
Twisted : Veil of Shadows

In the midst of an enchanting life, Damien and Serra savored every moment of anticipation as they awaited the arrival of their first child. The loving support of their parents and Damien's unwavering care made Serra's pregnancy a truly joyous journey. Their days were filled with laughter and excitement, and the future seemed to hold nothing but happiness. However, their world took a dark and unexpected turn when they stumbled upon the lifeless body of Serra's dear friend—concealed within an ominous gift box. The shocking discovery shattered their peaceful existence, and a sinister chain of events was set in motion, revealing the hidden shadows that had been lurking in the corners of their lives. Amidst this turmoil, Isabella, Damien's mysterious ex-fiancée, resurfaced after years of unexplained absence. Her sudden reappearance brought chaos and uncertainty, as she seemed determined to reclaim Damien for herself. The once idyllic life that Damien and Serra had built was now under threat, and their love and trust were put to the test. Will they have the strength to unravel the truth behind the deaths of Serra’s loved ones ? Who will emerge unscathed as the story reaches its climax ? How will the riveting odyssey of Damien and Serra ultimately unfold ? Will the truth bring redemption and healing, or will it crush every glimmer of hope they hold dear ? Dive into the pages of ‘Twisted’ as secrets are unearthed and the entanglement of love and obsession is revealed.

unfacedhuman · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Enhancement

Amidst the serene outskirts of the bustling city of Astoria, where nature and modernity harmoniously intertwined, a majestic architectural marvel stood, exuding elegance and luxury. As if emerging from the very heart of the enchanting landscape, the grand estate boasted a seamless blend of contemporary design and timeless beauty. Nestled amidst lush greenery, the sprawling grounds were a breathtaking sight to behold, with towering trees swaying gently in the breeze and vibrant flora painting a kaleidoscope of colors.

The estate's immaculate facade featured sleek lines and floor-to-ceiling glass windows that offered sweeping views of the surrounding natural splendor. Inside, every detail was meticulously crafted, reflecting an opulent yet welcoming atmosphere. Lavish furnishings adorned spacious rooms, inviting guests to sink into sumptuous comfort and revel in the fusion of modern aesthetics and classic charm.

As daylight gracefully danced through the foliage, dappling the estate in a warm embrace, it created an ever-changing canvas of light and shadows, enhancing the ethereal ambiance. And when dusk descended, the estate came alive with a magical glow, as soft illumination graced its contours, hinting at the secrets that lay within.

The secluded ambiance of the surrounding forest provided a tranquil haven, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, time seemed to slow down, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the serene symphony of nature's melody. With the songs of birds and the rustling of leaves as their soundtrack, guests would find respite from the fast-paced urban life, rejuvenating their spirits in this oasis of tranquility.

Within the walls of this opulent house lived a man named Damien Montgomery—an imposing figure whose presence demanded reverence. Towering above the crowd, his six-foot-three frame seemed to touch the heavens, a manifestation of his unwavering authority and power. With each step he took, his confident stride resonated with a quiet assurance, the echoes of which seemed to ripple through the air, drawing others to him like moths to a flame.

Damien possessed a captivating allure that left a lasting impression on all who encountered him. His features were meticulously sculpted, exuding a rugged attractiveness that drew admiring glances. With a chiseled jawline and impeccably groomed beard, he exuded both strength and sophistication, a striking balance of rugged masculinity and refined elegance.

However, it was his piercing brown eyes that held an irresistible charm. Like molten chocolate, they seemed to hold a universe of emotions, capable of unraveling the depths of one's soul with just a glance. Those who had the fortune—or misfortune—of meeting his gaze found themselves entranced, as if falling into an enigmatic abyss that held both allure and uncertainty.

Beyond his striking appearance, Damien's impeccable taste extended to his attire. He approached life with a keen eye for detail, leaving no room for imperfection. From the sharp lines of his jaw to the precise folds of his tailored suits, every element seemed carefully curated, a reflection of the precision with which he navigated the world. Each stitch and crease bore witness to the meticulousness he applied to every aspect of his existence.

As the master of this grand estate, he navigated its opulent halls with an air of grace that was both captivating and intimidating. The finely furnished rooms and exquisite art adorning the walls were a testament to his refined taste and appreciation for the finer things in life. Each corner of the house seemed to whisper secrets of its own as if inviting those who dared to venture closer to unlock the mysteries they held.

Damien's calm and collected demeanor became his trademark as the CEO of a renowned corporation. Regardless of the challenges that came his way, he remained a pillar of composure, his actions guided by a strategic mind that rarely faltered. The chaos of the business world seemed to part in his presence, revealing a path paved with calculated decisions and unwavering determination. But beneath this formidable exterior, there existed a side of him that only one person had the privilege to witness—the woman who had captured his heart, his wife, Serra Montgomery.

