
UCM: Tony Stark

A wandering soul, mysteriously replacing Tony Stark at the start of Iron Man, shoulders the responsibility of becoming a hero in a new world. Instead of following the conventional path, they question why a talented individual would risk battles when there are security forces. Determined to change the game, they use advanced knowledge to create technology that will transform Earth. The goal is to render traditional heroes unnecessary by taking global protection to another level, allowing everyone to work for them.

rdsellinsert · ภาพยนตร์
8 Chs

Chapter 2 Teseracto

Tony Stark 2

A month passed, and a new group of lawyers created Extremis Corp, grabbing the world's attention when it was registered as the majority owner. Although he wasn't the CEO, he was the one directing all of its actions and had established all the company's rules...

"Sir, the security capsules are ready for administering Extremis Super," reported Jarvis, who had over fifty copies circulating in both labs and no longer needed to make more.

"This is a bad idea," Maya said, taking a step back.

They were in the biological laboratory, and the two-and-a-half-meter-tall, one-meter-wide capsules were designed to prevent the initial overheating from damaging the lab's components. He and Maya also wore carbon-based material suits, which would withstand the heat to a greater extent than any steel suit.

"Go ahead," Tony said, unfazed, and being confident in his own work, he entered the capsule. Maya, who was mostly for show, hurried into the second capsule.


The transformation process was painful and lasted an hour, but they were unconscious and felt nothing, so they emerged from the capsules, looking at each other, impressed by their changes. Extremis, in its full version, had made them look like people in their early thirties, with skin as smooth as a baby's and a nearly complete overhaul of their bodies.

"Your appearance changed impressively," Tony praised, looking at the beauty beside him.

"We both did," Maya said with a smile.

"Do you think so? I don't see any difference in myself," Tony said. Maya rolled her eyes because he had even grown a few centimeters.


With Extremis in his hands, Tony took the day to hire security, going to the veterans' shelter pointed out by Happy and offering jobs to all.

Tony hired more than two hundred security guards because the employment contract he offered, in addition to double pay, included a platinum health insurance policy that covered any accidents for employees and their families, and even old age was on the list. Thus, a one-hundred-year-old grandfather also became one of his employees, awaiting his Extremis Super treatment, which would begin the next day at his mansion, as Jarvis was preparing the capsules at that moment.

To ensure his employees' trust, Tony gave them a one-month advance payment, and since he was Tony Stark, known to be an eccentric millionaire but not a mad villain, there were not many doubts about whether he would keep his word.


"Mr. Stark, Mr. Nick Fury has contacted and requests to speak with you as soon as possible," Jarvis said when he returned to his mansion at noon. Tony nodded.

"Call him and tell him that if he has already obtained what I asked for, I will see him at my mansion. He can bring Coulson, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow with him, but no other agents or anyone else from S.H.I.E.L.D. If he hasn't finished, he should keep working. I'm too busy to chat at the moment," Tony said.

"I will convey your message," Jarvis said.

A couple of hours later, Nick Fury showed up at his house, accompanied by the three agents he had mentioned. Tony allowed them to keep their weapons, but everything else was confiscated at the entrance by his security gates, which forced them to leave all electronic devices outside before letting them in.

Now, Nick Fury was sitting across from him in his main living room, with his three agents standing behind him, looking threatening.

Tony ignored him and reviewed the file they had passed to Jarvis before entering, who examined it and transferred it to his personal tablet.

"Locked away for life in a secret prison. That's good. It would be better if you could retrieve your company shares for me, as I had given them to him as a gesture of trust, but he betrayed that," Tony said. Nick understood the warning.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. takes care of its own; your father was one of our founders, I suppose you should already know that," Nick Fury said. Tony smirked contemptuously and handed him his laptop. nick Fury reviewed the file opened by him and looked at it with his agents.

"This is impossible!" Nick Fury declared. He and his agents looked equally alarmed.

"Do you refer to the fact that at least half of S.H.I.E.L.D., including your top boss Alexander Pierce, are members of Hydra, or that you have been so blind not to see it and foolish enough to believe that there would be no consequences for recruiting Hydra members into your ranks?" Tony asked. Nick Fury clenched his teeth.

"This is not…"

"My parents were killed by Hydra, by the so-called Winter Soldier, also known as Bucky, a former ally of Captain America. The attacks in Sokovia were also carried out by Hydra because they have one of their main bases and leaders there.

The person you have locked up is just bait placed for you because Hydra, which is infiltrated among you, wants the weapons I promised for their own use and has placed breadcrumbs and faked an entire investigation, and you haven't realized it because you are their puppets," Tony concluded coldly. "Now, we can work together to get rid of Hydra, or I can expose all the information I have and will gather in the future to destroy both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra," he added.

