
...So Am I...

Tonight the night...even though I can't see the Blood Moon yet..i can DEFINITELY feel it pulling me. The emense power building up in me and it wants so badly to be let out. But only aith my green gem and at the right timewill i be able to unleash it. But i am scared of that time coming too soon for me.. i feel like i am not ready yet.. but i got to be to protect everyone. Ahnur's words are still ringing in my ears..

" ..when the time comes..you must make a decision..you or her.."

Everyone else didn't have a clue about what he meant, but I think i do. I know i feel something for Jai..and she does for me because she told me..but.. i didn't tell her.. i played it off..and..it hurt her..she ran from me...and..i..didnt go after her until it was too late. I wish i could go back and fix my mistake.

All while this mental thinking of mine was going on, Draco was taking out several things he had collected with Jai. He took out several scales ..a giant serpent fang..a unicorn horn...and a skein of sheep fleece. He tore the fleece into strips...placed the dang on to the horn and tied the fleece around them and made a dagger. The scales were the placed around the horn handle. Seeing this new item.. i realized what Draco made.

It was the 3rd and final Spirit Dagger we needed to complete our mission.