

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

The Babysitter


Awakened by the sound, Nathan picked up his phone and answered the incoming call.

Jade: Get your freaking ass up and come over to HQ now.

And then she hung up immediately without waiting for a response from Nathan.

Nathan: Waking me up from a very beautiful sleep, tchhh, I almost had that hooker.

He stood up from his bed and walked straight to the bathroom to have his bath and clean himself up. After five minutes, he was done and came out of the bathroom. He went straight to the clothes laid out by the bedside. He was prepared to pick them up.

Keith: You're wasting too much time, you know that.

Nathan jumped back in fear, as he never expected someone to be present in his room at this time. He saw Keith sitting at the corner of the room with his arms and legs crossed.

Nathan: When and how the fuck did you get into the room?

Keith: You left your window open, you piece of shit.

He then stared at his window and remembered he snuck into his room through the window to avoid any confrontation with the babysitter that takes care of his daughter. He stared back at Keith and yelled.

Nathan: That doesn't give you the fucking right to come in without permission. Get the fuck out.

Then they both heard a loud voice from outside the room; it was his daughter's babysitter.

Anna: Who the heck is that upstairs?

Upon hearing this, Nathan began to freak out and was searching for a place to hide. Anna was a very strict lady who liked to discipline people a lot, and she was the best friend of Nathan's deceased wife.

Nathan: Ahh, where do we hide, Keith? I suggest we leave at onc....

He was about to give a suggestion on how he and Keith should take their leave before Anna comes in, but he turned to find out Keith was no longer in the room; he had already left without him through the window.

Nathan: Keith, you son of a....


Anna barged into the room with a very angry expression while breathing heavily like a dog after finishing a race. She entered and saw Nathan trying to escape through the window.

Anna: Don't you dare move an inch.

Caught red-handed, he helplessly left the window and returned to the room to comfort and settle things with Anna.

Anna: Where the hell were you last night?

Nathan: I was her....

He received a heavy knock on his head that caused him to fall flat on the ground.

Anna: Don't you lie to me, dumbass. I was here in this room from 6 pm to 11 pm. You came home late again, didn't you?

Nathan: Eiiiiii, that hurt, goddamn it. Yes, I came home late. And so what?

She looked straight at Nathan with anger and disgust in her eyes. If it was possible to kill this man, she would have done so a long time ago.

Anna: Tch, you're a pain in the ass, you know that.

Nathan: Of course, anals are always painfu...

He immediately received an even bigger knock right on the skull by Anna, who became more angered by Nathan's words.

Anna: I wasn't talking about that, you pervert.

Nathan: Haiiii yaaa, would you quit it, you damn bitch?

Anna: The heck did you say?

At this time, a six-year-old girl with blonde hair walked into the room. It was Nathan's daughter, Hailey. She saw the argument going on between her dad and Anna and became a little sad.

Hailey: Ms. Anna, why are you beating Papa again?

And they both realized Hailey was in the room with them, so they calmly stopped their argument, and Anna went straight to Hailey to speak to her calmly with a smile.

Anna: Papa did something silly; I'm scolding him so he won't do it again.

Hailey: What did Papa do this time?

Anna: He... he.....

Anna didn't know how to reply, so she kept silent after a while. Keith, noticing this, walked straight to Hailey and lifted her.

Nathan: Don't worry about me, Lollipop; it's just a little misunderstanding, yeah?

Hailey: Papa, are you sure?

Nathan: Of course, I am. I'll tell you what; why don't we get pizza for the three of us right now?

Upon hearing this, Hailey became happy and energetic; she was so happy she jumped down from her father's arms and began to dance.

Hailey: Will we really get pizza today?

Nathan: Yeah, sure; why don't you go downstairs and order up?

The joyful little girl ran downstairs and dialed the pizza shop, but Nathan and Anna remained upstairs. Anna was not happy with Nathan at all, so she had a very disgusted frown on her face.

Anna: You don't deserve to be her father if you keep going like this.

Nathan: You don't get to say that, and I'm still her father nevertheless.

Anna: Then freaking act like one.