Nick Fury didn't rush to respond. He took his time to review the limited information he had provided, from his memories of another world. However, investigating all these things would undoubtedly expose Hydra, especially to Dr. Arnim Zola, who had information on all Hydra agents.

"If all of this is true, and we confront Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. would be destroyed with it," Nick Fury said. And that was true because half of S.H.I.E.L.D. was Hydra, and by facing them, it was evident that it would be a war with many casualties, and in the end, they would also fall. Tony nodded.

"Jarvis, go ahead," Tony said, and Jarvis, wearing the Mark 2, entered the room. "This is a combat suit with flight capability, with a maximum speed of Mach 2, rapid-fire repulsors, precision machine guns, guided missiles, and armor capable of withstanding a tank's shot.

In terms of mobility, it is standard for a soldier carrying their equipment. On the other hand, this is the compact design for civilian tasks; the war model is more flashy. Its only weakness so far is its power source because I need more research in this area and special materials, of which I do not have," Tony concluded.

"You want the Tesseract," grumbled Fury. Tony nodded without denying it.

"Of course, this isn't the only thing I offer in exchange for allowing me to study it to create a lasting power source for these armors," Tony said, pointing to the laptop. "Open the Extremis Super file; the password is Jarvis," Tony said.

Fury did as he was told and raised an eyebrow.

"This seems sufficient for us," said Nick Fury. Tony smiled.

"If you don't hand over that cube, you can forget about any collaboration," Tony warned, understanding their intentions.

"This is blackmail!" complained Coulson.

"No, it's a scam, but a scam on your part towards me because I'm giving you super weapons, but you're just taking advantage and not giving anything in return," Tony said, raising an eyebrow to see if any of them objected. But none of them were as audacious, as they had already botched things with Obadiah, letting his accomplices escape, who were the entire Hydra base in Sokovia.

"You must return it," Fury said. "I will report your entire research," he added. Tony frowned.

"You will have armors with a rechargeable power source and hours, if not days, of power, as well as more super soldiers than loyal agents in your corrupt organization. Don't ask for more than that, and we have a deal," Tony replied. "Oh, and I will definitely return your cube; it's not something I'm interested in," Tony said honestly, as he wanted the Infinity Stone, not the casing where it was hidden. Surely, he would have to break it, but he already had an idea to create a convincing replica.

"If Hydra is infiltrated into S.H.I.E.L.D., they won't want us to hand over the Tesseract," Fury said.

"They will when you hand them a file with the capabilities of the armor and the Extremis in its regular version for a cure and eternal youth treatment for their boss and tell him to make the decision to hand over the Tesseract to make a battery," Tony said. "Just like before, they will undoubtedly be willing to take risks to gain power," Tony said.

"You seem to trust your plans a lot, Mr. Stark, but we're not the only ones making mistakes," Fury scolded. "Your assassination plan for Killian was quite foolish; an inspection of his plane and there were enough pieces of evidence to lock him up," Fury said, revealing what he thought was his winning card against him. Tony smiled.

"Killian was a terrorist planning to use an unstable version of Extremis on humans, causing their deaths and that of many innocents around him. The reason I got my hands dirty with him is that I knew involving you would expose Extremis to Hydra. And if you were snooping around his murder, you should have investigated him and his future preparations as well. In any case, I did your job, and it was extremely unpleasant, so I would appreciate it if you didn't mention it anymore," Tony warned.

"Killian could have been arrested and imprisoned," said Hawkeye.

"And he would use the information about Extremis to negotiate his freedom with Hydra," Tony replied. "As I said before, I got my hands dirty because of you," he added.

Nick Fury looked at him for several seconds and then got up to leave, not before requesting a copy of the armor and Extremis file.

Three days later, the Tesseract was in his lab. Tony smiled when he held it and it didn't cause any damage. Then, he thought about moving to the other side of the lab and disappeared, only to reappear in the place he had in mind.

Maya, who was in her own lab, ran to look at him in amazement as he transported between both labs.

"What is that thing?" Maya asked in astonishment.

"Something worth studying," Tony said because the Tesseract could offer him more than just the ability to move through space-time.

It was also responsible for Carol Danvers' powers, turning her body into a kind of human arc reactor. Of course, that transformation process was something he wouldn't have access to without an in-depth study of the jewel's power.

As for needing it to create power sources, he already had the Mark 2 arc reactor; he didn't need more power for the current armors. His only interest in the Tesseract was the Space Gem, for which he planned to create a less conspicuous container than this enormous contraption that Odin had made for it.