Their love story unfolded like a contemporary romance that dared to defy societal norms, set in the serene haven they carefully crafted for themselves. The first time Damien's eyes met Serra's during a fortuitous encounter in the bustling city, his heart leaped in unexpected exhilaration. There she stood, a mesmerizing vision of ethereal beauty, her radiant presence casting a luminous glow that could rival even the sun breaking through a canopy of trees. Her cascading tresses flowed like a waterfall of silk, gracefully framing her face adorned with flawless skin that shimmered like moonlight on a tranquil night. And her eyes, oh, her eyes ! They held a depth that seemed to carry the wisdom of ancient times, captivating all who had the privilege of meeting her gaze.

With every passing moment, Damien found himself irresistibly drawn into the orbit of Serra's spellbinding presence. Her lips, soft and subtly pout, carried the allure of thrilling adventure and passionate escapades, akin to the delightful taste of ripe cherries on a warm summer's day. Her every feature seemed carefully orchestrated, culminating in a symphony of beauty that appeared as if it were a living masterpiece of artistry.

Yet, beneath this mesmerizing exterior, there was a gentle quietness that added an air of mystery to Serra's allure. Her presence held an enigmatic depth that lingered in the hearts of all who encountered her, leaving them yearning for more, even after she had left the room. Damien couldn't resist the magnetic pull, and as their paths continued to intertwine, the intricacies of their love story began to unfurl with the enchantment and intrigue of a timeless tale.

Their love had blossomed unexpectedly, like wildflowers in the hidden corners of their luxurious estate. Fate had led them together, and they embraced the authenticity of their connection, forging a bond that was built on genuine understanding and acceptance. As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Damien and Serra discovered the many layers of their love, like uncovering the treasures of their private sanctuary. In the privacy of their modern haven, they shared intimate moments that unveiled the vulnerability in each other's hearts. Damien's once-piercing gaze softened whenever he looked upon Serra, revealing a tenderness that was reserved solely for her—a tenderness that could melt away the pressures of the world and allow their love to bloom freely.

Together, they reveled in the joys of their enchanting home, creating memories that would last a lifetime. They laughed under the starry skies, walked hand in hand through the lush gardens, and danced in the moonlight filtering through the trees. Within a year, their love had grown into a flourishing garden of affection, where love bloomed in every corner of their hearts. And then, amidst their profound connection, a joyous secret surfaced—a testament to the depth of their affection and the strength of their bond. Serra was now five months pregnant, a new chapter in their love story, as their secluded estate prepared to welcome a new life into its embrace.

As the seasons changed in their forest sanctuary, Damien's tender care for Serra knew no bounds. He cherished every moment with her, his once unyielding demeanor giving way to a gentleness that only she could inspire. He lovingly placed his hand on her growing belly, feeling the life within, and marveled at the miracle of their love personified.

It became a beautiful testament to the life blossoming within her as Serra's bump grew larger. Visible to anyone with two eyes and a brain, she wore her pregnancy with pride and contentment. While some women might fret over the inevitable weight gain that accompanies motherhood, Serra embraced it with a sense of profound acceptance and joy. Each inch of her expanding belly held a promise of the new life she carried, a little bundle of happiness waiting to grace the world with their presence.

The weight gain was not a burden but a natural part of the miraculous journey she embarked upon. As her body transformed, so did her heart, swelling with love and anticipation for the precious soul growing inside her. It was a journey of love and connection, and she relished every moment of it. With a tender touch, she would gently cradle her baby bump as she rested on the sofa, feeling the tiny flutters that reassured her of the life she nurtured.

The bond between mother and child was already profound, and as she held her pregnant belly, she imagined the tender moments to come—the first kick, the first hiccups, and the warmth of those tiny arms wrapped around her. It was a blissful feeling, a connection so profound that it made everything else fade into insignificance. In those quiet moments on the sofa, she marveled at the miracle of life, her hand gently caressing her belly, as if to whisper words of love and assurance to the precious soul nestled inside. It truly was a blissful feeling. It was their baby.

Throughout her pregnancy, Serra's joy knew no bounds as she eagerly anticipated the arrival of their bundle of joy. Every milestone was met with excitement, and she took great care to ensure a healthy journey for her unborn child. The doctor's appointments were reassuring, and all signs pointed to a smooth and uneventful pregnancy. Unlike some expectant mothers, she hadn't experienced any overwhelming or unusual cravings. Serra had always been conscious of her diet, steering clear of excessive sugars and processed foods. But recently, a delightful shift had occurred, piquing her interest in a particular delight she had seldom enjoyed before—baked goods.