And she angrily left, leaving Nathan alone in his room. Indeed, he hasn't been a very close father to his daughter for the past six years, mainly because he was busy saving lives or at the club toying with girls.

Ever since his wife died, everything about him changed drastically.

The day his wife died was the same day Hailey was born and also the same day he got his abilities. The death of his wife broke him deeply, although he usually told people she died during childbirth, but deep down, he knew it wasn't because of that but because of the tragic incident that happened 6 years ago.


The doorbell rings.

Nathan: Wow, that was fast; guess the pizza shop really upgraded their assets.

Then he walked out of his room to join Anna and Hailey, who were downstairs, though Anna was now in the kitchen.

Hailey was more happy when she heard the doorbell, so she rushed towards the door and opened it, but she was surprised by who she saw.

Anna: Hailey, who's at the door?

After not getting any response from Hailey, she walked out of the kitchen and went straight to the door, where she saw Anna standing still.

Anna: Why didn't you answer the question?

She turned to look at who was at the door and then she also became shocked and stood still.

Nathan, who was still coming down the stairs, remembered he needs his bank card to pay the delivery guy but left his bank card in his room.

Nathan: Ha, shit, left the card on the bed.

And then he turned back to get the card from his room. Although he has the ability to transfer cash without the need for a bank card, he doesn't want to do that to attract attention.

A few seconds later, he got to his room and walked to his bed to pick up his bank card, and then he left the room and went downstairs after doing that.

Nathan: Alright, I'm here.

He came downstairs but didn't find anyone there; this made him confused.

Nathan: Where did they go all of a sudden?

As he was talking to himself, he then saw that his front door was open with no one at the front door, so he went to check it out.

He got outside but didn't find anyone, then he called out.

Nathan: Hailey... Anna, where are you?

Nobody answered his calls, so he became more confused and thought to himself.

_Maybe they're trying to get back at me for coming home late._

Nathan: Alright, guys, if this is about me coming late, I'm deeply sorry about it. Now, can you please come out?

Still, nobody replied to him.

Then he began to walk about in the neighborhood, calling their names for a response.

Nathan: These girls sure know how to play tricks on me. I guess Anna really wanted me to spend more time with them...Alright, fine, it's hide and seek.

He walked about calling their names, but no one answered still. On his search to find the girls, he unexpectedly collided with a man carrying a big box. This collision made the man drop the box.

Nathan: I'm sorry about that; let me help you with it.

"No, it's fine. There's no need to do that; it's my fault for not looking ahead."

Nathan: I messed this up for you, so I'll help you carry it back.

"There's no need for that; I..."

Before the man could finish his sentence, Nathan had already lifted the half-broken box.

Nathan: Alright then, where are we taking this to?

At this moment, the man was nervous and sweating heavily.

"Alright then, just drop it there, beside that black HXD truck."

Nathan looked at the truck and wondered.

_Why would a man with a box need an HXD truck?_

_How did he even get his hands on one of these?_

HXD trucks are armored soundproof trucks used by tech companies to transport valuable goods securely.

_Oh well, maybe he's working for a company or so._

Seconds later, they arrived at the black HXD truck, and Nathan dropped the box.

Nathan: Here you go; here's the money for the box.

"Alright, thank you so much."

Nathan: Glad I could help.

Then Nathan left the man's presence while the man carried the box into the truck and started the engine.

Nathan, walking back to his house, brought out his phone and tried to dial Anna's number, but it was ringing, and no one was picking up. He tried again five more times. After that, he gave up.

Nathan: Alright, this isn't funny. Where the heck are they?

Suddenly, the black HXD truck drove by Nathan, and he quickly recognized it and smiled.

Nathan: Guess I caused a lot of trouble for him while looking for the girls.

Then suddenly, something caught his eyes, and he decided to look closer.

Nathan: Huh, why does that look like...


A heavy heartbeat came from Nathan's chest. It was Anna looking through the rear window of the HXD truck with a seal around her mouth to keep her from screaming.

Nathan: ANNNAAAAAAAA!!!!!!