"But that will have to wait; we have a presentation to make," Tony said, placing the Tesseract on a pedestal, beside which two Jarvis droids, wearing Iron Man armors, stood guard.

Tony adjusted his tie and suit and looked at Maya, who was wearing an evening gown. He extended his arm, and both of them left the laboratory.

"Boss, the perimeter is clear," said a man in his apparent thirties, somewhat portly but with a straight and firm demeanor, wearing a suit and tie. Beside him was another man with a statue-like body, both appearing to be in their thirties, but one of them was ninety years old, and the other sixty. It was Jack Bruner, the manager of the veterans' shelter, and one of his subordinates, a soldier who had lost both legs in the Vietnam War.

"Go ahead, then," Tony said, and he opened the door to the armored limousine to get in.

Maya was guided to the other side, and Jack opened the door for her, while Frank watched over the parking lot, where three more security guards, also war veterans, who were now Extremis super soldiers, with a very generous salary and platinum health insurance for their families, including access to any regular Extremis version.

"Alan says the place is packed up to two blocks away from the hotel," Jack reported from the passenger seat in the front while Frank drove.

Tony nodded, as there were already rumors that his new company would present a product that would shock the entire world, and with his fame, the event was filled with scientific personalities and international media, as well as political figures, because they would receive significant benefits from this corporation.

After half an hour of clear streets, thanks to his political contacts, his limousine, escorted by four other cars filled with security guards posing as Extremis Corp security personnel, arrived at the five-star hotel where the presentation of Extremis in all its variants would take place.

Upon arrival, a group of journalists approached him, but Tony was not fond of the media and only greeted them politely without stopping to chat as the old Tony used to do.

At the presentation reception, they were greeted by a guide and more of his new guards, responsible for the venue's security. A few of them were recent veterans, but most had been older and out of shape and would take at least a year to regain their physical fitness.

Tony and Maya were guided to the hotel's presentation hall, which was a large theater with three tiers of private boxes and a spacious presentation platform. All the presenters and the company's CEO, a beautiful woman with a sculpted body, long black hair, and blue eyes named Alice, who was actually a sixty-year-old lawyer, were already there to welcome them. They sat together at a table behind the company's presenters, a male and a female professional presenter.

Maya and Tony were seated at the back, under the large screen where information would be displayed, one on each side of Alice.

The company's presentation began immediately, making it clear that Extremis Corp was a separate company from Stark Industries, although it was mostly owned by him, and both companies would have a close relationship in the field of health.

The company's presentation lasted half an hour, and then silence fell as both presenters warned their audience that, as impressive as the product shown might be, all questions would only be answered at the end of the presentation.

Thus began an hour-long presentation about the origin of Extremis, its creator, and a brief description of how it worked and what it was capable of, before moving on to the different versions that would be available to the general public.

There were four versions: one for regenerating limbs, another for regenerating organs, one for injuries like fractures or severe cuts, and the last, a version for rejuvenating a person by up to ten years.

People were stunned, but the presentation was not over yet, and the presenters ignored the questions to move on to the risks and safety section, leaving the audience in shock as they realized that the name Extremis was no coincidence, and this product was a literal bomb that required extreme safety measures for its use.

When the presentation ended, questions poured in from all directions. The presenters first addressed the political questions, assuring government support for this project and mentioning the benefits it would bring to the country. Then came the scientific questions in the field of biology and chemistry, answered by Dr. Maya Hansen, and finally, the safety concerns were addressed by Tony.

"Mr. Tony Stark, you've already told us that the capsule is designed to control temperature and ensure that the stabilizing second dose is injected in time without accidents. However, accidents will always happen, and despite pre-checks, there will always be the possibility that the treatment capsule breaks down during the dose administration process.

"When this happens, what will prevent the person inside the capsule from ending up like the rats we've seen before in the presentation, nothing more than a pile of ashes?" asked a reporter.

Tony didn't overlook how the reporter escalated from a supposed accident to a full-blown catastrophe that would turn someone into ashes. Since everyone there was a professional, his ill intention was evident, although that didn't make his question any less important, just malicious.

Tony looked at his CEO, and she nodded without any concealment, noting the journalist's name for banning from their meetings and taking the appropriate legal measures with his agency.

The journalist, a man In his forties, tensed in preparation for an argument, but Tony ignored him and looked at the rest of the crowd.

"This is an entirely unprofessional way to ask a question, but that doesn't diminish its importance because it's a matter of great significance, and as such, it has already been anticipated," Tony stated. "In the 'supposed case'" – he emphasized – "that a failure occurs with the treatment capsule, because accidents will always happen, a second independent injection mechanism within the same capsule will be activated.

