
Twisted : Veil of Shadows

In the midst of an enchanting life, Damien and Serra savored every moment of anticipation as they awaited the arrival of their first child. The loving support of their parents and Damien's unwavering care made Serra's pregnancy a truly joyous journey. Their days were filled with laughter and excitement, and the future seemed to hold nothing but happiness. However, their world took a dark and unexpected turn when they stumbled upon the lifeless body of Serra's dear friend—concealed within an ominous gift box. The shocking discovery shattered their peaceful existence, and a sinister chain of events was set in motion, revealing the hidden shadows that had been lurking in the corners of their lives. Amidst this turmoil, Isabella, Damien's mysterious ex-fiancée, resurfaced after years of unexplained absence. Her sudden reappearance brought chaos and uncertainty, as she seemed determined to reclaim Damien for herself. The once idyllic life that Damien and Serra had built was now under threat, and their love and trust were put to the test. Will they have the strength to unravel the truth behind the deaths of Serra’s loved ones ? Who will emerge unscathed as the story reaches its climax ? How will the riveting odyssey of Damien and Serra ultimately unfold ? Will the truth bring redemption and healing, or will it crush every glimmer of hope they hold dear ? Dive into the pages of ‘Twisted’ as secrets are unearthed and the entanglement of love and obsession is revealed.

unfacedhuman · Teen
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2 Chs


As Serra slowly regained consciousness, she felt disoriented and groggy. The world around her seemed hazy, her senses struggling to make sense of her surroundings. Her heart raced, fear and panic washing over her as she frantically searched for answers. Her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself lying in a hospital bed, the stark white walls engulfing her in a sense of sterility. The smell of disinfectant hung in the air, prickling her nose and making her feel even more uneasy. Alone in the room, her mind quickly drifted to thoughts of her unborn twins.

In her haze of confusion, she reached for her swollen belly, her fingers trembling as she desperately sought reassurance. Clutching her abdomen, she let out a shaky sigh of relief as she felt the familiar, comforting weight of her babies. Her heart ached with worry, imagining the worst-case scenarios that plagued her thoughts. Just as her panic began to settle, the memories of the events leading up to her fainting flooded back into her mind. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, crashing against the fragile walls of her emotions.

She remembered the chilling image of her father being stabbed, the sight of him lying unconscious and vulnerable. The shock and fear had overwhelmed her, causing her to lose consciousness. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she feared for her father's life and the safety of her unborn babies. As if on cue, her husband, Damien entered the room. His eyes filled with concern and love as he rushed to her side. Without a word, he carefully reached out to wipe away her tears, his touch gentle and comforting. Silently, he kissed her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment as if channeling his love and strength through the simple act.

Serra clung to him, burying her face in his chest as her sobs shook her delicate frame. Damien held her tightly, wrapping his arms around her as he whispered soothing words into her ear. His presence alone brought a sense of calm to Serra, his warmth enveloping her like a protective shield. At that moment, Serra felt the weight of their shared sorrow and fear, and yet, she also felt the unbreakable bond that held them together. Damien's love for her and their unborn children was a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded them.

As her tears subsided, Serra took a deep breath and mustered the strength to speak. Her voice trembled as she expressed her desperate need to see her father, to be by his side in his time of need. Damien nodded, his gaze filled with empathy and understanding. "You'll see him, I promise," he said softly, his voice carrying a determination that resonated deep within Serra's heart. "But first, let's take care of you and the babies. The doctors are taking good care of your father, and we need to make sure you're in the best possible condition for when you see him."

Serra shook her head, her pleas growing more desperate, her voice choked with sobs as she pleaded to see her father. "P--Please, I need to see my father," she implored, her voice barely audible amidst her grief. Her eyes were swollen from days of crying, her face red from the anguish of losing so many loved ones. The chaos and killing had taken its toll on her, leaving her physically and emotionally drained. But she couldn't bear the thought of losing her father too. He was the only family she had left.

Seeing Damien hesitate to take her to her father, Serra slowly attempted to rise from her bed, her movements feeble and tentative. But before she could gather the strength to stand, Damien's strong, yet gentle grasp held her back, his warm touch comforting her fragile form. "Hey, hey, okay--okay love, let's get you there," he soothingly whispered, his voice calm yet laced with worry. "Let me arrange for a wheelchair." Damien's words were met with a fleeting moment of hesitation from Serra, her tear-stained eyes searched Damien's face for reassurance as her desperate plea lingered in the air, filling the sterile hospital room with palpable tension. Damien's heart sank at the sight of her struggle, witnessing the torment etched across her features. He knew he had to do whatever it took to ease her fears, to be her pillar of strength in this time of darkness.

