

Midoriya's POV

It's been a good three weeks since we first took our classmates out for training. They have been practicing their disguises and characters almost nonstop and every weekend they go with us to our base to test out the new ideas and techniques they learned either in class or by self-studying. Dadizawa has been heavily emphasizing ethics during class and anytime we have heroics he was quizzing the class on ethics while we worked.

Multiple times Vlad King and his class B students would come in during the middle of his lectures either in the classroom or at the gym only to see us all working hard. There were a few times he tried to question Dadizawa's teaching method and even tried to guilt or shame him because of the way Kacchan and I would be almost attached to each other nearly all the time. Whether we were standing at the gym hugging each other waiting for our turn be it either a match or course or sitting in class one of us on the other's lap. But Dadizawa just waved him off saying it was none of his concern.

I felt a little bad and had tried to pull away from Kacchan a couple times but Dadizawa just shook his head and would give my shoulder a light nudge back towards Kacchan. I've been feeling more and more drained lately and I think he noticed.

"Your levels are low aren't they?" He asked and I sheepishly nodded my head. Kacchan and I haven't been able to be alone together for a while now, at least not for the length of time that we needed. I was able to keep an almost steady stream of energy going for him but his quirk is different. I need to take it in and while all the touching is helping it is not at all like when we are intimate with each other.

I saw the door open behind him but I couldn't see who had walked in. "Midoriya, you need to take care of yourself. There is only so low your levels can go before you go into another coma. I won't pretend to know how it is that Bakugo is fine while you are basically wasting away but I can see that he is more than a little worried about you," I look up trying to hide the tears in my eyes.

"Take tomorrow off from school and get your levels back up again. I know you have your patrols at night but at least during school hours you need to rest a little." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off before I could utter a sound. "Don't make me send you to Recovery Girl. You know that she will put you on another week of bed rest again and she won't let you do your nightly patrols." I snap my mouth shut again and nod blushing hot and bright. How many teachers actually tell their students to not only skip school but also to have sex? I know that's not actually what he is saying but that is what it boils down to.

"Good then, I will leave you to inform Bakugo," he smiled and turned away only to reveal Vlad King standing behind him. We both groan about the unwelcome intruder. I wonder how much of that he heard and how much he actually understood?

"Excusing your students from class are you? Regardless of how good your students are, they will only start to fall behind if they don't attend classes," he lectured us. I rolled my eyes and I could see Dadizawa fighting the urge to punch the man in front of us.

"It is really none of your concern how I deal with my students, now why are you here? Again?" He ground out the words while somehow not sounding angry while doing it

"I was wanting to know if we could match our students up for a fight? They need to train against a variety of different quirks and a second classroom of students should help with that," he was smiling as he spoke but nothing about his smile was friendly.

"And when were you wanting to do this?" Dadizawa asked, his eyes narrowed as he studied the other man.

"I was thinking tomorrow but considering you have a weak student at the moment..." he trailed off and I could feel my anger flare up as well as Kacchan's as he finally walked up done with whatever it was he was doing before.

"Tomorrow will be fine, even when we are sick we are ten times better than your half hearted students," I growled at him.

"A hundred times better actually," Dadizawa corrected, giving me a slight smile before turning back to Vlad King and then shooing him out of the classroom.

When he was gone he smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I like your pride but now you need to rest even more. Do you have to patrol tonight?" He looked at me and I shook my head no. Three could easily cover for us, tonight we would have just been locked in our room anyway strengthening the tunnel.

"Good go ahead and head back to the dorms and rest, Bakugo, go with him. After the matches tomorrow you can both leave as well but be sure to get your levels back up as much as possible," I see Kacchan turning that cherry blossom pink that is just adorable and it is taking everything I have not to jump on him right now.

"Go," Dadizawa caught my attention again and Kacchan grabbed my arm pulling me away out the classroom door and towards the dorms. We didn't worry about our things knowing that either Kirishima or Todoroki would take care of it or at the very worst it would just stay in the classroom until we returned tomorrow.


"KACCHAN!" I screamed out my body coated in sweat as I filled him again. How can he feel so amazing even now? I look down and see his still rock hard, throbbing shaft, he was leaking precum. He was trying so hard to save himself for me knowing that I needed as much of him as possible. I quickly sucked him into my mouth and in a matter of seconds his fingers were in my hair pulling and tugging on me as I drank in his essence. His moaning screams echoing in my head even as I swallowed.