The wafting aroma of freshly baked cookies had become irresistible to Serra, especially those her doting husband never failed to surprise her with. They were a delightful indulgence she had seldom enjoyed before, but now, during her pregnancy, they held a unique allure. With each cookie, warm and inviting, she found herself savoring the flavors that danced on her tongue, awakening a newfound appreciation for the simple pleasure they brought. Currently, Serra found herself nestled comfortably on the plush couch in the living room, her delicate fingers gently caressing the plate of the delectable treats before her.

With the sound of running water fading in the background, Damien stepped out of the steamy shower. His senses were immediately captivated by the alluring aroma of freshly baked cookies that filled the air, infusing the atmosphere with warmth and comfort. The droplets of water cascading down his chiseled chest added to the enticing scene, reflecting the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the open window.

As he ran a towel through his dark, tousled hair, ruffling it into a charming mess, the light scent of cedarwood from his shower gel lingered around him, adding a touch of subtle allure to his presence. With a contented sigh escaping his lips, Damien wrapped the white towel loosely around his neck, his features relaxed and at ease.

Eager to join his beloved wife, Serra, in the living room, Damien stepped forward, his sculpted physique glistening with the remnants of the shower's embrace. The drops of water formed a glistening trail behind him, evidence of the revitalizing experience that had washed away the weariness of the previous day. His piercing brown eyes sparkled with a playful glint, reflecting the delight he felt in the anticipation of sharing a quiet moment with his wife.

Dressed in a simple white t-shirt that hugged his muscular frame, he exuded an effortless charm and confidence that seemed to fill the room. The shirt accentuated his broad shoulders, adding to the appeal of his rugged masculinity. Paired with comfortable sweatpants that hung effortlessly on his trim waist, Damien moved with graceful ease as he padded across the plush carpet toward the living room.

Each stride was a symphony of silent movements, his bare feet sinking into the softness of the carpet, creating a subtle rhythm that mirrored the tranquility of the haven they had created for themselves. The gentle warmth of the afternoon sun cast a golden glow on the living room, infusing the space with a serene ambiance. As Damien approached the living room, the enchanting scent of freshly baked cookies grew stronger, drawing him nearer to the source of the irresistible aroma. He knew exactly what awaited him—the delightful sight of his pregnant wife, Serra, sitting comfortably on the sofa.

Damien couldn't stifle the swell of emotion in his chest as he entered the living room. There in the warm, inviting space, his beloved Serra sat, her beauty literally taking his breath away. Her glistening tresses hung loose and wild down her back, an alluring sight contrasted by the large sweater she wore, one of his favourites. The fabric cocooned her petite frame perfectly, adding a delicate softness to her already resplendent features. Her cheeks were full and rosy, radiating the elation and anticipation of the moment—for she was expecting their first child. One hand was carefully cradling her belly, while the other had dipped into the bag of homemade cookies he had bought especially for her. As she slowly indulged in one more bite of the scrumptious treat, her eyes sparkled with joy and a content smile appeared on her lips. It was a mesmerizing sight for Damien, and he could only stand in awe at the magical, radiant presence of his wife.

Damien approached her, his footsteps silent on the carpeted floor as his heart filled to the brim with love and adoration for his beloved Serra. Unable to resist the temptation, he leaned down and gently pressed a tender kiss on her rosy, round cheek. Tasting the sweetness of the cookies lingering on her lips, he felt a delightful shiver course through her. His pulse quickened with anticipation, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering with excitement, sending ripples of warmth coursing through her veins. Serra's eyes, twinkling with love and mirth, met his and a soft blush crept up her cheeks transforming her into a picture of pure beauty. A mischievous grin spread across Damien's face as he cupped her face tenderly within his hands, his gaze traveling appreciatively over her. His touch was gentle, as though he were afraid he might break her. The adoration Damien harbored for his wife could no longer be contained and his eyes sparkled with love and playfulness.

"I see you've discovered my little surprise," he whispered in his deep, velvety voice, his words reverberating through the room. His strong presence filled the air as the scent of his musky cologne enveloped Serra in a warm embrace. A giggle escaped Serra's lips as she set down the half-eaten cookie and looked up at her husband, her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, but her eyes sparkled with affection. "Oh, I couldn't help myself," she confessed, her voice honeyed and melodious. "These cookies are just too good to resist." With a warm smile gracing his lips, Damien settled down beside her on the cozy sofa, his hand finding hers in a tender gesture of affection.

