
Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

Zeus, a 18 year old boy got sent into reincarnation by our ever faithful Truck-kun and wound up being born as Monkey D. Zeus, Monkey D. Luffy's twin brother. This is Twins of the Sea remastered. It's going to be different. I'm not going to delete the original though, so go read it if you want to know what changed. Also this is NOT A HAREM kinda weird right? But Author-sama! I hear you saying If you don't have a Harem it's trash! Actually, that's not true! There's plenty of Harems out there you can read those instead! WOAH! CRAZY! INSANE! NEVER DONE BEFORE! Peace.

Monkey_Godking · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

Condoriano (Fixed)

Zeus woke up with sound of a whistle and looked around. He yawned and looked at the girl bird and man, Chopper heard Zeus and looked up before saying "Kurama! Help!" Zeus looked at Shura before snapping his fingers "Disappear." a huge pillar of red lightning fell from the sky and turned Shura and his bird to dust.

Zeus yawned and landed on the deck, Chopper's eyes popped out of their sockets and he was completely dumbfounded. Zeus chuckled and patted his hat saying "You're really soft, you'd make a good pillow, you know that?" Chopper smiled wryly and Gan Fall appeared on the deck, looking around.

Zeus spoke up "Oh, I took care of the problem. How are you?" Gan Fall nodded and said "Not too bad today. My pumpkins are growing well." Zeus nodded and said "Yeah? How about those.. Can I buy some off you?" Gan Fall nodded and said "100 exol per pumpkin."

Zeus waved and took out 20,000 beli and said "Give me 10 of them." Gan Fall took the money and Zeus added "Keep the change." Gan Fall smiled and left with Pierre. Chopper was confused and said "Pumpkins?" Zeus smiled mysteriously and said "It's a secret!"

A while later

Gan Fall came back with a bunch of pumpkins and the rest of the crew finally arrived at the Merry. Zeus grabbed the pumpkins and Luffy said "Let's have a campfire!" the crew agreed and went on to the dirt.

Zeus set up a table and put the pumpkins on it before borrowing a knife from Sanji. He sat down and cut open the top and pulled it off. Gan Fall, and the rest of the crew looked at Zeus and said "What are you doing?"

Zeus smiled and said "Carving pumpkins! It's Halloween today!" they were still confused and Zeus explained what Halloween was as he cleaned the inside of the pumpkin and carved it. He grabbed a block of wood and lit it on fire before putting it inside the pumpkin and putting the top back on.

He turned it around and showed everyone, they gasped. It was their jolly roger, glowing in the dark. He put it down and waved the knife around like a psycho saying "Who's next?"

Usopp gulped and said "To get carved?!" Zeus felt his eye twitch and he put the knife on the table before walking away with his pumpkin, putting it near the campsite. The rest of the crew and even Gan Fall carved their own, soon enough 8 more pumpkins were glowing next to Zeus'.

Zeus looked at the pumpkins and felt his eye twitch at a few. Robin's pumpkin was a scary spider, Nami's was a Beli sign, Zoro's was just a cut, Gan Fall's was another pumpkin, Usopp's was himself, Sanji's was Nami, Chopper's was a cherry blossom tree, and Luffy's... Well honestly Zeus couldn't tell what it was.

He thought long and hard but still couldn't figure it out, eventually he asked Luffy and got 'It's a piece of meat' as a response. Zeus didn't know where his brother saw this piece of meat, it looked like a rat-spider-monkey-bird hybrid. They all looked at the last pumpkin and then at Zeus, he frowned and said "What." Robin pointed to the pumpkin and said "You didn't carve something about yourself."

Zeus said "I have to carve something about myself?" they all nodded and he grabbed the pumpkin before carving it. After a long time, he turned the pumpkin around and showed the rest.

It was a skull with a kitsune mask on the side of it, a straw hat on the top, one hand, horn, slingshot, and fork sprouting instead of bones, there was a sword in the mouth and a tangerine for the only visible eye along with a star for a nose. He looked at it and smiled it himself, technically it included Brook and Franky too, but they didn't need to know that.

The crew smiled and left the pumpkins there before partying around the campfire. Zeus started to tell scary stories, scaring the daylights out of Usopp "And in the end..." Zeus looked around solemnly "There was no one left in the building. Only a single finger with the words 'Run' spelled out in blood!" he flicked his finger secretly and thunder boomed above them, Usopp was as white as a ghost and nearly fainted at the sounds, even Nami and Chopper jumped.

