
Ultimate Adaptive Evolution System

Dan Montgomery was just your average powerless dude living in a world filled with Heroes Vs Villains battles every other day. He one day received the kickass system he always dreamed of having, but never truly wanted. He just wanted to be a normal guy in a not so normal world, but fate just had other plans for him. (Note: The Slice of Life tag is there since a lot of the beginning part of the story takes place in normal life.)

MaitreyaNirvana · Video Games
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38 Chs

Long-term goals, Moving on!

Dan thought about what he should evolve next, then it came to him. I wonder if I can combine two goals into one, I want to evolve and adapt to gain "Superhuman Strength & Durability"! There is no harm in trying after all.

[Adaptation & Evolution - Superhuman Strength & Durability Enhancement Process (F-Grade):

To achieve superhuman strength and durability, the Adaptation & Evolution skill, currently at the F-Grade level, will embark on a comprehensive adaptation process. This process will focus on enhancing physical prowess and resilience.

Muscular Enhancement: The body will adapt by rapidly developing exceptional muscle mass, significantly enhancing strength. The focus will be on muscle groups responsible for superhuman feats of power.

Skeletal Reinforcement: The skeletal structure will undergo modification to become more robust and resilient, supporting the increased muscle mass and physical exertion.

Cardiovascular Optimization: The circulatory system will adapt to efficiently supply the enhanced muscles with oxygen, sustaining superhuman strength without fatigue.

Enhanced Pain Tolerance: The pain threshold will be raised, allowing the individual to endure more stress on the body without discomfort.

Resilient Skin and Tissue: Skin and tissue adapt to become tougher, offering a heightened resistance to injury.

Quick Recovery: The body's natural healing processes will be enhanced, promoting rapid recovery from any injuries sustained during the use of superhuman strength.

Efficient Energy Utilization: The body will adapt to use energy resources more efficiently, allowing the individual to sustain superhuman feats for extended durations.

At the F-Grade level, this adaptation process will be gradual but noticeable, leading to significant improvements in superhuman strength and durability.]

Balanced Enhancement Management:

Physiological Balance: The system ensures a balanced physique that doesn't compromise flight by regulating muscle growth and bone density.

Variable Density Control: The individual can adjust their weight as needed, making flight effortless and maximizing strength when required.

Adaptive Energy Management: Efficient energy allocation prevents one ability from draining the energy needed for the other.

Controlled Evolution: The system maintains equilibrium by simultaneously adjusting both abilities during the evolution process.

Limitation-Based Regulation: Prevents extremes by setting thresholds for simultaneous use of superhuman strength and flight.

Conscious Control: The individual has mental awareness for intuitive and balanced use of these powers.]

Dan grinned when he saw this, it seemed that the system was taking precautions to ensure that he could switch between his evolved states, perhaps he could combine the two efficiently in order to create a hybrid form. Two more, this next one will be an easy one, I want Telekinesis! And for the final one, I really want to be able to use Superhuman Speed!

[Adaptation & Evolution - Telekinetic Mastery (F-Grade):

This process involves the adaptation and evolution of the individual's physical and mental attributes to harness the power of telekinesis and subsequently enhance this remarkable ability.

Neurological Refinement: The brain adapts to process and generate mental commands for telekinesis, improving precision and control over telekinetic actions.

Enhanced Mental Focus: Mental concentration sharpens, enabling efficient management of telekinetic activities.

Psychic Stamina: The mind's endurance for telekinetic tasks is enhanced, allowing prolonged and sustained use of this ability.

Improved Object Interaction: The skill evolves to understand the physics and dynamics of objects, promoting a greater ability to manipulate them effectively.

Telekinetic Range Expansion: The adaptation process increases the range at which objects can be influenced, gradually extending the telekinetic field of influence.

Mental Resistance: The mind develops resistance against potential mental strain and exhaustion during telekinetic tasks.

At the F-Grade level, this adaptation and evolution process will be gradual but noticeable, leading to significant improvements in telekinetic control and capability.]

[Adaptation & Evolution - Speedster Mastery (F-Grade):

This process involves the adaptation and evolution of the individual's physical and mental attributes to gain the remarkable ability to move at superhuman speeds, rivalling some of the fastest powered individuals in the world.

Enhanced Neural Pathways: The brain adapts to process information at incredible speeds, enabling rapid thinking, reaction times, and decision-making while in motion.

Velocity Endurance: The cardiovascular system undergoes adaptation to sustain high-speed running without fatigue, enhancing endurance during rapid locomotion.

Lightning Reflexes: Reflexes are heightened, allowing for instantaneous responses to external stimuli, critical for avoiding obstacles at superhuman speeds.

Swift Metabolism: Metabolic processes adapt to provide the energy required for high-speed running, ensuring sustained physical performance while moving at astonishing velocities.

Temporal Perception: The individual's perception of time evolves, allowing them to perceive events and surroundings in slow motion, enhancing their ability to navigate through high-speed environments and make split-second decisions.

Speedster Techniques: The adaptation process grants knowledge of speedster techniques, such as speedster vortex creation and friction manipulation, unlocking unique and versatile capabilities.

At the F-Grade level, this adaptation and evolution process will be gradual but noticeable, leading to significant improvements in speed-related abilities and control over superhuman running.]

Dan realised that he'd run out of Evolution Process Slots already, which was very unfortunate, since he was already thinking of improving his Martial Arts capabilities! Oh well, I guess that I'll just have to hope that I gain access to more of those slots when my Adaption & Evolution ability evolves to the next grade. I'm guessing that will be E-Grade, that seems to be the next logical step. 

He could feel a faint tingling sensation, almost impossible to notice, but it was very much there. His body had already begun to evolve, he would have to get used to that sensation, but in all likelihood, he would simply adapt to that feeling anyways. I've wasted enough time, I may have kickstarted the evolution process, but it's going to be a long time before my powers start to manifest. Let's continue editing for now.

He continued editing the blog he was working on that day, he couldn't wait to see the effects of his increased work efficiency. Now that he thought about it though, his typing speed had definitely increased a little bit during the last few days. It was almost imperceptible at first, but now he noticed it. Dan knew that his typing speed was around 80 WPM on average, he brought up a typing speed test site, and started.

Dan realised that his typing speed, as well as his accuracy had definitely increased. After completing the test a few times he seemed to be averaging at around 83 WPM, this was a definite improvement! This is perfect, I guess that the passive side to my Adaption & Evolution process was already in effect without me realising it, in the future, I may be able to do this kind of work for multiple clients per day. No, I will be able to do that in the relatively near future, there's no "may" about it!

Dan smiled once more, it seemed that his more boring life was finally starting to lighten up!

Second chapter done!