He ran the tip of his finger along her soft, rosy cheek with tenderness in his touch "Well, you know I can never resist you, especially when you look so adorable enjoying those cookies," he whispered, a soft expression in his eyes. Serra couldn't help but giggle at his sweet words, feeling the warmth of his affection enveloping her. She glanced down at the oversized sweater she had borrowed from him, its comforting warmth wrapping around her like a tender embrace. At that moment, she felt a deep sense of belonging, a sanctuary within her husband's love.

"I guess I might have eaten quite a few," she confessed, biting her lower lip nervously, a glimmer of guilt dancing in her eyes. A tender smile graced Damien's lips as he gently placed his hand on her round, burgeoning belly. "My love, you're eating for two now," he murmured softly, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "And I must say, you're the most beautiful and radiant mother-to-be, I've ever laid my eyes upon."

It's true, although her figure had changed with the growing life within her, he found her allure only heightened. The way her pregnancy had transformed her body fascinated him, making him fall deeper in love with her. Her curves had become more pronounced, a testament to the miracle of life flourishing within her. Each day, he marveled at the way her belly swelled, an exquisite reminder of the little one they were eagerly awaiting. As he placed his hand on her belly, he could feel the gentle kicks and movements of their unborn child. It was a sensation that filled him with wonder and joy, knowing that he was connected to this precious life in the most intimate way.

She blushed under his adoring gaze, feeling a mix of vulnerability and pride in her changing form. In that moment, she couldn't help but marvel at the incredible partner Damien was. His unwavering support, love, and attentiveness during her pregnancy filled her with profound gratitude. As they sat together on the plush couch, Damien and Serra's fingers naturally found each other, intertwining in a perfect fit. The touch of their hands was a tender expression of unspoken emotions, a silent exchange that conveyed more than words ever could. Serra's grip on Damien's hand tightened ever so slightly, a subtle gesture of gratitude that traveled through the touch of their fingers. Damien's eyes softened, acknowledging the unspoken 'thank you' conveyed by her gentle touch. It was a gesture that conveyed the depth of their connection, a language only they could understand.

After a few moments of peaceful silence, with Serra still savoring her cookies, Damien gently broke the tranquility with his tender question, "Ready to head to your parent's place ?" His arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace, and his hand lovingly cradled her growing belly, providing both comfort and reassurance to his wife and their unborn child. His voice carried a blend of excitement and care, a genuine desire to ensure her comfort and well-being during their visit.

"Yes," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of excitement and anticipation. "I'm looking forward to seeing them." The suggestion to stay with her parents had been made just a month ago, during a heartfelt dinner shared amongst the loving family. Gathered around a table adorned with delicious dishes, laughter filled the room, each anecdote weaving a tapestry of cherished memories. In that blissful moment, amidst the joyous atmosphere, Serra's mother, Elizabeth, her eyes brimming with both love and concern, had expressed her heartfelt wish for her daughter to stay with them during her pregnancy until the time of her delivery.

Elizabeth's motherly instincts were fueled by unconditional love, a desire to nurture and protect her precious child as she embarked on this extraordinary journey of motherhood. Serra's father, Eldric, a pillar of unwavering support, had readily joined in, his eyes glowing with eagerness as he offered up an outpouring of love and assistance. "It would be wonderful to have you here, Serra," he had said, his voice radiating warmth and affection. The decision had been met with unanimous agreement, a choice made after thoughtful discussions and the understanding that this temporary retreat into the bosom of her family would be a source of comfort and stability during such a transformative time.

As Serra reflected on that heartfelt moment, she felt a wave of gratitude and comfort envelop her. Her parents' home had always been a sanctuary, a haven of security and solace, and the thought of returning to familiar surroundings brought a sense of peace to her restless heart. She knew that her journey to motherhood would be filled with its share of challenges and uncertainties, but surrounded by the unconditional love of her family, those obstacles seemed manageable.

On that enchanting afternoon, just as the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting golden rays that filtered through the lush green foliage, Serra could feel her heart racing with anticipation. It was a moment she had been eagerly awaiting for days. With their suitcases and bags meticulously arranged and packed away in the car, Serra couldn't help but smile, her hazel eyes shimmering with excitement. She settled into the passenger seat, her delicate frame hugged by a sweet maternity dress that accentuated her radiant glow. As she nestled against a soft pillow, a soothing cocoon for her growing belly, she draped her favorite blanket over her legs. The familiar warmth and familiarity it brought were sources of solace in a world that seemed to spin with uncertainty.