Zeus smiled slightly and walked away from the fire. He sat on the side and sighed lightly before drinking and watching the crew party themselves. Eventually Nami walked over and sat next to him, she unfurled a map on the table in front of him and said "Want to help?" Zeus smiled and said "Its a part of Jaya that got shot up by the knock-up stream."

Nami smiled and said "You knew?" Zeus smiled and didn't answer, Nami leaned her head on his shoulder and watched the crew, after a moment of silence she said "When?" Zeus sighed and drained his glass before saying "I don't know.." he hesitated before saying "I don't want you to feel like you have to wait. I don't want you to worry if anything happens. You're like a sister to me, I-" Nami cut him off and said "A sister?"

Zeus nodded and said "I like you a lot, you're like a cute little sister. I don't want to make you upset at all but I really can't." he turned to Nami and held her cheeks as he said "Listen, you're amazing and you deserve someone who will treat you right.." he looked into her eyes and sighed "But it's not me. I sleep around, I'm never serious, I have no ambitions, and I can't provide you with what you need."

Nami was silent and looked into Zeus' eyes, she saw the sincere expression and smiled slightly, tears pooled in her eyes and Zeus wiped the tears away as he said "Don't be sad. I will protect you with my life. Even if we're not together, you're still important to me." Nami choked out a laugh and hugged Zeus tightly, Zeus hugged her back and stroked her back softly.

Nami said "Do you promise?" Zeus nodded and said "I promise." Nami smiled and said "Can I hug you to sleep?" Zeus was stunned before smiling wryly and saying "I don't understand you." Nami smiled slightly and kept silent. The night passed by and before anyone knew it, it was already the next day.

Zeus woke up and yawned, he always felt annoyed on Sky Island. It was as if he was here before and something stupid happened. He quickly forgot about it and went on with his day, he separated from the group and flew around on his cloud. He had never seen the complete Sky Island before and maybe he could find some cool stuff!

Naturally he had a few marks on the crew so that he would know if they were in life threatening danger, but he decided to step out of their way this time. They handle it before, they should be able to handle it this time, plus with the training they've been doing and the books he gave them. They should have no problems, plus it was good training!

With that in mind, he explored Skypeia. He flew over every nook and cranny of the island and was amazed. There was so much jungle and a whole mountain area! He landed in the mountain area and looked around, he walked through the mountain ranges and came across a strange shrine.

Zeus was clueless about these new things that were never explored in the anime but still explored, believing that he was completely safe. He walked through the shrine and looked at the pictures on the walls, they displayed a battle against nature.

The pictures quickly developed into a religious belief.

It started with the Sky people landing on the island and fighting for land with the animal inhabitants. Heroes rose and fell during the wars, until the appearance of the aboriginal island residents.

They looked extremely primitive, using dials and spears as weapons for combat. The sky people fought against the aboriginals for centuries until the emergence of the Hero of the Sky people, Theos. The mural continued and showed Theos fighting against a man with a feathered crown, he had clouds surrounding him and it was shown that he could attack with these clouds.

Zeus sucked a breath of cold air and muttered "Cloud fruit!" he continued to watch the life like mural with interest.

Theos confronted the cloud king and challenged him to a life or death battle, after a long fight, Theos became the victor and actually ate the heart of the cloud king! Suddenly the murals changed and showed Theos as the new Cloud King, leading the Sky People to eradicate the aboriginals and occupy the Sky Island for themselves.

The mural stopped after Theos became the King of the Sky people, and the Cloud Fruit became a religious belief that was lost over time.

Zeus followed the murals until the end and saw an altar with a box on it and a statue behind the box of Theos! He was stunned and opened the box, revealing a white fruit with a cloud-like stem. Zeus was excited and quickly took the box, obviously this guy didn't need it anymore. He looked around at the rest of the shrine before leaving after finding nothing of interest.

He walked out of the shrine and felt a lightning mark flicker, he hopped on his cloud and shot away. What he didn't notice was the shrine collapse on itself after he left, forever burying the history of the Sky people.

