
Undead Ban in One PIece

Maybe some other time

Orpheus_Lucifer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter – 3 4 years!

P.O.V. 3rd Person


As the explosion resounded, the entire island shook, the birds flew away in panic in an attempt to leave this dangerous island, and the beasts in the forest scooted over to the edge of the island–trying to distance themselves from the two humans who were more like demons and destroying the island wherever they went.

"Aaah… is… is this really all right Captain Ban? If Lady Esdeath and Lady Medusa were to continue their battle, they might end up destroying the entire island… what are we to do if that were to happen!?" asked a meek-looking young man, probably in his early twenties with brownish-orange hair and mustache, wearing loose & baggy bartender clothes that were complimented with a pair of glasses.

Ban chuckled and said, "Don't worry Escanor… they are being restrained, well, at least to the extent that the entire island won't be destroyed."

The meek-looking man nodded hurriedly, "In that case I am relieved… I would have been very sad if this beautiful island on which I spend the last three years with Captain and everyone and made so many memories were to be destroyed. Since you say that they are limiting themselves, then I suppose it's fine." After saying this, he passed a wooden mug filled to the brim to Ban and said, "Here Captain… this is the new flavor… the Bernia Ale that you wished to drink on your seventeenth birthday. Happy Birthday, Captain… You are now 17 years old."

Ban smiled as he took the wooden mug from Escanor, "Thank you very much Escanor." And after taking a large sip, he sighed in contentment and said, "This is the best… Escanor my friend, being able to summon you was really a blessing… With you on board, I think I will have the opportunity to taste all kinds of ale during our adventures."

"The pleasure is all mine Captain… although this world is different from the one, I died in, it's all not that bad… having friends and people who care about me is a real blessing, so I thank you for giving me another opportunity to live a life," stated Escanor with a melancholic expression.

Ban smiled and said nothing…

As the two continued to discuss some small matters, another loud explosion shook the island and then returned the island to silence.

Noting the silence, Ban commented, "It looks like their battle is over… let's go and see."

Escanor nodded, "Yes." And the two then walked towards the forest.

As they walked deeper and deeper, they were able to see more and more signs of battle, trees copped and destroyed, scattered ice, frozen landscape, and much more, a while later, the two men also saw the two girls who were collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, taking heavy breaths, and had injuries all over their body.

Looking at the state of the two girls, Escanor gentlemanly turned himself around, making sure not to look at them for their clothes were damaged and their private parts were clearly on display.

'My heart belongs only to Lady Merlin… even if she is not part of this world, and we may never see each other again, this doesn't change my feelings towards her… besides… Lady Esdeath and Lady Medusa have Captain in their heart… I would be betraying captain if I were to look at them.' Escanor thought as such and excused himself, "Captain… since Lady Esdeath and Lady Medusa are not seriously injured, so with your permission, I would like to take my leave, a lot of preparations have to be made for the celebrations of your seventeenth birthday, although Genos stated that he will do all it all alone, I feel that I should help him…"

Understanding Escanor's thought, Ban nodded, "Very well."

With that Escanor left the forest and disappeared.

After Escanor was gone, Ban squatted down, then looked at Esdeath and Medusa and sighed, "Don't you two think that you two went a little overboard?"

Esdeath smiled as she answered, "Fighting Medusa was so fun and exhilarating that I had completely forgotten about everything."

Ban helplessly looked at Esdeath, and thought, 'Well, I suppose there is nothing I can do about it, for now, this is her nature, she loves to fight… but for Medusa to also engage in such a battle?' Then he turned towards Medusa and asked, "And what about you Medusa… for someone who is known for her calmness, what made you so heated up?"

Medusa embarrassingly looked down, and apologized, "I am sorry Master."

Ban sighed, and said, "Well anyway, what's done is done, but I don't want the two of you to fight another such battle, it's all right to help each other train, but don't fight such serious battles. We will be fighting a lot of enemies in the future, at that time, the two of you can let out all the lust for battle. Did I make myself clear?"

Both Esdeath and Medusa nodded, "Understood captain." "I understand Master."

Ban didn't bother asking about the result of the battle for he already knew it, obviously, he monitored the entire battle using Observation Haki and knows that their fight resulted in a draw, but looking at their state, Ban could see that had they continued the fight, then Esdeath would have won because of possessing stronger Haki.

Of course, this is not taking into account their trump cards, If Medusa had used her trump card, then she might have had a chance to win, but then again, it's not a surety, since Esdeath also has her trump card.

