

Kendall's POV


Gosh, Mondays were the worst. I mean, I could deal with Tuesdays because I have to get used to college at some point, but that doesn't make me like it in any way no.

I just went to school, had good grades, not the kind that would make lectures notice me, but the kind that was sufficient to get an amazing job. Okay, my marks were amazing, I just didn't like lectures parading them around just because they were good.

I don't like, nor appreciate that kind of attention. Today I was wearing black ripped jeans, black combat boots, a baggy sweater and to top it off, a black beanie. I was feeling good about this day. Mondays may not be bad after all, I thought. But that was until I dripped over the carpet and fell on my face before leaving my room.

Okay, I take it back, I hate Mondays. I came out and met up with Eta who looked like he was ready to take the world in the palm of his hands. He looked like he loved school and I just couldn't understand why.

"I don't get it." I started, as we walked together going downstairs.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You. How are you always this happy to go to school?" I stopped and looked at him while squinting my face.

"I don't know. I just love it I guess." He just shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. I just stood there confused.

Just the thought of school made me cringe. I shook my body as goosebumps had formed, and continued walking. I got to the kitchen and there, breakfast was shinning before me. Egg, bacon, toast, sausages, pancakes, and the list went on really. My mouth watered at the thought of devouring it all. I quickly threw my bag on the side, and quickly sat down and dished for myself, and there, began my journey with food. Eta smiled, placing his bag on the couch, joining in.

"You ready to back to college?" Dad asked, placing his cup on the counter. And no, college wasn't closed. I just took special leave, one week to be exact. The college had become too suffocating for me.

So mom asked for special leave for special therapy by Doctor John. That was last week. And this week just happen to be the first day back. I stopped chewing and I started at my food, slowly putting the fork down.

"I-Uhm," I started to stutter, "I'm not sure," I replied truthfully. My heart rate, slowly increasing. Eta slightly patted my back and I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled back and continued, "But I'm gonna go okay," my heart responding positively to Eta's warm touch, slowly decreasing.

"Good," Mom added. "Now finish that plate of food and head out." She took her bag and head out first. But that wasn't before she gave everyone forehead kisses, dad getting the chef's special, the lip kiss. My mom is a lawyer and a social worker.

She has a firm that she runs outside Sicily. And it wasn't far off since we lived at the border of Sicily which made our drive to college a 20-minute drive. And since Eden's house was a few blocks away, we took our car to get to college, and she left hers. No need to waste petrol when you had friends going the same route. My dad is a cop. My biological one, a thug. Pure out Italian movie mafia guy, who once thought the world of me and mom, until...

Anyways, when we were done, we quickly washed our dishes and headed out. Once in the car, we started, our ride silent. And this wasn't the kind of silence that was comfortable for the both of us and I knew that. Eta wanted to know if I could handle the college stress but didn't want to seem pushy, so as usual, he'd wait for me to start the conversation when I was ready.

"I know you waiting for me to start the conversation but, I don't know how to start it. So rather ask questions." I stated as I looked outside the window. Today Eta was driving, and for the first time, I was glad. I usually loved driving.

"Are you okay to go back?" He asked. He was looking straight forward, but his voice held the sincerity of his pure heart

"I don't know," I whispered enough for him to hear. "I guess I said I was okay because of you." I looked at him this time. He looked at me and smiled.

"Well, you are gonna be okay." He assured me, and took my now trembling hands into his and squeezed them. We stayed like that, Eta holding my hands until we reached Eden-hope's stop.

Talk about a colorful bird.

Today she was wearing a yellow floral dress, white pumps, and had a messy bun. She looked cute. Not your Miss Mabel disaster. She got in, a smile plastered on her face.

"And I missed going to college with you." That was the first thing she said when she got in. I let go of Eta's hand, and turned and looked back at her, smiling.

"Well, I'd be shocked if you didn't." I started playing with her cheeks.

"It was a mess going with Eta." She pulled away and continued. "I swear I was about to lose my mind." I turned around and Eta started the car.

"As if. People started to respect you." Eta defended himself.

"People thought we were dating. It was embarrassing." She continued, and I could picture her squit. I started laughing.

"But he's not that bad." I vouched for him, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you, dear sister." He smiled.

"Oh gosh," Ed muttered under her breathe leaning back, putting her belt on.

"So you ready?" She asked.

"I think so." I tried smiling through the lies that I had uttered. My hands started to betray me again, and my breath started to uneven and I knew an attack was building up.

"Etanam, pull over." I was starting to hyperventilate, and it was getting a bit scary. Even breathing through my mouth wasn't helping. Eta didn't need to be told twice.

He pulled over immediately, got out from his side, and rushed to me on the other side with Eden-Hope. He opened the door, helped me out. I suddenly felt like I could breathe.

I closed my eyes, as Eta held my hands, counting with me. When we got to 30, I was starting to go back to what humans called normal. We finally got back to the car.

"You sure you gonna make it to school?" Eden asked for the millionth time. Her voice was laced with anxiety and fear. But I was feeling better, the episode has gone. And that is what I hated the most. One minute I was at the brink of stability, then boom. Back to the corner of fear, anxiety, and doubt.

And I hate it. I hate all of it.

But I hated Mondays more...