Zeus flew over to the crew and saw Enel standing over them with a triumphant expression on his face before he disappeared. Zeus dropped the box with the cloud fruit into his own cloud and landed on the ground lightly. He checked the crew and saw that Nami and Luffy were missing but the rest were fine but injured.

He woke them up one by one and pulled them together before asking what happened. He was stunned by what he heard, apparently, they couldn't touch Enel at all and all their attacks went right through him, except for one of Zoro's slashes that cut Enel but didn't kill him.

Zeus gave Zoro a thumbs up and explained that Enel was probably a Logia like him but he didn't know what element it was. That was the truth, technically Enel shouldn't have any lightning powers, who knows what fruit he ate at this point. He told the crew to stay here and wait while he went to check on the situation, they nodded and began to rest while Zeus flew towards his lightning mark on his cloud.

When Zeus got to Nami he saw Luffy fighting against Enel and actually hitting him. Zeus was confused and wondered what fruit Enel had, it couldn't be lightning could it? The facts proved that it wasn't because occasionally Luffy's attacks would go right through Enel and if Zeus saw right it looked like dirt shot out.

Zeus watched as Luffy fought hard against Enel, just like in the anime until Enel go annoyed and manipulated the ground below him to hit Luffy in the stomach and shoot him off of the ship while encasing his arm in a giant hardened earth ball. Nami jumped off the ship and rode a waver to get Luffy.

Zeus looked at Enel with interest, the Arc Maxim's deck was coated in a dirt layer and there were hundreds of dials on it, though somehow it was still made of gold and Enel still had his gold staff. Zeus shook his head, this Enel guy loved gold for some reason, you'd think he's love dirt because of his fruit but that wasn't the case.

Zeus decided to watch and only interfere is Luffy was about to die, fortunately he didn't have to take any action as Luffy defeated Enel in the same way as the original except this time when he was about to hit Enel, his fist turned pitch black for a moment.

Zeus was excited and clapped when he saw it, this brother of his was a true genius! He was genuinely happy for Luffy as it would make him stronger, though he still had a long way to go and it remains to be seen if he can recreate Armament in the future. Only time will tell.

Enel smashed against the Gold Bell and its sound rang across Sky Island and Jaya. The giant earth ball crumbled and freed Luffy's arm. Zeus was happy that he didn't have to do anything, the last thing he wanted to do was hold Luffy's hand through every battle.

Enel and the Arc Maxim disappeared and Zeus secured his staff for himself before joining the rest of the crew. He twirled the staff in his hands and said "Congratulations! You saved the Sky people!" the crew gave him wry smiles and Luffy laughed happily.

The crew partied with the Sky people until the next morning when they decided to leave after stealing all of the sky people's gold. They were waiting by the ship and Robin walked over with the Sky people and a giant pillar wrapped in paper, hilariously the crew believed it to be a cannon and ran away, Robin followed them with a smile and Zeus walked towards the Sky people and said "I can take that off your hands"

Gan Fall said "This is for the Straw Hats." Zeus chuckled and lifted his mask for Gan Fall to see before he said "I'm their finance manager." Gan Fall was stunned before laughing loudly and giving the pillar to Zeus, who manipulated the gold into squares and sucked them into his cloud before sending it back up and waving good bye to the Skypeians.

Zeus geppo'd over to the group and landed on the deck, they all smiled at his presence and Zeus said "How come you didn't tell them about the gold pillar?" Robin giggled and said "It's more fun this way." Zeus chuckled and the crew said "Gold pillar?"

Robin said "The 'cannon' was actually a pillar of gold from the Skypeians." Nami paled and slumped to the ground weakly, everyone else had embarrassed looks on their faces as Conis led them to Cloud's end.

Zeus walked up to Nami and bent over before whispering in her ear "I took the whole thing" before she could react he had already disappeared to the crow's nest and laid down. Nami had a fervent look in her eye and was about to climb up the main mast to get to Zeus when Conis said "Enjoy the drop!"

The crew said in unison "The drop?" Zeus burst out laughing "Did you think there was a staircase back to the sea?! Shihshishishishishi!" the crew screamed "WHAT?!" and as they screamed, the Merry dropped at an incredible speed towards the blue sea, luckily Conis whistled and an octopus flew over and held the Merry float down back to the blue sea.