But for now, it can be concluded that Esdeath is the stronger of the two, this is obviously because Esdeath was summoned earlier compared to Medusa, she is the first character to be summoned by Ban while Medusa on the other hand is his fourth Summon. There is a complete three years difference, so obviously, there would be a strength gap.

"In any case, now that that's out of the way, shall we leave the forest, the beasts of the forests are covering in feat because of you two… I think we should give them their home and peace of mind, don't the two of you think so too?" Ban said while looking in a certain direction.

The two followed Ban's gaze and nodded, "Yes." And got up, ready to leave the forest.

Ban turned around and started walking out of the forest.

Seeing Ban leave, Esdeath asked, "Captain, where are you going?"

Without turning back, he continued to walk forward and answered, "Since Genos doesn't want me to come to the beach for a while, so I'll be heading to my home, for the time being, I am eager for a bath before the celebration." And added after a pause, "And I suggest the two of you take a bath as well and change your clothes…"

Hearing Ban's words, Esdeath and Medusa looked at their dirtied body along with torn clothes and immediately blushed.

At Ban's home, Ban's P.O.V.

"Haaa… so this is my last bath in this house… man I really hate to give up this open sky Hot Spring bath that Genos built for me." I couldn't help but mutter as I recalled all the time that I have spent on this island.

It's already been five years since I transmigrated to the One Piece World, and over the course of the past five years, I have remained on the unnamed island I was on when I transmigrated to the One Piece World and I have diligently worked hard and trained to hone my abilities.

This day marks the start of my sixth year in this world, and in the past five years I have changed from a boy in his early teens to a seventeen-year-old young man, in terms of looks I like the appearance of Ban from the Seven Deadly Sins, I have silver hair just like him and my height is 6 ft 11 inches. It can be said that I am his splitting image except for that scar on his neck that he got from Meliodas' demon fire, I don't have that.

But even if that's the case, Escanor doesn't seem to recognize me as the Ban from his home world. If feel that this is the System's doing, I have been told that the memories of the summoned characters will be altered at the time of summoning to adapt them to the One Piece world, and to make sure that remain loyal to me, this is why I believe that despite being the splitting image of Ban, Escanor hasn't been able to make any connection.

Well, aside from my appearance and all, let's talk about my strength which has changed in the past five years.

[Status Panel: Open] I issued the instruction and immediately, my status panel opened up.

------ Status Board -----

Name: Fox D. Ban

Age: 17

Tribe: Human (Undead)

Occupation: None

* * *


Character Ability: Immortality Snatch

Marine Six Powers: Shave, Moon Walk

Observation Haki (Intermediate): Presence Sensing, Strength Sensing, Intent Sensing, Emotion Sensing

Armament Haki (Intermediate): Hardening, Imbuement, Emission


Esdeath – The General of the Empire – Akame ga Kill

Escanor – The Lion Sin of Pride – The Seven Deadly Sins

Genos – Demon Cyborg – One Punch Man

Medusa – The one who Dominates - Nasuverse

----- Status Board -----

As can be seen from my status panel, I have been able to master both Observation Haki and the Armament Haki to the Intermediate level in the past five years which allows me to do a variety of things as can be seen from my Status Panel.

As for the Conqueror's Haki… well, I am not sure if I even possess it, after all, the Color of Conqueror is something that can not be learned, only awakened if one is born with it. Based on the information I have about the criteria for the people who awaken the Conqueror's Haki, I think I do meet all the criteria as I have the ambition to reach the top of the world, and I feel that I should awaken it at some point in my journey… Perhaps it's because I haven't really faced any distressing situation as of now, so I haven't awakened it as it is said that Conqueror Haki is generally awakened in extreme distress. So, conqueror Haki will have to wait… But when it comes to the other two forms of Haki, I have good enough proficiency.

Other than the two forms of Haki, I also managed to train two of the most important Marine Six Powers, that being Shave and Moon Walk which gives me a lot of mobility.

All these, when combined with my immortality and snatch, I believe that I can put up a good fight against normal Vice Admirals from the Marine Headquarters, obviously, I am not going to include monsters like Garp, and Tsuru as their strength is much higher compared to normal Vice Admirals, but other Vice Admirals shouldn't be a problem, which also means that first half of the Grandline is not going to be all that dangerous and problematic for me.

