

Kendall's POV

Sundays were boring. Well, not that boring now that I think about it. Because we woke up, cleaned up the house while mom went to church, us listening, or trying to listen to the church service via zoom, eat while listening, go mini grocery shopping, and then wait for mom, eating junk watching something,-but usually writing down feedback,- thoughts about the Sunday church meeting, knowing that the next day we are going to walk it out like we always do.

And the reason why we did the whole zoom thingie was because of my social anxiety with people. And when I tell you it gets bad, it does. After what happened, I just went under. Social anxiety, panic attacks, depression, low self-esteem, all of it. It crashed me down and trying to get back to God has calmed me down more times than I'd like to admit.

Like the café. I did a little prayer to calm myself down because heck, there were times prayer was the only thing stopping me from connecting the razor with my skin again. So God has had his impact on my life, and I felt it. It's like he was this being that was somehow keeping me stable.

We then go mini shopping for dinner which is always the best. My mom loved cooking for us. And Sundays were her time to shine and do what she did best, cook.

And it was always our Italian favorites, mine being lasagna with extra cheese. I'm all cheese in. Etanam being your all-time favorite, Carbonara. Basically what it is an Italian dish with egg, hard cheese, but sometimes it's anything cheese, cured pork, and black pepper. But you could just say it's spaghetti and meatballs with a twist. That twist being pork instead of meatballs and egg and some additional eish. Call it crazy, but Sundays were our times to shine. Getting away with eating what we wanted.

Today we were going with Etanam's fav though. Mainly because I lost on rock, paper, scissors. But I'm cool with that after Eta lost to washing dishes. And no, we don't have a dishwasher. Mom prefers it old school. So dishcloth, water, and soap are the way. Last week dad lost because somehow I and Eta kept having a draw. Bad idea for him to join us. He lost in the first 3 rounds.

It was bliss for us watching him, eating ice cream sitting on the counter, until all went south.


"I wish I didn't play this dumb game," Dad muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, I'm glad you humored us with your presence. It was very much needed." Eta chimed in, taking a scoop from his blueberry ice cream.

"Ya think?" I smiled looking at him. Dad turned around and looked at the both of us with amusement in his eyes, although he was trying to portray a serious face.

"The both of yall are in for a treat." He turned around, leaving both me and Eta

Confused at what he meant. That was before he turned around with a cup of water and surprised us with an ungodly splash.

We were shaken, to say the least. And that's not the worst part. The worst part was that the water he used was the water he washed the dishes with. Which was dirty and had mini food particles. Some which got to my face, some on my hair, and worse, on my ice cream.

My cookies and cream ice cream had dirty small pieces of chicken from the chicken fettuccine Alfredo with bacon my mom made. I was mad. And when I was mad, I smiled. And my dad knew that. Nobody and I means nobody, messed with my food as still got out of alive. Family or not, there is a limitation of things you play with and I let you be. But food is, and will never be one of them. I slowly removed the dirt that was my hair, and I looked at my ice cream one more time, and I growled and I looked at dad.

And his big smile that was plastered in his face suddenly started falling when he saw me standing up, a smile still plastered on my face. I slowly walked towards him, cracking my knuckles, my smile widening the more I got closer to him. At this point, he was terrified, slowly stepping back. Eta was having the time of his life with the show smiling.

When I got to the sink, I took a bowl that had salad, scooping a chunk of dirty water, walked to him, took the chair that was idlily chilling at the corner of the kitchen, stood on it, and slowly poured it on his head with the biggest smile that my face could muster. At the rate, Etanam was full-on laughing hysterically to a point he almost fell of the chair. Dad, who was now dripping in dirty water, shook himself out and it was war on. I turned back, jumped down the chair like a kid, satisfied, and I hopped walked back to my seat.

Dad, who was now fuming, took a 5l bucket the filled it with the remains of the dirty water, and walked to us while still oblivious to him and poured it on both of us. Shook, we launched for him. I went for the legs, Eta for the upper body. We tackled him to the floor and went for his weakness, tickles. We tickled him till he was in tears and while he was recovering from that, I ran to the waste that was still to be thrown out, and Eta took the bucket and rushed to pour water. While doing that, I added the waste to the bucket and before dad could stand up, we rushed and poured it on him.

Small pieces of rice, bones, lettuce, and everything else ran down on him from head to toe.

"Would you look at that?" I pointed at him, tears from laughter filling my eyes. "It's Mr. Pig, oink oink." At this, Eta just fell, rolling in laughter. When I tried helping him up, I slipped and fell on top of him. Dad laughed at us and it was a hearty moment until my mom came in and realized, we screwed up.

End of flashback.

What can I say, Sundays are indeed the best.
