
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

Botchai · Fantasy
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48 Chs

CHAPTER 4.2: The Cottage


"I, I can't believe that I did that. I'm going to get myself in trouble for slapping her hand away, right?" Danielle nervously muttered, but I could still hear her clearly.

This girl, why is she nervous for nothing? Obviously, Sherry is no threat to her. Based on what happened today, I do not think Sherry will have the power to do anything to Danielle.

Sherry will no longer have the Laraine Family as her backup. They will not be able to save her this time. Today's event put so much stain that they do not even know how to erase this from everyone's memory.

"Worrying about that is useless, Danielle. She's not going to do something to you, that's for sure. Even if she does, don't worry. Our beloved boss is not going to let that slide."

"Callisto is right, Danielle. Don't about a thing. Like he said, even if she does anything to you, she will face the consequences and regret everything she had done up until now." Right now, Sherry Larraine should be the least of Danielle's worries. The word of my stepping down from my position is spreading all around the facility, and now I'm receiving Magic Letters from them, which is getting on my nerves. Just because they say something nice to me does not mean I will pick one of them to be my successor. That's ridiculous!

Besides, I already made up my mind that Danielle would replace me. She is the only one in the facility with the intelligence and talent in magic throughout the facility. If someone shows ups and is on the same level as Danielle, that will change everything. No one has ever shown me what I want from them.

"Danielle, have you thought about what I told you the other day? Before you answer, I sure hope it is something I want to hear." I said to her with seriousness in my voice. She needs to know that I am not joking about this matter. I am leaving the facility, and that is final.

Danielle looks at me as if she is unsure of what to answer. "I have. I have been thinking about it, but I am still unsure if I can be like you. I can't be the Superior Research in the facility when I lack everything you have."

So that is what has been bothering her? Why does she think she has to be like me to stand in the position I am offering her?

"Danielle, I did not ask you to replace me to become like me. I want you to be you, but with the responsibility of leading the facility. Your intelligence and talent in magic are enough to be in this position. There is no need for you to be like me. All you need is to be confident in yourself." I explained to her thoroughly from the day I told her about this, but it seemed like she was not listening and only thinking about how she could be like me and how she would lead one of the top facilities all her own.

"I… I am not sure yet. Please give me some more time to think about this again." She said, and I must say, I am disappointed that she did not answer today. At the same time, I understand why she is being hesitant.

"If that is what you want, then I will wait. However, I am not patient, Danielle. I need an answer by the end of this upcoming week." With that, our conversation ended