

Aizawa's POV

I held the shaking ash blond in my arms letting him cry. I mouthed for Iida to run and get Recovery Girl as soon as possible. Midoriya was sound asleep thanks to Bakugo's quick thinking but he failed to think about himself as Midoriya's words triggered his PTSD. As much as he tried to will it all away he just couldn't. The conversation they shared was from when they were just five? Five years old and already suffering from abuse, severe life threatening abuse at that.

I don't know how many times I had to call his name just to get his attention. Let alone after because he kept drifting back into his waking nightmare. Reliving the scene as if it were happening today and not 13 years ago.

A part of me, and not a small part of me, wishes that I could bring the woman back just so that I could inflict half the pain she has before killing her again. Is All-For-One really the worst villain? Or was it Bakugo's mother Mitsuki? What about her husband? Bakugo's father? All this time it was never his name they cried out or tried to flee it was always his mother, the hag. The only real indication of how they felt about his father was the phone call weeks ago.

"Dad? Will you protect us from him too?" Bakugo's words were soft but I heard it loud and clear and so did my students.

"I'll do everything I can. Stay with me? Just stay with me for a while okay?" I hushed him and cradled him in my arms until he finally fell asleep and I tucked him back next to Midoriya before turning back to my students who were all waiting not knowing what to do. What can they do? What can I do?

"It goes without saying that we all have a very special mission but there is more to it than any of you know." I turned eyeing Nezu making sure he understood that what I was about to say was going to go way over all of our heads. Iida came in with Recovery Girl and Nezu stopped her from going to the boys and sealed the room off, letting me speak.

"We have to protect them from their father's no matter what happens." My voice was grave but they all heard me correctly. I said fathers as in both of them.

"Do you know who Midoriya's father is? Last I knew no one but his mother knew and she wasn't talking," Nezu questioned, he no longer looked carefree after the afternoon we all have had but somehow he looked almost frightening now.

"I refuse to let you use his father against him. He doesn't even know himself, you can't blame the boy for who his parents are," I growled, stepping between the boys on the floor and Nezu.

"You should know better than anyone that I wouldn't do that to anyone regardless of who it was." he narrowed his eyes, glaring at me.

"Inko didn't know when she married him. She didn't know until SHE kicked him out. She didn't know until SHE forced him out AND kept him out." I made what I said very clear and Nezu just nodded very slowly and I took a deep breath thankful that both boys were out cold at the moment. "His father is All-For-One."

No one moved, no one so much as breathed except for the two boys lying unconscious on the floor, their quiet labored breathing the only indication that they weren't sleeping peacefully.

"All Might?" Nezu asked calmly and I looked around not knowing the man was even in the room. He must have come in with Iida; it's the only way I could understand it.

"No I didn't know," he coughed up some blood and quickly wiped it away. "But I stand by my decision of making him my successor. He has done nothing wrong and being born is not a crime." I watched the weak blond man glare at Nezu from his place next to my students.

"Good, I would love to have a conversation with Mrs. Midoriya. I would love to know how she kicked him out of her house and kept him out." I shook my head at his words.

"She doesn't know, she blacked out and when she came to he was bloody and beaten." I will pay for this I know but my students don't deserve to be judged by their parents when they themselves have worked so hard. That was a very long conversation that day and I managed to walk away from it, still being able to call the woman friend which was far more than I expected.

"Well that's all well and dandy but do you think that you can move out of the way so I can check on them now?" Recovery Girl was waving her cane and I side stepped out of the way.

"Of course this goes without saying but none of you are to say anything about what has happened here today. Do you understand?" Nezu addressed my students and they all simply nodded.

"Doesn't really matter now does it?" Kaminari asked in what can only be described as a bored voice and he actually yawned. I look up at my clock and see that it's already after 8 pm. We stayed in class all day long.

"Care to explain what you mean?" Nezu asked him curiously.

"Sure, they are more than just our friends at this point. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for us, over and over again. They went so far as to show us a proper torture method by demonstrating on each other just so we would know. Although I think they went over the best ways to counter the pain of the torture so that means they were more worried about us. They are always worried about us. Protecting us. Trying to save us. They are just as much heroes as All Might was or is or ever could be." Kaminari answered and I saw Shinso wrap him in a hug and several students pat him on the back.