Zeus laughed at all their pale faces and sighed lightly, hopefully they wouldn't land in G-5. The only good thing about that place was Condoriano and Jonathan.

Nami climbed up to the crow's nest and said sweetly "Hmmm Kurama, Big Brother~ Where's my gooold?" Zeus got a shiver down his spine and jumped up, he stepped back and said "Well, you see.."

Nami took a step forward and said with her eyes curved to crescents "You weren't.." her voice turned sinister "LYING to me were you?" Zeus started to sweat as he said "No! I didn't but.. You see.. I.. Uhh"

Nami 'smiled' and grabbed his neck, she started shaking him as she snapped "GIVE ME THE FUCKING GOLD!" Zeus was choking and said weakly "But I need it!" Nami screamed "It's my gold! What could you possibly do with it?! You damn bastard! WHERE IS IT?!"

Zeus yelled "It's in the cloud! Help! I'm being domestically abused!" Nami throttled him even harder "WELL BRING IT DOWN!" Zeus almost cried, why does he like this woman?

In the end

He gave her a few cubes and said that the rest would weight the Merry down. He got threatened again and promised to give her a cut when they exchanged it on the next island, after that Nami kissed his cheek and skipped away happily.

Zeus took a breath of relief and shivered "She's worse than Gramps!"

Zeus' prayers were apparently ignored and the Merry landed right in the middle of G-8. He flashed off the ship and cursed as he sat on his cloud and floated down to the front of the HQ building. Zeus muttered in his heart 'Great now I have to deal with more dogs' as he walked into the building.

The marines looked at him with fearful eyes, long knowing about the 'God of Disaster' Kurama. It was said that wherever he goes, destruction follows. First it was the incident on Tyrant's Peak, then the fiasco with the Vice-Admiral's daughter, then the poor aim that took 3 marine battleships straight to the bottom of the sea. The marines decided to stay away from him in the future, Zeus chuckled at their actions and walked to Jonathan's office.

He opened the door and said "You have a visitor, commander!" Jonathan looked up and rubbed his temples "To what do I owe the pleasure, God of destruction?" Zeus chuckled and said "Don't be like that. I just have bad luck!"

Jonathan chuckled and said "The Vice-Admiral's daughter must've taken all of your good luck then?" Zeus laughed and sat down as he said "Hey, she came onto me! I naturally wasn't going let a lady down." he fished out a cigarette and offered one to Jonathan, who lifted his hand and said "The wife doesn't like it."

Zeus nodded and pointed to himself before saying "So..." Jonathan was amused and said "You're fine." Zeus smiled and lit his cigarette before saying "I've been following the Straw Hats! I saw their ship here, do you have them captured or something?"

Jonathan shook his head and said "They actually just fell from the sky into our base." Zeus laughed and said "Fell from the sky? That's absurd!" Jonathan smiled slightly and said "Are you hungry?"

Zeus perked up and said "Starving actually!" then he and Jonathan left his office to go eat at the dining room. They were talking when Luffy came out of the kitchen with a plate of meat balls, Zeus resisted the urge to laugh and kept silent.

Jonathan looked at Luffy, then at the plate of meatballs, then at Zeus and said "Do you want some?" Zeus closed his eyes and waved, suppressing his urges. Jonathan nodded and ate a meatball and said "This is delicious!" and ate with his eyes closed, until he heard the clink of his fork hitting the plate, he opened one eye and looked at the plate, noticing that there were several less meat balls on the plate.

Zeus watched and let out a small 'pfft' Jonathan went for another meat ball only for it to disappear, then another and another, all of them disappearing. He hovered over one before quickly stabbing down, locking the meatball and Luffy's hand down before standing up and saying "I got you!"

Zeus lost it and burst out laughing, he laughed so hard he fell backwards with his chair and hit the ground. Jonathan was amused and cornered Luffy and Sanji, prompting them to run away. Zeus wiped the tears from his eyes and snapped his fingers "Damn! We'll get 'em next time!"

Jonathan rolled his eyes and dragged Zeus through the halls, they came across the famous 'Condoriano' and Jonathan has people lock him up believing him to be one of the Straw Hats. Zeus asked to see who else that captured because he knows them all and Jonathan agreed.

Zeus walked into the brig and saw Usopp and Zoro in a cell along with Inspector Shepard, who was screaming at the marines to let him go because he was the inspector, but they didn't believe it.