Without a moment's hesitation, Damien reached for his phone, the cool surface providing a brief distraction from the emotional turmoil swirling within him. He dialed the number for the hospital's main desk, his voice remained resolute and urgent as he identified himself. "Hello ? This is Damien Montgomery," he said, his words flowing like a lifeline. "My wife, Serra Montgomery, is in Room 204. I urgently need a wheelchair to transport her to her father's room."

On the other end of the line, a sympathetic voice acknowledged his request with compassion, promising to send a wheelchair to them without delay. Damien's gratitude was heartfelt as he thanked them, hanging up the phone with a sense of anticipation for the help that was on its way. Turning back to Serra, he approached her with gentleness, his fingers brushing against her tear-streaked cheeks as he tried to wipe away the sadness. His touch was tender, a silent promise that he would be there for her, no matter what lay ahead.

As the minutes ticked by, the sterile hospital corridor seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the arrival of the much-needed wheelchair. Each passing second felt like an eternity for Damien and Serra, their nerves stretched thin with anticipation. Serra's tears continued to fall, her heart heavy with worry and a sense of urgency. Damien wished he had the power to take away her pain and uncertainty, but he knew that sometimes all he could do was be there for her, to offer his support and love. As they waited, he whispered words of comfort, assuring her that they would do whatever it took to ensure her father's well-being.

Finally, the sound of wheels skimming across the polished floor broke the silence, echoing through the hushed corridor like a lifeline of hope. A soft knock on the door followed, and a warm, compassionate smile graced the faces of the hospital staff as they entered the room, wheelchair in tow. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery," the nurse greeted them, her voice gentle and soothing. "I brought the wheelchair as requested. I hope it will make the journey to your father's room more comfortable, Mrs. Montgomery." Serra managed a grateful nod, touched by the nurse's empathy. Damien's eyes met the nurse's, silently conveying his appreciation for her swift response. Slowly, Damien helped Serra into the chair, careful not to jostle her fragile state. He gently fastened the straps to ensure her safety and made sure she was settled comfortably before gently pushing her through the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital.

They passed busy nurses and anxious families, their presence fading into the background as Serra's focus remained solely on reaching her father's room. Each passing second felt like an eternity as they approached the door, the weight of anticipation heavy on Serra's chest. The nurse paused, allowing Serra a moment to collect herself before she gently pushed open the door, revealing the room that held her father's life in its grasp. Serra's heart wrenched as she laid eyes on her father, his frail frame lying still against a crisp white hospital bed. Tubes and monitors protruded from his body, a testament to the battle he was fighting. Her breath caught in her throat, realizing just how close she had come to losing her last remaining family member.

She could see the lingering traces of pain and worry etched into his features, hidden beneath the peaceful veil of sleep. With Damien's steady hand guiding the wheelchair, Serra approached her father's bed, her breath catching in her throat. Fighting back tears, Serra reached out a trembling hand, her fingers gently caressing her father's cheek. Her touch was feather-light, as if afraid to disturb the fragile peace that enveloped him. "Dad, I'm here." Serra's voice choked with tearful whispers as she spoke to him, pouring out her love and reassurance, desperately hoping that he could hear her.

Damien stood back, giving Serra the space she needed to connect with her father. His heart ached for her as he watched the raw vulnerability etched on her face. He knew that this moment, her connection with her father, was crucial for both her emotional well-being and the well-being of their unborn twins. Time stood still as Serra poured her heart out to her father, her words a tender lullaby, coaxing him back to consciousness. With each passing moment, hope flickered in her eyes, a light that both strengthened her resolve and spread through the room.

And then, as if in response to Serra's unwavering love, her father's eyelids fluttered open. He blinked the sleep from his eyes, confusion giving way to a flicker of recognition. A weak smile quivered across his lips as his eyes found Serra's tear-streaked face, his voice raspy yet filled with love, "Serra, my sweet girl." For the briefest of moments, time seemed to stand still as Serra and her father locked eyes. In that intimate exchange, words were unnecessary. The unspoken language of love passed between them, transcending the boundaries of illness and uncertainty. The hospital room faded into the background, and they found solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from the unbreakable bond they shared.

As the weight of their circumstances momentarily lifted, an overwhelming sense of unity and resilience enveloped them. Serra's father managed a faint smile, his eyes brimming with pride and affection for his daughter. It was a bittersweet moment—a reunion amidst adversity that held a tender promise of hope and determination. After a few precious moments together, Serra's strength began to wane. The taxing emotions and physical toll of the journey took their toll on her fragile body. The nurse, understanding the need for balance in such fragile situations, gently suggested that it was time for her to return to her own room.

Reluctantly, Serra kissed her father's cheek, their connection lingering like a lingering embrace. She let go of his hand, promising to return soon, her voice steady despite the emotions churning inside her. Damien stood by her side, offering quiet support as he helped her back into the wheelchair. She let go of his hand, promising to return soon, her voice quivering as she started to cry again. The emotions that had been held at bay during their brief reunion now surged forth, overwhelming her with a mix of love, fear, and longing. Despite her efforts to remain strong, the weight of the situation proved too much to bear at that moment.