Anyway, enough about my abilities, now let's talk about my summons. It is already known that I summoned Esdeath using my second wish from the System, but what isn't known is that even for my third, fourth, and fifth wish I summoned characters from other anime Worlds.

After Esdeath, the second person I summoned is none other than Escanor––The Lion Sin of Pride from the Seven Deadly Sins, the strongest human and the user of the strongest of the four Divine Grace Sun Shine––However, the summoned Escanor is a bit different compared to the Escanor in the Seven Deadly Sins verse, here, he doesn't possess Sunshine, rather, he is the user of Sun-Sun Fruit, a paramecia fruit that allows him to control the heat of Sun. Other than this, he is also a quarter Lunarian, which allows him to control fire like all Lunarians, however, he doesn't have their skin color, hair color, and black wings.

These changes in Escanor's power were naturally made by the System to make sure that Escanor fits into the One Piece World without any problem. Because of these changes, Escanor is no longer limited to being strong only during the day, and weak at night, now he can use his powers even at night.

One thing to note is that Escanor's physique and personality change greatly when he uses his Lunarian powers, he transforms from a meek and shriveled man into a prideful and bulky man, and since he is a paramecia devil fruit user on top of being a quarter Lunarian, so naturally, his body or life force is not affected because of using his powers as was the case in the Seven Deadly Sins verse.

Oh, and Escanor is the Brewster for the crew, his job is to brew fine ale for the members of the crew.

Anyway, after Escanor, I summoned Genos––The Demon Cyborg from One Punch Man verse––as mentioned, Genos is a cyborg and has all the abilities of a Cyborg, when summoned, System didn't make any changes to Genos or the One Piece world to accommodate Genos because the concept of cyborgs exists in the One Piece World. Although Genos is highly advanced compared to the other known cyborgs in the One Piece world, there is still no problem in accommodating him in this world.

Genos is the Weapon Engineer, Mechanic, and Shipwright of the crew, his job is to create all the devices and the facilities that the crew would use, and he is really good at it. Even the Hot Bath I am taking now is only thanks to Genos creating for me, if not for Genos, I would still be bathing in the cold water.

Of course, that's not to say that Genos doesn't fight… heck, Genos can be said to be the most dangerous member of the crew as he can rain down weapons on enemies. His cyborg body is made up of all kinds of weapons, so in a fight, Genos is really a menace.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that being able to summon Genos and having him on the crew is really a blessing!

After Genos, we have Medusa, she is the fourth and the last summoned character––the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters from the Greek Myths in Nasuverse and is knowns as the One who Dominates––Those who have seen her in the Nasuverse should know that Medusa is an incredibly skilled combatant.

Her past has been modified by the System at the time of Summoning in order to accommodate her into the One Piece World, so rather than being a Gorgon herself, she has become the woman who slew the said monster in this world. And as punishment for this act of hers, Medusa is cursed by the dying Gorgon, as a result, her eyes have turned into Cybele, known as the Mystic Eyes of Petrification.

'Medusa's role in the crew is not yet particularly clear, but there is no doubt that she is a fine addition and would play a huge role in the crew once her strength increases.' These are my thoughts.

A while after soaking in the hot water, I got up and wore the newest piece of clothing Medusa created for me using the skin of animals on this island, and left my house.

"It's time for the party…"


Author's Note:

And we are done with the 3rd chapter. It's just a recollection of major things that happened on the island in the past four years, basically, this is an info dump. I didn't want to write the summoning of Escanor, Genos, and Medusa again and again so I simply introduced them sometime after they were summoned.

By now, Ban has already used up 5 of his wishes.

Anyway, after this chapter, we are going to have another chapter on this island, then Ban and the Crew are going to leave the island and start their adventure. I felt that starting his adventure at the age of 17 seems to be a good decision. And I am going to roll with it.

The age of other crew members is as follows, Esdeath(19), Escanor(23), Genos(20), and Medusa(21). This is the year 1512 of the Sea Calendar, and it's still 10 years prior to the day Luffy set sail.

Also I have decided on the name of the Pirate Crew, it's going to be Undead Ban Pirates... how is it, does it sound menacing or scary?

If you guys have any other suggestion for the crew name and something else that might add to the stop, then you all can always suggest me in the comments.

Finally, next chapter is going to be a bit of a surprise, At least I plan to make it that way, I hope you all like it.

Thank you guys for reading this fanfic, and love you all!!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Orpheus_Lucifercreators' thoughts