"There's also a third separate mechanism, which means the same capsule has three completely independent treatment administration mechanisms. In the nearly impossible event that these three independent mechanisms fail simultaneously, there will always be a dose prepared by available medical personnel for manual injection.

"In case these four mechanisms fail simultaneously, there are other mechanisms that cannot be revealed for security reasons." In reality, there were four more. "So, in case everything fails, a murder or terrorism investigation should be conducted," Tony concluded with a neutral tone, and the crowd blinked.

At the end of the questions, an estimate was made for the time it would take to approve treatment with Extremis, with a minimum period of three years and a maximum period of five years.

"Mr. Stark, may I ask one more question?" asked a curvaceous reporter with a suggestive smile. Tony had no intention of wasting his time with women these days, but a blonde always had her charms, and he nodded, even though the meeting had ended.

"Mr. Stark, your appearance has changed, and some people have noticed that you are taller and seem younger. Have you used Extremis?" the woman asked, and everyone fell silent.

"That's interesting, but I must say you're mistaken; I've always looked this good. However, like any self-respecting scientist, if I develop a dangerous cure, it's my privilege to test it first. Although I didn't notice any difference when using Extremis, so my partner underwent a dose to get convincing results," Tony explained seriously. Maya rolled her eyes, and the crowd laughed.

After the presentation, Tony went straight back home because the star who developed Extremis was Maya; he only took care of making sure things didn't blow up. As for legal or administrative matters, his CEO already had clear instructions and a direct line to him in case of a difficult situation.

For all of this, Tony returned to his mansion to work with, in his opinion, the second most versatile and useful Infinity Stone after the Reality Stone, of course. But he didn't consider it so because of the ability to move through space to any place in the universe in seconds, as that was a power useful only to the lazy and the slothful. He was lazy and slothful in his old life, and he remained lazy and slothful in this one, but in this life, he also had a super brain capable of thinking of a better use for the Space Stone than simply moving himself around the universe. It wasn't about moving planets, suns, or galaxies, which didn't mean it was impossible, but if he were to exercise such power, he would undoubtedly die because his body couldn't withstand it.

No, what Tony planned to do and the most broken use one could make of the Space Stone was ironically at the micro level, using an infinitesimal part of its universal power to move the particles that composed matter, and literally reorganize their components to turn simple plastic into Vibranium or, if you wanted to stick to the lore, lead into gold.

Of course, using this power wasn't as simple as touching a piece of plastic, thinking it should turn into Vibranium, and it was done. To use this power, he had to desire to move the particles and exert power over them, just as he would if he were to move any other object. It wasn't about thinking about moving people from Africa to the United States to make it a reality; if he intended to do something like that, he had to exercise the power of the Stone over each of those people and then determine a destination.

In this way, he had to do it at a molecular level to change the structure of an atom, and the first thing to consider was that he couldn't see atoms. There was also the little matter that messing with matter could destabilize its atoms and disintegrate half a planet, but that wasn't important. What was important was the process and the tools he would need.

The Issue of seeing atoms was partially solved with the Space Stone, which subconsciously gave him control over the matter in his hands because when he transported with the Stone, he didn't need to think about the clothes he was wearing or the position in which he wanted to appear or if he would collide with a wall… no details. He just had to know where the matter was going, and the Stone would take care of the rest.

Similarly, if he knew an atom, its parts, structure, and the number of them, and the particles that composed them in theory, he could achieve his goal.

Since the Stone would handle the first problem, another problem arose, and that was that again, he couldn't know at a glance how many atoms there were in a random piece of matter, as even if it were a very pure substance, there would always be impurities and random things that a human, no matter how intelligent, could never calculate…

Well, there was the Mind Stone, and the Reality Stone could tamper with anything without the need for complicated plans, but he wouldn't have them for a few more years, and there was always the possibility that they wouldn't fall into his hands. With this in mind, he needed external help, and there was no better help for this than a supercomputer and a superscanner.

Could he build something like that? His armors weren't even available on the most advanced planets in this universe, and he had an Infinity Stone, which, while he couldn't use it to change the structure of an atom for the time being, he could use it for construction at a microscopic level. As long as he could see it, he could move it and rearrange it; he just had to practice.

He also needed to create a new interface for the Stone that could always stay with him, so he had a tremendous amount of work ahead of him. Fortunately, he had skilled labor, with robotic precision and computer-like efficiency, and dozens of hands to help create whatever was needed.

This versatile worker was Jarvis, who, in and of itself, and the more terminals he created, the more he resembled a super server.

Note: The first Stone is in the hands of the main character, and with his intelligence, this is about to get out of control, as in this fic, all its potential will be used.

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