
The Daggers...

Draco completed the third and final dagger. He then mentioned that we needed to gather the daggers from the crane and pawprint boxes..combine them..and use them to finish our mission. "Now once we get back the other daggers..." I said to everyone..but i paused because I knew i was going to be the one to have to use them. "... our enemy will finally fall for good.." I finished half heartily. Because I knew i would either have to use them on one of two possible people..and one of them i really don't want to use them on. But if i have to, i will force myself to do so if it means saving everyone else. I am really terrified about all the possible outcomes of this fight we are about to have. Timing is everything now..

" HEY! ARE WE THERE YET?!" a voice yelled...it was Matthew.. i almost forgot that bear was with us because he doesn't say much at all. Asena told him we were almost to the gates that lead to Satan's lair and to be ready for anything. Matthew nodded his head in agreement and we kept walking onwards.

Just as the gates came into view.. I spotted a previous enemy whom I really wish hadn't come back...


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