Beside her, Damien exuded an aura of quiet resilience, his strong hands confidently gripping the steering wheel. His eyes met Serra's, a tender glance that spoke volumes. He had poured his heart and soul into preparing for this journey, ensuring that every necessary item was accounted for. He had carefully packed a large tote bag, brimming with all her personal necessities to ensure her comfort throughout the trip. Within it lay her cherished water bottle, always by her side to quench her thirst as her body nurtured their little one. And nestled next to the bottle were her favorite cookies as he knew that her cravings, as unpredictable as they were, could strike at any moment, and he made sure to accommodate her whims.

As the engine rumbled to life, the car started to pull away from their familiar surroundings, embarking on a path that would lead them back to the embrace of family and familiarity. The road stretched out before them, lined with tall, swaying trees, their leaves whispering in the wind as if bidding them farewell and wishing them well. Serra's mind danced with thoughts of her parents and the comforting presence they exuded. The loving care they had provided her throughout her life was about to be extended to her own growing family. It was a privilege she cherished deeply, knowing that the support and guidance her mother would offer during these crucial months would be invaluable.

Serra closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped by the soothing motion of the car and the gentle hum of the engine. A gentle smile played upon her lips as she envisioned the coming days—the precious moments with her parents, lingering conversations about motherhood, and the undeniable joy that would soon fill their lives. As the sleek black car glided along the meandering mountain roads, Damien's intense focus never wavered from the path ahead. Deep determination glimmered in his piercing eyes, a testament to his unwavering commitment to protect and guide his beloved Serra through any obstacles they might encounter on their journey.

With each passing mile, his broad, powerful shoulders seemed to exude an aura of strength and safeguarding, like an impenetrable fortress ready to shield Serra from any hardships or challenges that lay ahead. The way his hands firmly grasped the steering wheel reflected a confidence born from years of experience and a profound understanding of the responsibility he held as their designated driver. Yet, amidst the resolute determination, Damien couldn't help stealing a moment to steal a longing glance at Serra. His heart swelled with a mixture of love and admiration as he beheld the woman beside him. A soft smile played upon his chiseled, handsome face—a smile that radiated tenderness, affection, and a deep sense of care for the person he held most dear. "Beautiful."

In a beautiful display of vulnerability and connection, Damien's large and powerful hand gently traversed the small distance between them, seeking the solace of Serra's delicate fingers. Their hands intertwined, fingers interlacing in a tender embrace as if to intertwine their souls and pledge unbreakable solidarity to each other.

As they pulled up to Serra's childhood home, a sense of anticipation and excitement filled the air, almost tangible in its intensity. Their eyes were instantly captivated by the familiar grandeur of the house once they stepped out of the car. Serra gently cradled her pregnant belly, her hands instinctively protecting the precious life growing within. Damien, ever the attentive and caring partner, carefully led her towards the front door with a reassuring touch.

The two-story Victorian-style house stood tall amidst a beautifully manicured garden, bursting with vibrant flowers and lush greenery and Serra couldn't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and awe. This place, her parent's home, held so many treasured memories from her childhood. The scent of blooming roses filled the air, conjuring memories of carefree afternoons spent exploring the vast backyard. The front porch, adorned with delicate potted flowers, led to an ornate wooden door that seemed to beckon them inside. Serra took a moment to soak in the sight, the white paint of the house glistening in the sunlight, while Damien stood beside her, his hand securely resting on the small of her back.

With a gentle push, Elizabeth, Serra's mother, swung the door open, revealing a lavishly decorated foyer. She's wearing a lavender dress that complemented her graceful demeanor. Her eyes sparkled with unrestrained joy, mirroring the love that overflowed from her heart. The air was filled with a fragrance of flowers that permeated the house, wrapping it in a sweet, delicate scent. Soft classical music played in the background, filling the space with a soothing melody. As Elizabeth's eyes met Serra's, they welled up with tears of joy. "Oh, my darling," she whispered, her voice a tender caress.

The two women rushed into each other's arms, their embrace radiating love and an unbreakable bond. Serra's round belly, a testament to the new life growing within, pressed against her mother's, inviting an avalanche of endearing words and maternal whispers. Eldric, Serra's father, stood tall and proud behind Elizabeth, his face etched with paternal happiness that mirrored Elizabeth's joy. "Welcome home, my dear," he said, his voice warm and rich with love. He enveloped Serra and Damien in a bear hug, his strong arms offering a sense of security and the feeling of being truly welcomed.

Abruptly, the melodic voice echoed through the air, catching Serra completely off guard. Her heart quickened, a mix of surprise and excitement swirling within her. The sound held a sense of familiarity, like a cherished melody from her childhood, yet it seemed distant and faint as if it had been hidden away in the corners of her memory. "Serra ?"