When his body finally collapsed under me I couldn't help whimpering at the loss of energy from him. I still needed more, much more and we had only been at it a couple hours.

"Don't worry, I am more than willing to keep going and you know how to get me there." He laughed, his breathing shaking dangerously as he did. I hand him the bottle of water from the bedside table and as he drinks it I start massaging my green lightning into his body making him moan and stutter while trying not to choke on the fluid before giving up and closing it again.

"I need so much more," I whine seeing his shaft hardening again and taking him eagerly back into my mouth making his cries of pleasure fill the air again. It took several more hours and a small dinner break that our friends left at our door before I was starting to feel a little better.

I always feel better after sex and each time we have sex only seems to magnify it but it's really not the same when I start off so low already. It feels like it takes forever to actually feel good again.

"I want you on top, please?" I beg him and he shakily gets on top of me and slowly sinks himself down on my shaft. I can't help the purr of relief and satisfaction that escapes me and I swear I see Kacchan's eyes light up at the sound. Sometimes I wonder if maybe he understands those inhuman sounds better than actual words.

He slowly raised himself up again only to sink down again. I didn't even feel my arms flex pulling him harder and myself deeper, not until his screams of bliss brought me back from whatever high I was on. His face was flushed and he was panting heavily, his eyes weren't even focused at the moment. He was so far gone in the world of pleasure that I was mesmerized. I lift him up again and pull him down with ease. I was so focused on his face I didn't even see how close he was to cumming until I was covered in the thick creamy like substance.

But it didn't stop me from rolling him over and thrusting deep into him as my body now slid easily against his and I swear I was going in deeper than before. Why? How? My thoughts were a mess. I could only focus on the feeling of Kacchan around me and even when I came I just couldn't stop. I just kept going, my energy seemingly endless as green lightning crackled around me.

"DEKU, I-" Kacchan was arching his back and his nails were clawing at my back, his legs wrapped around me as I came again and again my teeth nipping at his delicious skin or my tongue exploring either his mouth or tasting the sweet cum mixed with his sweat on his chest. I came again, pushing as hard as I could, to reach as far inside of him as I could. I can't just keep doing this but at the same time I can't stop either.

I stopped myself, leaving my still very hard and throbbing cock deep inside my lover and while he caught his breath I licked and cleaned the cum from his chest. Maybe that was it? As good as either of them are alone, the taste and pleasure of tasting them together was unbelievably better. I pulled out and cleaned him using my tongue, not ignoring the fact that he was getting hard again, simply pausing to take him in my mouth again and only to swallow his release before returning to clean him up. My tongue is exhausted but working tirelessly anyway.

When his torso was clean again he was only half hard so I lined up again and smiled at my lover who quickly wrapped his legs around me again. I think I found out how to best get my levels up quickly because I feel amazing now and that only took a couple hours. I slid inside of him and our moans seemed to harmonize as we filled the night with our pants and screams of pleasure. Returning again and again to the feel of his cum coating my body again just for me to rub it back onto him before licking it off again. If I was low before I am high as a kite now.


The next morning we were a bit tired but we were showered and clean and when we were getting breakfast I practically jumped on him piggy back style laughing as I cheered. Our classmates noticed how much better I was feeling but no one said anything. I was just so happy and satisfied I couldn't really think straight.

"Dude, what put you in such a good mood? And where did you get all of your energy?" Kaminari laughed at me trying to get Kacchan to mush but he was refusing just rolling his eyes at my playfulness.

"Lots of mind blowing sex," I answered with a smile only for Iida who was drinking a cup of coffee to drop his cup turning bright red at my words. I started kissing on Kacchan's sweet neck only to hear his giggles and laughter at the ticklish touches. He was starting to pry me off until I gave him a light nip on his neck and he let out a low purr. I released him and licked and kissed on the mark only for him to relax into my touches.

"Dude, which of you is the top and bottom?" Kaminari asked and Iida dropped pieces of glass that he was working on picking up. He is not having a great morning from what I can see.

"Oh I'm definitely the bottom," Kacchan purred, answering so that I didn't have to stop attacking his neck. As much as I attack his neck I'm still very careful not to leave a mark so his smooth pale skin only had a light bite mark at the moment and it was quickly fading away now. "But we do switch every now and again," Kacchan was still purring happily, not even caring about what he was saying at the moment, making me giggle in his ear.