"Do you all feel this way?" Nezu asked, staring at all of my students.

Uraraka held up a hand when no one else spoke up and when he nodded to her she stepped forward, "Deku and Bakugo need to rest. It's our turn to protect them." There were some murmurs of agreement and nearly all my students' heads nodded.

Damn if nothing else Midoriya and Bakugo have a small, willing army on their side. I guess that means I need to train them properly.

"Everyone meets here at 6 am for extra training. You can't really protect someone unless you know how," I motion for then all to leave and they do, Recovery Girl hard at work on the boys and All Might and Nezu standing close by, their parents are scum, with Inko as the exception, that's no question but somehow the worst scum raised the best heroes any of us have ever seen or could ever meet.


The boys were moved to Recovery Girl's office and early the next morning all of my students were in class ready and waiting when I arrived at 5:30am. I sealed the room and I started the lesson. Human anatomy, pressure points, the art of torture at its best video after video of different torture techniques and they sat through it all. Most were pale by the end of the first video some had all but passed out by the second and by the third several had thrown up. But they endured it, at least they didn't have to experience it themselves...

"Dadizawa sensei? We should practice," I spit my coffee out and several students hopped up to help clean it up. I looked at Momo and I can see that she meant every word she said but I don't know the best way to answer.

*Knock * Knock * Knock*

Everyone sits down and waits while I answer the door only to find Bakugo and Midoriya standing there. "What are you-?" I start but they just push past me and stand in front of the room.

"Sorry I'm still not used to using my telekinesis so I get weaker faster and we had a very late night and too early morning. On with the lesson. I'm sure you have all been studying?" Midoriya smiled at them all like he and Bakugo didn't just have a PTSD flashback in the middle of class yesterday, well, technically after class.

"No you both need to rest," I started to lecture them but they shook their heads no.

"It's okay Dadizawa, we will just stick to healing today. That will be much easier for us but I'm afraid that you will have to practice with each other and that won't be. Well actually Kacchan and I talked it over and now that you have a basic knowledge of a proper torture we can start pulling at the list of targets Nezu gave us a few weeks ago. There are still easily a few dozen so if we pair you up it will make it much easier for you to both learn and practice." I looked at Midoriya like he grew a second head.

"You want them to practice on people?" It was ridiculous, it was idiotic, it was perfect. "I will supervise. How do we do this?" Even if it meant one fragment of less pain for my students, I will do this.


We were in an underground viewing chamber and all of my students were disguised so well I don't have a clue as to who was who. I mean you would think that Todoroki's scar would give him away but no. They had it covered so well I couldn't even begin to guess which one he was.

All but four of my students were downstairs along with one other. They called her Three but otherwise I don't know who she is or where she came from.

We watched the first person, not making a peep as One and Two destroyed anything and everything that made him a man. In a matter of two hours they knew everything there was to know about him and then some. One took notes while Two asked the questions turns out One is mute, born without human vocal cables.

When they were finally done with him they stitched him up and I saw One create the signature smiley face with one green X and one red X for eyes, they listened to his screams until they were done and then they knocked them out together before going to put them out. No one died thankfully but they did say it happens sometimes if they were in bad health already.

I watched as each of my students did their part learning while One and Two instructed them. Three watching nearby gained much of my attention. Who was she and where did she come from? Why did she do everything One and Two asked with an almost servant like mentality?

"Three remember each person here, they will be important for the upcoming job," Two tells her and One purrs in addition.

"Do they know who you two really are?" Three's question on it's own spoke volumes but it seemed to have a hidden meaning that only the three of them really understood.

"More than anyone else," Two answered and One nuzzled into his neck happily. Once in their disguises they don't break character for anything. But what kind of answer is that even? More than anyone else? Why not just a yes? Unless there is more to them that we still don't know still? I try to shake the thought from my head, I'm being silly. A person can only have so many sides to themselves, right?

"It's your turn," I see Three walk up to me with a blade in hand and I jump a little in shock. Me? "Don't think you are above anyone else here, you are not in until I, *cough* we have seen you torture some one."

I take the blade and after fingering it for a moment put it back down again, "I have better ways of getting information than bladed torture." My scarf suddenly grabs Three and hangs her upside down and she actually laughed in my face.

