground, drained of strength. The malevolent spirit within the book, now severed from its vessel, let out a howl of frustration before retreating into the shadows.The academy's guardians, with the dark secret revealed, knew that they faced a formidable enemy, one that would stop at nothing to break free from its prison of flesh and wreak havoc upon the world once more. They realized that their struggle was far from over and that the malevolent magician Akuma's influence extended deeper and darker than they could have ever imagined. With a newfound determination to uncover the truth behind the cursed book and the relics of Akuma, Hiroshi and his comrades embarked on a perilous journey into the heart of the academy's hidden mysteries, their resolve unshaken despite the shadows that lurked around every corner.