Usopp spoke up "Get it a rest. Don't embarrass yourself anymore, Condoriano!" Shepard turned around in bewilderment and said "Condoriano?" Usopp paled and said "You forgot who you were?! No Condoriano!!"

The marines were confused and Zeus stepped out and looked at the three prisoners before saying "That's them. This Condoriano has given me quite the slip in the past! He should be some sort of master of disguise!" The marines all nodded and agreed, Usopp snickered and Shepard snapped "I'm not a master of disguise! I'm Con- Shepard!"

Zeus pointed at him and said "Ha! Even a master slips up sometimes! We have you now Condoriano!" Shepard paled, a little slip of the tongue and he was finished! Zoro stood up and said "Hey Condoriano!"

Shepard turned around and Zoro head butted him saying "You're getting on my nerves." before sitting down. Zeus chuckled slightly and said to the marines "Don't worry about them, their fighting amongst themselves at the moment. Just let them be, take a break or something. I heard chef Jessica is making the whole base lunch!"

The marines were excited and they all left, Zeus chuckled and winked at Zoro and Usopp before leaving.

He went back to Jonathan's office and said "I identified the man as Condoriano. A master of disguise! He must have looked like someone else when I was chasing them, but even his crewmates confirmed it after some prodding." Jonathan nodded and pointed in front of him and said "Here's inspector Shepard." Zeus sat down next to Robin and said "Ah Inspector Shepard! How are you?"

Robin smiled slightly and said "I'm doing great, how are you?" Zeus laughed and said "Vacat- Chasing criminals, you know." Robin giggled and nodded. Jonathan waved and said "Here's what I think." he explained his plans as well as what he thought the Straw Hats would do and Zeus fell asleep but Robin followed along.

Jonathan slapped Zeus awake and said "I might need you." Zeus yawned and said "Really? But I was just having a nice dream abou-" Jonathan chuckled and slapped him again "I don;t need to hear about your dreams kiddo!"

Zeus rubbed the back of his head and saw that Jonathan's hands were black, he muttered "How come everyone who hits me has haki..." Jonathan snickered and said "When I say shoot, you shoot." Zeus nodded and prepped a thunder ball, he got tired of waiting and made a few more before juggling them. Robin was off to the side and clapped.

Zeus smirked and put more thunderballs in when suddenly Jonathan said "Shoot!" Zeus was startled and threw a thunderball, it flew in the air and suddenly curved towards the marines surrounding the crew.

The marines saw the thunder ball and screamed "It's the God of Destruction! Run for your lives!" the whole marine group ran away screaming in fear.

Zeus felt his eye twitch and Jonathan's shoulders were shaking, trying to suppress his laughter. Zeus finally said "What kind of show are you running here Jonny?" Jonathan felt his mouth twitch as he repeated "Jonny?" and black lines appeared on his forehead as he saw Zeus nod.

Jonathan smacked Zeus in the head before saying "It's not my fault they ran! You destroyed 3 marine ships last time!" Zeus said angrily "That was an accident!" Jonathan shook his head and said "Come on, well get them next time." Zeus looked around and Robin had already disappeared in the confusion, he smiled slightly under the mask.

As they walked back to Jonathan's office there was a boom and they both turned to see the Merry sailing away. Jonathan said "They won't be able to leave. The trench will stop them." Zeus and Jonathan watched as Usopp inflated the balloon octopus and flew over the trench to escape, Zeus said to Jonathan "The trench was gonna stop them eh?"

Jonathan's face heated up and he kicked Zeus away saying "Go after them!" Zeus chuckled and waved good bye to Jonathan before flying away on his cloud. Jonathan watched him go with a grin and said to himself "Funny kid." Jessica came behind him and said "I heard from one of the cadets that you haven't been eating my vegetarian meals." Jonathan's face turned completely green.

Zeus flew through the air and followed the Merry before landing on the deck and laughing his ass off "Hahaha Condoriano! Hahahahahah" he patted Usopp's back and said "That was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!" the crew all laughed and the Merry slowly sailed forwards after a little bump.

(Author's Note)

Hope you liked it! A little halloween special! kinda Anyway if youre wondering why skypeia was so fast it's because i hate skypeia! haha, who wouldve thought!?

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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