
Underworld: Carbon

When the world changed all those years ago and people started to gain superpowers everyone thought they were living their wildest dreams. Everyone knew that things were about to change, that the world was about to enter a new age, an age of evolution. When I first got my powers I had no idea what to do with them, not because I didn't know what to do with them but because I didn't know where to start. I had no direction, but I had ambition. I knew I wasn't a good person and me gaining my powers wasn't going to change that either, I knew I wanted to reach the top but I didn't know the journey that I would take would be more brutal and dark than anything I've ever faced before. Looking back at it people have asked me if I had any regrets on my path and every time they ask I look back and everything that I've ever done and everything that got me to where I am. I laugh and turn to look at them and say this: "Fuck no. If I had the chance I would do it all again." *** I don't own the cover *** Earth in this novel is set in an alternate reality/universe so don't use common sense here.

Risks · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

The Continental II

Waking up to the beautiful sunrise on the horizon I got out of bed and did a couple of stretches to loosen up my body.

"I needed that rest, much more than I initially thought," I said as I walked to the closet to get dressed and ready for the day.

The Continental provided almost everything possible to its clients if you had the amount of money to pay for it, and this type of treatment was only available to Superhumans.

No one knows the real background of the Continental, some say that it is a front for one of the megacorporations for them to gain information on the strongest superhumans and eventually control them while others say that it used to be a small corporation that took advantage of all the destruction the last war wreaked and became an international hotel chain that has a connection with all the corporations in the world.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter what the true background of the Continental is, it doesn't change the fact that it is one of the most respected establishments in the world today.

I have no idea how many superhumans are residing in this branch of the hotel but going off the fact that Zone 3 is the center of the criminal underworld it would be a safe guess to say that S-Grades are residing at the top of the hotel.

Shaking my head clear of these pointless thoughts I put on a black hoodie, sweatpants, and shoes and made my way to the elevator.




Stepping foot into the lobby I walked straight to the front desk and looked at the bald head receptionist that was reading the same book from yesterday.

Sensing my presence he raised his head and looked at me with a smile, "Good Morning Sir. Did you enjoy your rest?" He asked.

"I did," I answered and nodded in response.

Looking around the lobby and barely seeing anybody there I decided to use the lack of people to ask some questions I didn't get to ask before when I checked in, "Before I begin to ask for information I think we should introduce ourselves to each other since I'm probably going to be here for a while." I said.

The receptionist closed his book and gave me a smile that gave me a lightheaded feeling and I almost fell to the ground from the nausea alone.

Summoning all my willpower not to fall unconscious I stabilized myself and took deep breaths. After recovering I straightened myself but gazed at the receptionist with a gaze full of fear as my back was drenched in a cold sweat.

This receptionist was not a human but a Psychic and a powerful one at that.

I knew the mental attack he sent at me was a test but I was angry at myself for how weak I was currently. It was to be expected since I haven't even been a Superhuman for forty-eight hours but the fact that even a below-average F-Grade Superhuman can kill me very easily was infuriating and unsettling, it was clear I still have a lot more to learn about the Superhuman world.

The receptionist gave me a look of surprise in reaction to my quick recovery, "You have to be the first F-Grade Superhuman to ever receive a casual mental attack from me and be able to still stand let alone recover so quickly. You have earned to qualification to know my name." He said in a lofty voice.

I almost vomited blood from his reasoning. A casual attack, if it wasn't for my unbelievable foundation from the S-Grade potion or if I became a Superhuman without taking an awakening potion at all I would've for sure died or at worse become a drooling retard.

"I go by many names but you can call me Taze." He Introduced.

"Dior," I responded, "Dior Siru."

"Dior Siru huh?" He questioned with a smile but narrowed eyes, "That's a really interesting name. One of the most interesting names I've heard in a while."

"Uhh, Thanks I guess?" I said confusingly. Was I supposed to be impressed or scared?

"So, Dior, what is it that you want to know exactly?" He asked, "I'm a busy man and you're lucky that you woke up as early as you did to be able to talk to me. Although I will say you look a lot better now than you did when you first came in."

"Let's just say that I went through a lot yesterday." I summed up with a calm look but inside I was seething in rage.

Lia, and Gerard I promise I will make you both pay for what you two did.

"But for the questions I want to ask, they're very simple. I want to know the power dynamic in Zone 3 right now and all the current gangs and organizations that are currently operating here. I need the most up-to-date information about these things. I also need a way for me to enter the criminal underworld but you already expected me to ask that based on the smile on your face."

"You're the first Superhuman around your age that has asked me for an introduction into the Criminal Underworld." He said but his smile quickly disappeared and changed into a look of warning, "But I will ask you if you are sure that you want to do this. The Criminal Underworld is a cruel and unforgiving place and you will see things that you will wish you could unsee. Are you sure that you want to embark on this path? Once you do you will be on a path of no return."

I didn't say yes immediately and actually took Taze's words into serious consideration. I knew that deciding to enter the Criminal Underworld was a serious risk that had a high chance of me ending up dead or with a fate that has me wishing for it.

But I needed money and this was the fastest way for me to get it and I could get my hands on things that would be impossible to get anywhere else. But if I had to be honest the thrill of committing crimes is just fun, I don't know when I found this out about myself but I had a gift for crimes. I just was never in an environment to use it to its full potential.

Going to an academy was out of the question. Too many clan heirs and corporation prospects were there and me going there fucking things up would just be me asking for trouble and not to mention all the pussy I would be getting with my looks. I would never get a day of peace and there was no way in hell I was going to become an external member of a clan, that shit was dead as fuck.

Oh well, you can't succeed without taking a risk, and in order to gain something you never had you have to do things you've never done.

So with a deep breath, I closed my eyes and opened them and stared at Taze with a determined look and gave an answer that would take me on a journey that I never expected was possible and was beyond my wildest imagination.


Happy New Year to all of you guys.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Riskscreators' thoughts