
Unwanted System, Opportunity!

(A/N: Just a small note at the beginning. There'll be no harem, there may be a love interest at some point though. The MC isn't going to become a super edge-lord 9001 all of a sudden just because he has a system. He's just the average adult guy who's heard of all these crazy heroes. This story starts a couple of years before the first Iron Man film. Small update, 16th April: The MC didn't reincarnate into this world, please read the synopsis like a normal person.)

Dan's life was going fairly well, he had a Diploma in Creative Writing, and was now writing semi-professionally. He was mostly editing people's blogs these days, it was a living, and he enjoyed doing it at least. Dan had always dreamed of one day receiving one of those cheat systems he saw in those super-edgy Manwha that always piqued his interest. And, just a few days ago, he received a surprise, an unwelcome surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.

He now had a system with a name that was longer than necessary. Of course, he had freaked out at first, and the landlord almost kicked him out of his apartment due to the numerous noise complaints. He'd spent the rest of the day, trying to ignore the ever-present blue and black square that would "DING!" every hour or so. It wasn't really doing anything, apart from being incredibly annoying. It was now Thursday, four days after he'd received his kickass system, and he finally gave in.

"Fine, if you're just going to sit there, dinging at every waking hour, at least explain yourself. If you're not currently able to explain yourself, then at least make yourself useful while I'm working."

Upon inspecting the window a little more closely, he realised that this really was a bare-bones system. He couldn't see anything related to quests, it just showed his personal information, as well as his stats and skill list. He only had a skill passive skill and no active skills, but the name of the skill caught him off guard.

[Skill Name: Adaptation & Evolution (Active & Passive)


F-Grade: Exceptional and rapid adaptation and evolution, shortening the time required for physical and mental growth. Notable physical development, including muscle growth, in as little as a month. Enhanced mental adaptability, with initial exposure to mental attacks triggering resistance development. Faster recovery speed from any physical or mental stimuli.

Cost: FREE

Active Cooldown: NONE]

Dan sighed, I never really wanted a system, sure it would be cool receive one, but it wouldn't really help me in day-to-day life. This Adaption & Evolution though, that could prove to be extremely useful, and I'm sure that I'll end up becoming super-strong inevitably, whether I want that or not. Dan had always wanted to just live a normal life, away from all those powered people who saved the world every other week.

Sure, he was extremely grateful that they saved world and all that, he just wished that they could find a way to be a little less destructive about it. With this system, I will probably end up joining their ranks at some point in time, I just hope that it won't be any time soon. I guess that the skill will also evolve over time which will probably allow me to gain all sorts of abilities. I guess flying would be useful.

As if in response to what he'd thought, another window opened.

Adaptation & Evolution Flight Adaptation Process (F-Grade):

To achieve the extraordinary ability of flight without wings, the Adaptation & Evolution skill, currently at the F-Grade level, will embark on a comprehensive adaptation process. Flight adaptation represents one of the more challenging physical transformations, and its progression will be gradual.

Muscular Adaptation: The body's muscles will rapidly develop to enhance strength, agility, and endurance. The initial focus will be on the muscles responsible for maintaining stable and controlled flight.

Skeletal Modifications: The skeletal structure will evolve to become lighter, yet more durable, to support flight. Over time, bones will become more hollow, and the overall body structure will be adjusted for aerial manoeuvrability.

Cardiovascular Enhancement: The circulatory system will adapt to efficiently distribute oxygen to support sustained flight. Heart rate and stroke volume will be optimized for endurance.

Respiratory Adaptation: The respiratory system will be adjusted to accommodate the increased oxygen demands of flight. Lung capacity and efficiency will improve.

Neurological Refinement: The brain will evolve to process and react to the complex spatial information required for aerial navigation. Mental adaptability will increase, aiding in instinctive and precise flight control.

Psychological Resilience: The mind will develop resistance against the mental strain of soaring through the air, as the novelty of flight can initially be overwhelming.

Biofeedback Synchronisation: The body will learn to respond to instinctual cues, such as balance, to maintain in-flight stability.

At the F-Grade level, this adaptation process will be relatively slow, requiring consistent exposure to flight conditions. The system will emphasize building a solid foundation for the future evolution of flight capabilities.

1/5 Evolution Process Slots are currently in use.]

Dan laughed out loud at that, but he quickly calmed down, he didn't want to be kicked out of his apartment after all. I thought that would just be wishful thinking, but it seems that I will really be able to fly at some point. I'm using 1/5 slots currently, that means that I can aim for four other goals too. Let's see, I'll use one of them for work-related purposes. I really want to improve my work efficiency!

[Adaptation & Evolution - Work Efficiency Enhancement Process (F-Grade):

To achieve exceptional work efficiency in editing blogs for a living, the Adaptation & Evolution skill, currently at the F-Grade level, will embark on a comprehensive adaptation process. This process will focus on enhancing various aspects of professional editing.

Enhanced Attention to Detail: The skill will evolve to allow the individual to pay meticulous attention to every aspect of the content. This includes grammar, punctuation, style, and consistency.

Faster Information Processing: The brain will adapt to process information at a quicker pace, allowing for rapid analysis and corrections.

Improved Time Management: Time management skills will be enhanced, allowing the individual to organize and prioritize tasks efficiently.

Enhanced Communication Skills: The skill will evolve to improve communication with writers, clients, and team members, facilitating better collaboration and understanding.

Mental Resilience: The mind will develop resistance against mental fatigue and stress, enabling the editor to maintain focus and productivity during extended editing sessions.

Adaptive Style Mastery: The skill will enable the editor to adapt to different writing styles seamlessly, making their editing more versatile and valuable.

At the F-Grade level, this adaptation process will be gradual but noticeable, leading to significant improvements in work efficiency for editing blogs professionally.]

[Passive Skills Generated: Attention to Detail (Writing), Time Management (Writing), Communication (Verbal, Written), Adaptive Style Mastery]

Wow, now that's something I can work with, now I'll be evolving in order to meet both a short-term and a long-term goal. I have three more, let's go for some more long-term ones!