"Wait Bakubabe is a Bakubottom?" Ashido asked, walking into the kitchen holding Sero's hand. I heard Kami and a few others unfortunate enough to hear her giggle at the way she said that and I could feel the snarl coming up.

"All mine," I growl glaring at her. I don't like the way she worded that, like no matter who he was with he would be a bottom. I don't like that thought at all.

"Oh Midobabe, he is ALL yours," she growled seductively and winked at me and I smiled again happy with the way that ended.

"Yeah, I'm still here, you know?" Kacchan complained but whether it was the fact that I had stopped teasing him or because we were talking about him, I don't think he actually cared about the chat though.

"Oh yes you are," I purred in his ear nibbling on it and listening to his breathing stutter and hitch at the sensations. "And here you will stay," I tightened my legs letting him know what I meant and he let out a little moan.

"Deku we don't have time right now?" He whined it like a question like somehow I could freeze time and just give us the time we needed.

"Later, Love." I kiss his ear before shifting to cuddle him instead and I hear him groan in frustration. His toaster waffles pushed to the side now as he tried to vent his frustrations.

"So why are you so much better than yesterday? You looked like you were about to drop yesterday," Todoroki asked, taking a sip of his own coffee while eyeing Iida who was still on the floor picking up glass with shaky hands.

"Oh I was going through withdrawal," I smiled, cuddling my lover who was enjoying the touches and affection I was showing him.

"Withdrawal?" Kirishima questioned and I kind of noticed how everyone froze staring at me.

I shrug it off though because I'm just too happy to care. "Yeah, Kacchan is a drug to me. Literally and figuratively." I giggled when Kacchan set me on the counter and turned around in my arms so he could face me.

"How much are you going to tell them, Nerd?" I could see he was trying to lecture me but at the moment he was just as giggly and sated as I was, so instead of sounding stern he sounded like he was whimpering for more love which I happily gave him, kissing on his thumb as he caressed my face and then his neck and cheek and finally his lips.

"Wait." Todoroki blinked at us, his coffee frozen solid now that he wasn't paying attention and his quirk activated. "Literally a drug?"

"Yeah, I mean he does sweat nitroglycerin and that is a medication used for a variety of reasons. It also happens to be addictive and in most cases harmful in large amounts." I was cooing happily as Kacchan rubbed my neck between his hands. "But since we grew up together I have a high tolerance and an actual addiction at the same time. Recovery Girl said that if I go too long without it my levels would plummet and I could end up back in another coma," I was sighing in relief at Kacchan's every touch and gentle kiss just soaking it all in. "I don't know why Dadizawa and Recovery Girl decided to check my blood work though. I was kind of handling it fine before but now that I know it is a lot easier to keep track of how I am feeling."

"So your saying you literally can't live without Bakugo?" I frown at Iida's question because duh, but at the same time I can't help thinking about the much worse case, the other way around.

"No, I could get treatments from say a hospital to get what I need but Kacchan would probably die without me. No one really knows what my green lightning is and just like I need him he needs me. If I'm gone no one can substitute my quirk." I was starting to mutter about how terrible it would be without Kacchan in my life. Even without the nitroglycerin I can live without that at least for a while. But without Kacchan? I don't think I could last a day!

"No, enough of that. You are mine, we are free and we have forever ahead of us," Kacchan forced me to face him and kissed me on the nose, making me smile.

I wrap my arms around his neck giggling at his affection, "Yeah forever and ever!" He pulled me into a sweet tender kiss. I refused to let him go once we started even with us laughing while kissing playfully. "Of course the perk of nitroglycerin making it so much easier to get hard isn't something to complain about," I purr, I can't stop myself. The way his touches were turning me on was just too much.

"Dude you're going to have to make it a quicky, maybe just blow him? Because it is almost time to leave now," Shinso yawned, not even noticing what was going on or what he just said until Kaminari hit him on the shoulder. "What?"

"Dude unless your going to start offering then don't go-"

"Sure, we can have a morning quicky," Shinso cut him off smiling. "It'll wake me up way better than a cup of coffee anyway." Kaminari froze while Shinso's words registered in his mind before he grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the kitchen and most likely towards one of their rooms.

"I am kind of hungry?" Kacchan caught my attention and I wrapped my legs tightly around him.

"Let's go." I kiss him and he quickly carries me to my room.