Damien stood by her side, a pillar of support as he gently wiped away her tears, his heart breaking for the pain she was enduring. He understood the immense bond between Serra and her father, and he knew that this separation was as difficult for her father as it was for her. "Your father needs some rest," Damien whispered softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "And it's crucial that you take care of yourself too." Serra nodded, finding comfort in Damien's unwavering presence. She longed to stay by her father's side indefinitely, but she knew that she had to conserve her energy and be strong for him in the days to come. The thought of leaving him behind brought a fresh wave of tears, but she knew that their love would sustain them through this trying time.

With a final lingering look at her father, she turned away, guided by Damien's steady hand as he helped her back into the wheelchair. The nurse who had accompanied them showed genuine compassion, giving her a reassuring smile as they prepared to take her back to her own room. The return journey felt longer than before, every inch of the hospital hallway seeming to stretch before them. Serra held onto Damien's hand, finding solace in the connection they shared. His presence was a source of strength, grounding her amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

As the wheelchair carried her away from her father's room, Serra's gaze remained fixed on his fading figure, her heart heavy with both the joy of the reunion and the weight of uncertainty. When they reached her room, Serra's tears subsided, but the ache in her heart remained. Damien gently helped her out of the wheelchair, his eyes locked with hers in a tender exchange of understanding. With a soft sigh, Serra settled back into her hospital bed, her mind filled with memories of the precious moments shared with her father.

The nurse who had accompanied them during the journey now excused herself, giving Serra and Damien a moment of privacy. As she stepped out of the room, Damien's gratitude shone in his eyes, and he offered a sincere smile. "Thank you for your help," he said softly, his hand gently caressing Serra's silky hair as he spoke. "You made a difficult moment a little easier." The nurse nodded, her own eyes filled with compassion. "It's my pleasure." With that, the nurse quietly left the room with the wheelchair, leaving Serra and Damien in the embrace of their shared love. Damien returned to Serra's side, sitting on the edge of the bed, his fingers gently wiping away a lingering tear that escaped her eye.

As the weight of exhaustion settled over Serra, Damien gently urged her to rest, assuring her that he would keep a watchful eye on both her and her father. "Close your eyes, my love," he whispered softly, his voice a tender caress. "You need to rest, and I'll be right here." Serra nodded, her hand instinctively resting on her pregnant belly as she settled back into the hospital bed. The twins inside her seemed to sense her fatigue, their tiny movements soothing and reassuring. She felt the gentle flutters and kicks, a comforting reminder of the life growing within her.

As she closed her eyes, her thoughts drifted to both her father and the unborn twins. She sent a silent prayer for her father's recovery and for the health and well-being of her growing babies. A profound sense of gratitude washed over her, knowing that even in the midst of uncertainty, life continued to bloom within her. Soon, sleep embraced her like a soft, warm blanket, pulling her into a realm of dreams and respite. Her hand remained tenderly placed on her pregnant belly as if protecting the precious lives that thrived within.

In the stillness of the hospital room, Damien watched over her with unwavering love, his heart brimming with affection for both Serra and the twins. He knew that the moments of quiet rest were crucial for her well-being and the health of their unborn children. After a few moments, once he was certain she had drifted into a deep slumber, Damien gently placed a tender kiss on Serra's forehead, lingering for a moment to savor the love that flowed between them. He watched her sleeping form for a moment, captivated by her peaceful expression and the softness of her features. The rise and fall of her chest matched the rhythm of her gentle breaths, a reassuring sign that she was deeply immersed in slumber.

With great care, Damien tiptoed towards the door, his every step cautious and deliberate. He knew that Serra needed rest, and he would do everything in his power to ensure she had the peace she deserved. As he closed the door softly behind him, the hushed click echoed in the empty hallway. The hospital corridor seemed quieter than ever, enveloped in a cocoon of serenity as Damien made his way to her father's room.

Upon entering the room, Damien found the older man resting peacefully, his face etched with a lifetime of wisdom and love. He knew the older man was exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and he respected the need for rest. The sight tugged at Damien's heartstrings, evoking memories of the moments they had shared as a family. Sitting by his father-in-law's side, Damien offered a soft smile, his gaze filled with warmth and reassurance. "You've raised an incredible woman," he murmured softly, knowing that his words would be heard only in his heart. "She's strong and resilient, just like you."

His father-in-law's presence held a quiet sense of approval, but Damien's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Serra—her smile, her laughter, and the way she had captured his heart completely. Damien's smile slowly faded as he leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper as he addressed the sleeping figure before him. "Don't worry, father," Damien whispered, his voice filled with determination with an almost possessive protectiveness. "I will take care of your daughter. I promise to be there for her through every moment, just as you have been."