
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

Botchai · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

CHAPTER 4.3: The Cottage

It's early morning, and somebody is already knocking on my door nonstop. For sure, I know that it is not my mother who is doing all this knocking because she knows how much I love my sleep.

I angrily left my bed and went to open the door, so I could yell at that person who kept knocking and disturbing my sleep. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE? IF SO, THEN I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU."

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, Andrea, but I have something important to tell you." To my surprise, the one who wanted death was my dearest friend and brother, Marcus. From the look on his face, he looks serious. For now, I will let it slide. Whatever he is going to say better be worthy of my time

Without me saying anything else walked into my room. Well, sure. Enter my room without my permission. What is his problem? Why is he so upset?

"What is that you want, Marcus? You know I don't want to be disturbed while I'm sleeping, right?" I said with an irritated tone. No matter how important it is, he knows better than to disturb my sleep.

"It's about the cottage that has ties with your mother that we've been trying to find. We found it."

"Really?! That's good. We should go now!" I said. Finally! Finally, I'm getting the answer that I have been looking for. Today is finally the day that my mind can finally be at peace.

"We can't go there." He said firmly.

"We can't? Why? You know how badly I want answers, Marcus. You can't stop me from this doing this."

"I know. I know, but Andrea, I don't think that you should go to that place. Neither the two of us should go there." The seriousness in his tone makes me think that something about that cottage is bothering him, and because of that, it is making me want to go there more.

"Marcus, I decide whether I go there or not. This is not for you to decide. You have done your part in this, and I'm thankful for that, but let me finish this and get my answers." Marcus must have found something over there to make him act like this. What is my mother hiding over there to make Marcus this wary of that place?

"Andrea! There is nothing over there, and there is no need for you to go there!" Is he desperately trying to stop me now? Just what is over there?

"Marcus, can you please stop? I am old enough to take care of myself. I am not that little girl who always cries behind everyone's back just because she faces some difficulties. I am not her anymore. She died. So please, stop treating me like I'm some fragile glass that you need to protect all the time." This time, I am furious at him for being like this once again. I really do appreciate that he cares for me, but as I said, I don't need protection from him all the time.

"I know. I know that you're not that same girl anymore, Andrea. You have closed your heart from everything since that accident, but I know it might actually hurt you this time. You might actually hurt yourself."

"Don't make me repeat myself again, Marcus," I said and released and used my magic to put pressure on him. Between him and I, my magic is superior to him and he knows that if I get to this point, he better watch him mouth now. I won't be merciful like I have always been with him. When I am desperate about something, I will do anything in my powers to get what I want. "Tell me where the cottage is."

As soon as he told me where the cottage was, I pushed him out of my room and started to get ready. I have planned to stay in bed and feel relaxed for the whole day, but thanks to Marcus' information, I have a productive day today.

Finally! I can finally have the answers I'm looking for.