"Nice try but I have been on their table, there isn't anything you can do to me that they couldn't/haven't done better." Three smiled at me and laughed again. "Nice try though." I had her wrist pinned at her waist keeping her skirt pinned to her body but I wasn't expecting her shirt to slide up revealing the smiley face on her stomach, the red angry skin puffed up against the pale sickly skin around it. I almost hurled at the sight.

"Three, why did you expose yourself like that? You know what happens to those that land on our table a second time." Two sighed and I watched as Three blanched even hanging upside down like she was.

"I thought you were working willingly with One and Two, not forced," I narrowed my eyes and when Two glared at Three she squeaked.

"How much do I tell him?" She asked nervously.

"Everything if that's what he wants to know," Two sighed and One nuzzled into his neck again. One seemed to be going through withdrawal because he was all but humping the boy with the way he had climbed onto Two's back and was licking and kissing on his neck.

"Yes sir," Three squeaked and turned her eyes back to me, waiting.

"Why are you really working with One and Two?"

"Because they offered and because I took it I am allowed to live." My eyes narrowed, those that are forced to cooperate rarely remain helpful when the going gets tough.

"Why were you on their table the first time?"

"I don't know, I could have been a target or I could have pissed them off. It could have been random, I just don't know." I looked up at Two and at first he tried to look away but he seemed to change his mind.

"He was a target of sorts. He was a villain and his sister was a high value and difficult target to get too. So 'god' sent us after him." Two explained and Three simply nodded, not in the least surprised or even angry.

"How are you okay with your sister being a target?"

"She is dead, not much anyone can do to her now." Three answered and I was shocked.

"Then why...?" I don't know how to ask what I wanted to ask, but Three seemed to understand my question.

"I have more than one reason actually; the first reason was because One granted her a painless death regardless of his intentions she died without pain." I stared in horror at him.

"Did you really hate your sister so much?"

"Not at all I loved her with all my heart and still do. But she was a villain and her quirk made life hard on her. She was a villain before she ever actually did anything wrong." Three smiled at me, I had at some point righted her so she was looking at me normally. I still held her above the ground but she never once resisted.

"That would actually be reason number 2; One and Two even as heroes never judged her based on her quirk. Not even really by the way her twisted mind worked, they saw her for who she really was and even in death they miss her. I don't know if they miss the fights they used to have with her or the way they would banter as they chased each other around. But they are the closest to actual friends she ever had."

I looked at One and Two and they were both red and looked confused and conflicted at the same time. Their faces screwed up as they tried to deny what was said but at the same time unable to see how they actually felt about the whole thing. In the end they couldn't answer, they couldn't even make a sound as they tried to work it out for themselves. Their faces showed so much confusion and emotion that I can see what Three meant. Even on opposite sides, heroes vs. villains they couldn't hate her. They couldn't bring themselves to disgrace her.

"Who was your sister?"

"..." Three looked at me strangely and looked back at One and Two who were still trying to puzzle out what and how they felt. "My sister's name was Toga." I looked at him in shock and looked back at One and Two who were no longer listening as they seemed to talk using their system of purrs and growls and other noises that they seemingly were more comfortable with while doing so.

"Wait I think I met your brother recently, he tried to kill them when they were not One and Two," I mused out loud.

"Ah, no, that was me. I told you that I would end up back on their table. I knew too much." I stared at Three wide eyed and released him.

"Interesting interrogation techniques but it worked. Using your connections to bring fear to your target is a viable option but you have to be sure that it will work. You weren't." Three dusted his (her?) skirt off and fixed his top so that he looked like a proper young lady again.

"But you were just a child, it was only a few weeks ago I questioned you for hours and you were in police custody for a couple weeks there is no way that you were using a quirk to make yourself look younger." I stared at him.

"Hmm? Oh I wasn't using a quirk to look younger. That is what I truly look like. Three was combing through her hair and adjusting her bra. "I'm only wearing short heels and some light makeup and a wig, oh and a couple inserts. They really are uncomfortable." Three hummed absentmindedly before smiling at me.

"It's really not that hard to change the way you look, even without my quirk it really is too easy." That's it!

Everything I know is a lie!