
Two faced Wife's three faced Husband

Annelle Xian, the president an CEO of "Xin Capital", one of the most notable women of country A. Although she is an adoptive daughter of one of the most prominent family of the capital but she is now at the highest point only based on her own struggle and hard work. She is the cold and stunning beauty who thousands admires but no one could get close to. A woman who men could only watch from a far. The ice queen only a few people dare to approach. But is she really like this or this is just a facade? -Hubby! Carry me to the kitchen. I want to eat some hot chocolate. -Sure wifey. -Husband! I'm cold. Come and coddle with me. Warm me up! -Wifey, are you sure you just want to coddle? There are other ways to warm ourselves up, you know? -You always think about naughty stuff. That's for night exercise. We will leave that for later. Now I want you to spoil me. You said you'll spoil me forever, didn't you? -Yes my wife. Adrian Shen, to the outside world he is the most prestigious and wealthy man. The chairman of "Integridy International". In home, he is a doting husband, a good son and a great life partner. But perhaps there is something hidden behind everything that no body knows? Something can nobody could ever thought of. -Hubby? I feel like you are hiding something from me. What is it? Time to find out what's behind those masks.

XeeNoxx · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

The pestering Bestfriend

When they were just about leave the studio they heard a loud screech sound of a car. When at the way where the sound came from, they saw Qin Ling running out of the car and coming towards their direction. Qin ling stopped in front of Annelle Xian, grabbed her shoulder and shook her like crazy saying-

-What's the hell is wrong with you? Can't you at least let be at peace for a moment? Why the hell you suddenly go announcing about your in public in front of whole country A? And xiao Mei you could have at least stop her.

Jin mei who was currently surprised at the scene before her could not help but innocently shook her head.

-Miss Ling, I did not know that president was planning on doing that. If I had known it earlier, I would at least try to remind her or call you.

-Okey Mei stop. And you calm down Ling. There is nothing to be worry about. I only just said the truth. You know I'm married and I have a husband.

-Truth my ass! Let me tell you this, if I really find out that the old man Xian really sell you off to some fat old man then first I'm gonna make hole is his stomach and kick his balls then I'm gonna torture that old man Xian in hell even though he is dead. I'm certain he did some shady deal in name of your marriage but he said what! He had a marriage agreement for you. Huph!!

-Well he did took me in from the orphanage and give me food and shelter so this is the least I could do as his last words.

-No no no. You don't understand An. You speak of that husband of yours. Do you know who he is? Have you seen him? Or have you ever talked to him at least once? You didn't. You have your whole life in front of you. So what the old man was at his last breath you could have reject it and after his death no one could say anything to you.

-You know very well that I can't do that. He was my grandfather after all.

Annelle gave a sideway glance.

-Grandfather only in name. Every socialites in city Q know that you're foster daughter of the Xian family and the Xians do not care about you. Tell me this, did the old man treat you as a proper grand daughter even for once?

-Ling sop it.

She was always like this. If something concern her no matter big or small she will be the first to jump in. The best friend of hers is one of the few people in the world that genuinely cared for her.

-Okey I'll stop. But at least tell me why you said those things about your marriage.

When Annelle did not say anything and started walking towards the car she continued

-Let me guess, the bastard of the song family was pestering you again?

-Yes, he was sending flowers everyday to presidents office. He even went in front of the apartment building yesterday night. Although the security guard didn't let him in he still created problems.

It was Jin mei who answered this time.