

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · ไซไฟ
16 Chs


Extremely stunned, seth was unable to take a single step after seeing the outcome of coming to Grace's house.

"Did she help me out and bring me here to get intimate with me"

"To use me for her own satisfaction"

"Was this her plan all along, taking advantage of me"

"Taking advantage of my helplessness"

Grace: Hey, what's up with you.

He was deeply in thought that he didn't realize grace had gotten out of the shower a long time ago, although she was still naked.

Noticing this, Seth lowered his head down so he wouldn't make eye contact with grace or see her body.

Seth: Ms Grace, why aren't you putting on your clothes.

Hearing this, Grace smiled and went straight to the couch and sat.

Grace: what, have you never seen a woman's body before.

Seth stood still and kept quiet, he didn't have the slightest idea of how to answer Grace's question.

Grace then stood up and walked straight to Seth with a very seductive cat walk.

Grace: Touch it.

His heart pumped at a faster rate as he heard Grace's words.

Grace: you've never touched one before so grab a boob.

Grace said with a very calm voice as she brings her burst towards Seth who still remained quiet since she asked him a question. Seth was filled with intense pressure and couldn't understand what was going on but he summoned the courage to speak up.

Seth: why are you doing this all of a sudden.

Grace: isn't it obvious, I want you to have sex with me.

Tears began to gather, as he felt he had been fooled once again.

Grace: Didn't you say, you'll pay me back, didn't you say you wouldn't accept anything given to you for free, now I'm asking you to pay me back by having sex with me.

Seth: But we already agreed that I'll pay you back by getting a job and giving you back the money.

He responded back with tears in his eyes as he couldn't understand why he fell for the trap in the first place.

Grace then began to move round Seth and touched his body as she speaks to his ears.

Grace: I don't want that anymore, what I want now is for you to have sex with me, if you can't do that then give me those packages I bought for you and return to the slum I picked you from.

Shock gripped Seth's body as he heard this, he let his tears flow out of his eyes as he couldn't hold them back anymore, regret filled his mind and his body became dull, this isn't the same Grace he met hours ago, she has become a totally different person, it truly was a bad idea to trust a stranger.

With his head lowered, he found courage once again to speak up.

Seth: I won't do such things with you, It tarnishes your image as a woman and also wrongful to myself if I do that so I won't.

Grace: Then you've chosen to leave those packages and move back to the streets.

Seth felt silent after hearing this, he honestly didn't want to return back to street and go hungry and homeless once again. Grace noticed this silence and took advantage of the moment.

Grace: your silence tells me you want to stay so I'll ask you one last time, have sex with me Seth.

And she moved her face towards Seth and kissed him, leaning and squeezing her body onto him. Seth was filled with sadness as his impression towards Grace has shifted to the negative side but he managed to push her away from him and yelled.

Seth: I will not accept this, never in my life will I.


A voice then spoke to Seth has he stood still and left his eyes wide Open after hearing this voice.


he felt his body was beginning to take control over his movement.

Seth: Please No, not her.


Seth: No, I beg you, please let her go


Grace: You passed the test.

Hearing this made Seth shift focus to grace as he was completely dumbfounded.

Grace: once again you blacked out on me, you're free to stay and can keep your things too.

Confusion enveloped Seth immediately, he couldn't bring himself to understand Grace's actions towards him as he watched her picked her clothes and got dressed.

Grace: why are you still standing, your room's is at the second floor by the left, hurry up and go to bed.

Seth: what...what just happened.

Grace: what just happened, oh that.

She smiled.

Grace: it was a test, Seth, I was testing the kind of person you are and if I could trust you.

with shock in his eyes, he spoke up.

Seth: if you could... trust me.

Grace: yes, if I could tru...


Seth landed a very heavy hand on Grace's face as he yelled.

Seth: is that what you call a test...why would you do that, am I a toy that you can just play with whenever and however you li....

And Seth felt a warm hug from Grace as she drew him closer to her tightly.

Grace: you are not a toy, just from spending time with you, I've come to understand you a little. You're Grieving from something aren't you ?, you find it hard to fully trust people because of something that happened to you, right ?.

Grace: We're the same Seth, I've been torn apart by the past that I find it hard to trust people. Through that, I've come to realize that you get people to do whatever you want them to when you get them things they so desire and they don't even think twice about it, they just say yes; those kind of people could sell you out, backstab you and leave you to rut in hell; hence, the test you went through.

With a tearful expression, seth kept silent as he listens to grace words and calm heartbeat coming from her chest since he was that close to grace.

Grace: But you Seth, you're different, after getting things that'll change your life, you stayed true to your words, chose to keep yourself composed and threw away things you long desired. That my friend is virtuousness. A person I can trust.

Grace: I know I've gone astray and did things just to test you, but please find it in your heart to forgive me, I have truly offended you.

She gripped Seth tightly with warm hands and Seth fell into tears and began to cry loudly that his voice echoed within the building.

After a while Seth was completely calm and this prompted grace to speak to him.

Grace: wipe those tears, you need your strength for tomorrow, remember we're gonna get you a Job and i don't think It'll be easy since you don't even know what.....

Her words were completely cut short by the snore that came from sleeping Seth on her arms. Shocked to find out how fast Seth sleeps, She smiled and layed Seth properly on her body so he could sleep comfortably.

Grace: I'm sorry I had to put you through that stunt, sleep well dear, you need all the rest you can get.